05-02-2021-Group 1-Love-Compassion-Deepa Narayanan

Teacher: Deepa Narayanan

Attendance: Trikrisan, Pradhan; Trijeena, Pradhan; Aanya, Kashyap; Sairam, Palicha; Maleeha, Shrestha;Keshav, Moorthy;Asha, Chattoo

Value: Love

Sub-Value: Compassion

Life Application: Group activity:
1. Draw 7 hearts in a sheet of paper and have the kids play the game of tag and have each one pick an act of compassion and write it down inside their hearts. This sheet will be used as their life application sheet to follow for the entire week and offer it at the lotus feet of Swami.
Life Application: Follow along the hearts and connect/color them as you do in action every day and share it with the class next week.

LessonPlan Download: Group 1 – 05-02-2021


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