01-31-2021-Group 3 – 4-Right Conduct-Duty, gratitude, ethics, respect, responsibility, sacrifice-Bhaskar Anant

Teacher: Bhaskar Anant

Attendance: Vaishali Ravi; Gita Ramakrishnan; Annika Prabhu; Sujay Sundar; Shreya Narayan; Ritika Bhattarai; Diya Rajput; Akshatha; Abhishek Shanmugam; keertana Madira; Krish Bhalla;

Value: Right Conduct

Sub-Value: Duty, gratitude, ethics, respect, responsibility, sacrifice

Life Application: Observe how others around you are following or not following Dharma.
They could be your family members, friends, schoolmates or any others.
You can include yourself too – introspection.
Write one or two paragraphs about your observations.
Conclude whether they are compliant with Right conduct / Dharma or not.

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LessonPlan Download: Group 3 – 4 – 01-31-2021


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