2012 – SSE Group 2 Lesson Plans

2012 – SSE Group 2 Lesson Plans

Please click on the below dates to access the lesson plan that was facilitated on that day.

Dec 30, 2012 Dec 23, 2012 Dec 16, 2012 Dec 9, 2012
Dec 2, 2012 Nov 25, 2012 Nov 4, 2012 Oct 28, 2012
Oct 21, 2012 Oct 14, 2012 Oct 7, 2012 Sept 30, 2012
Sept 23, 2012 Sept 16, 2012 June 17, 2012 June 10, 2012
June 3, 2012 May 20, 2012 May 13, 2012 April 29, 2012
April 22, 2012 April 15, 2012 April 8, 2012 April 1, 2012
March 25, 2012 March 11, 2012 March 4, 2012 Feb 26, 2012
Feb 19, 2012 Feb 12, 2012 Feb 5, 2012 Jan 29, 2012
Jan 22, 2012 Jan 15, 2012 Jan 8, 2012 Jan 1, 2012
December 30, 2012

Teacher:Laina Prabhu and Radhika Dokku

Attendance: Vishudi, Riya, Aarthika, Diya, Gopal Krishna, Sai Omkar, Tejus, Hruday, Sahit, Julian

Value: Peace/Truth

Sub-value: Self-esteem

Affirmation: “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy.”


“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are” � Malcolm S.Forbes

“Believe in your dreams and they may come true; believe in yourself and they will come true” BABA

Story telling /lesson: Inspiration to reach for your potential

Pre and Post Story Questions

In class activity: Take 5 minutes to think about 3 things that you like about yourself. Then each of you will stand up and tell the class about it.

Life Application: Make a “who am I” collage. Cut words, pictures etc that depict you, your likes dislikes etc. Be prepared to present it next week.

Lesson Plan (Attached)

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December 23, 2012

Teacher:Suhasini Jonnavithula and Chie Fujishima

Attendance: Julian, Arthika, Vishu, Tejus, Diya, Hruday, Sahit and Saiomkar

Value: Love

Subvalues: Compassion, Kindness, Helping service.

Significance of Christmas: Though it is true that Christmas is celebrated as the day of the Birth of Christ into this world, yet it also symbolizes a very deeply significant truth of the spiritual life. Jesus Christ is the very personification of Divinity. He was born at a time when ignorance, superstition, greed, hatred and hypocrisy prevailed upon the land. Purity was forgotten and morality was neglected. In the midst of these conditions, Christ was born and He worked a transformation in the lives of people. He gave a new and a spiritual turn to the lives of man. There came a change upon the land. People started upon a new way of life. Thus a new era dawned for the world. We must remind ourselves that Christmas is the day Divinity is born in our hearts. The symbol of Christmas is the star; a light in the darkness. That light is not outside oneself but shining in the Heaven within. The celebration of Christmas must take the form of awakening to the Light of Eternal Reality.

We discussed the life history of Jesus Christ and saw the similarities with that of our Beloved Sri Sai Baba. The life of Jesus Christ depicts that he is both human as well as God. He has himself gone through the whole of human experience, from the trivial irritations to the worst horrors of pain and humiliation, defeat, despair and death. Jesus is a great religious teacher and a compassionate lover of sinners, a man who strives for peace and one who’s tough on injustice, someone who understand humans better than anyone; the great God who came to us and descended as an Avathar for the upliftment of mankind.

We went over the Miracles and parables of Jesus Christ – Changes water to wine, Cures the centurion’s servant, Heals the paralytic at the pool, Feeds crowd of five thousand, Heals ten lepers, Raises Lazarus from the dead and were able to connect many similar miracles performed by Swami in His divine sojourn on earth.

Teachings of Jesus emphasising on Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Kindness:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”
(Matthew 5.43-45 ESV)

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”
(Matthew 7.12 ESV)

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22.37-40 ESV)

The underlying principles of both Avathars was LOVE. This is the very purpose of the Descent of Divinity: to transform our hearts and make us realize our formless Divine state. How we realize this purpose depends greatly on our understanding and application of the inner significance of the Divine birth. Understanding gives clarity to our intentions; clarity of intentions lends righteousness to our actions and right actions leads man’s steps back to his source, God.

Activity :

Students decorated a Christmas ornament with Swami’s teaching related to some Jesus Parables and teachings discussed in the class.

Swami’s quotes: “Love All Serve All” “Help ever Hurt never” “God is Love” “Love is God”

Objective: Student will gain knowledge about Swami’s teaching related to Christianity though the art activity .

Life Application: Practice the Christ Principle and teachings and maintain a diary of your experiences..

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December 16, 2012

Teacher: Tanuja Sankar

Attendance: Gopal Krishna, Kabilyan , Aneesh, Sai Omkar, Julian, Diya, Vishudhi, Riya and Arthika

Lesson on Ceiling on Desires. Document Attached . We also saw a slide show(Find attached the power point) and had a discussion on the same.

Also kids were distributed the ceiling on desires spread sheets which kids are suppose to work on everyday. Kindly ask the parents to follow up with this.

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December 9, 2012

Teachers: Vijeya Ayer and Manorama Saxena

Attendance: Vishudhi, Riya, Diya, Gopala krishna, Tejas, Sahit, Julien

Main Value: Love/Non Violence

Sub Value: Seva/Selflessness

Since we are in the month of December/ month of Holidays with Sharing and Caring, we discussed about How to do seva? To whom to do seva?

Students were very active and participated in the class and they listed the seva activities in which our center involved.

Life Application.

Think of one service in which they would do during this “Giving Season”. Write down their experience after that selfless service?

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December 2, 2012

Teacher:Tanuja Sankar and Sailaja Challapalli

Attendance:Riya, Artika, Diya, Gopal Krishna, Julian & Sahit

Tanuja and Sailaja had a wonderful class with the focus right conduct and listening to the inner voice. We has a very fruitful discussion about prioritizing the seva to the other entertaining activities and how the seva can be started at our own house. We also has a activity on expressing their view on how they react in a particular situation where they see helpless and poor person and after discussed about the case study and current event of the compassionate police officer who helped a homeless man in Manhattan by offering him shoes. Kids came up with different opinion and wrote how they would have reacted in particular situation.

Lesson Plan Attached

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November 25, 2012

Teacher:Radhika Dokku

Attendance: Anish, Arthika, Riya, Gopal Krishna, Tejus, Sahit, Omkar, Vishudi, Julian

Value: Truth

Sub-value : Honest

Objective: To encourage to act in a Right way

Prayer: Three Oms, Gayathri and Sai Gayathri

Silent Sitting : Sitting clam and concentrate on counting the numbers 1 to 100 and reverse it.

QUOTATION : “when you practice truth and Righteousness you will be successful in all your endeavors”

Affirmation: “I will try to be honest in all my duties.”

Given some situations related to the following and discussed what is the right way to act

* Need to understand what honest or true conduct is. Honest Conduct means to act in a way that is truthful
* Admitting that you know something when you do.
* Doing a duty or task in the proper manner
* Not taking the praise for something, someone else had done by saying that you had done it
* Not doing anything that would cheat somebody
* keeping a promise
* Not taking the things that are not yours.

Also discussed what provokes them to lie to their parents and how they can slowly cut down .

STORY : King’s Honest Subject

Discussed the story of the Play they did on Swami’s birthday and what exactly they learned from it. Does it come to their mind during any of the situations .

Life Application : To write down how they feel when they are cheating their parents and make an attempt to confess.

Closing Prayers : Learnt the Bhajan :Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma

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November 4, 2012

Teacher:Sankar Rasputra

Attendance:Aneesh, Omkar, Hruday, Gopal Krishna, Saahit, Julian, Tejas, Vishudhi, Diya, Artika

Value: Love

Sub-value: Selflessness

Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To understand that service should be conducted with no expectation of recognition or reward.

Review Life Application from previous lesson.

Quote: “There is no power greater than Love in this world because it is selfless and pure.” – Sai Baba, Sanathana Sarathi 1995, p153.

Affirmation : “I live and serve others with selflessness.”

Story of Window with Pre and Post Story Questions about Service.

Life Application:

a. In your seva journal, write down the selfless deeds you performed during the course of this week, Bring to class next week.

b. Clean the bathroom in your house this week without being asked.

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October 28, 2012

Teacher:Sailaja Challapalli and Radhika Dokku

Attendance: Julian, Tejus, Riya, Gopalkrishna, Sahit, Vishudhi

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October 21, 2012

Teacher:Sushama Tangella and Chie Fujishima

Attendance:Diya,Vishudhi,Riya,Arthika,Omkar,Tejus, Gopal,Julian,Sahit

Value: Peace

Subvalue: Faith in God

Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To help strengthen our faith in God.

Materials needed: copies for each student of attached pictures; paper, pencils

1. 3 Oms, 3 Gayatris, Light Meditation

2. Prayer

“The light of God surrounds me
The love of God enfolds me
The power of God protects me
The presence of God watches over me
Wherever I am, God is and all is well.”

3. Review Life Application from previous lesson.

4. Quote

“A person with faith in God can overcome obstacles much more easily than one who has no faith.” – Sai Baba, Teachings of Sri Sathya Baba, p. 100

5. Affirmation

“My faith is like a rock.”

6. Story: “Man with an Umbrella”

Pre-Story Activity

Teacher’s note: Make sure that boys and girls remain separate for this activity.

Exercise in faith: in pairs, one child stands behind the other. The child in back places his/her hands on the other’s back. The front child crosses their arms and leans back slowly without bending knees, knowing that the child in back will hold them and keep them from falling; then stands up straight again. Next, the child in back takes his/her arms off the back of the front child, and the front child again leans back, having faith that he/she will be caught.

Pre-Story Question

1. What is faith?
2. How did you experience faith in this exercise?

Post-Story Questions

a. How did the umbrella man bring rain?
b. Do you believe this could really happen today?
c. Do you identify more with the villagers or the umbrella man?
d. What is something in which you have much faith?

7. Activities

a. Look at the picture (attached) and write five adjectives that might describe the thoughts of the man with the umbrella and another five adjectives for the villagers. How do you think they felt? Circle the adjectives or feelings that you have experienced in your life. Share with others in the class.

b. In the “Rock in the Ocean” picture (attached), write a short description of how you feel it relates to the story? How does it relate to faith? Then share what you wrote with the class.

c. Debate on the “Role of Beliefs in Faith”

Pro: When something doesn’t happen, it means your faith is not strong enough.
Con: When something doesn’t happen, it is because of God’s will and not how much faith you have.

8. Life Application

The rock serves as a metaphor for the strong faith of the umbrella man. What are things that you believe in where your faith is as strong as the rock? What things can weaken or strengthen your faith? Record your thoughts in your journal and be prepared to share with others next week.

10. Closing: Repeat the affirmation and close with the prayer.

Man with an Umbrella

A long time ago, there was a severe drought in certain parts of Ethiopia. One village in particular was caught up right in the middle of this drought belt. The economy of this village was entirely dependent on agricultural produce. Without rains, the villagers faced a bleak future indeed. The extreme heat of the sun had dried up the rivers and the lakes. There was hardly any water left in the wells. The people were really desperate for water. The villagers approached the village pundit (priest) and asked him to organize a prayer-for-rain meeting in the temple. The whole village turned up at this prayer meeting. One man was the last one to arrive at the temple and everybody looked at this man with strange quizzical looks on their faces.. The man was carrying an umbrella and he was the only man who brought his umbrella to this prayer meeting. No villager was ever seen carrying an umbrella outside of the rainy season. To the villagers, it was as strange as seeing a housewife going everyday to the vegetable market dressed in a bride’s outfit! For it seemed unconventional to carry an umbrella when there was not even one rain cloud in the sky.

The prayer meeting commenced and at the end of all the rituals and ceremonies, when people were about to leave the temple, they could not hold back their curiosity about the man and his umbrella. They asked him, “Why are you carrying an umbrella?” To this the man replied, “The Lord will provide. He gives and He takes away. The Lord will surely answer our prayers for rain and I will need the umbrella for the rains.” The villagers laughed him off. Not one of the villagers could appreciate the absolute and sincere faith of the man with the umbrella. The scorching heat of the sun outside the temple was still fresh in their minds. And then��Behold, a miracle took place. As the people were streaming out of the temple door and putting on their shoes, rain clouds appeared in the sky, the gentle breeze gave way to the gusting winds, the pallor of the sky darkened, and thunder and lightning heralded the coming of rains. A sudden downpour opened the eyes of the villagers. Their ridicule of the man with the umbrella changed to amazement, disbelief and they now understood the intense faith of this man. All the villagers agreed that it was the sincere prayer of this one man with his total faith and devotion that the Lord simply had to answer

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October 14, 2012

Teacher:Laina Karthikeyan

Attendance: Divya, Vishudhi, Aarthika, Riya, Gopalkrishna, Tejas, Sahit, Saiomkar

Lesson Plan: – Nutrition


Value: Truth ; Subvalue: Purity

Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To remember to always pray to God before eating and ask Him to purify and bless the food

Reviewed Life Application from previous lesson.

Pre-Story Activity:

Served the children chocolates and observed their behavior. Did not have any further discussions at that point. They were allowed to eat it if they wished.

Story : “The Priest and the Little Girl”

Recited the Brahmaarpanam prayer together and the English translation, and discussed Baba’s quotations and food prayers of various faiths.

Affirmation : “I pray before I eat to purify my food.”

Song- Punya Naam Pavithra Naam

Life Application: Food Chart: Gave the students copies of the food chart for seven days.

On this food chart, told them to write down for one week, what they ate at each meal time, including snacks. In the little box in each square, mark a check if they remembered to pray.

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Oct 7, 2012

Teacher:Vijaya Ayer and Vidya Chandrasekhar

Attendance: Diya, Divya Dommaraju, Aarthika, Vishudhi, Riya, Gopalakrishna, Tejas, Sahit, Sai Omkar, Hruday, Anish

We discussed a sloka from Bhagavad Gita ‘Adveshaa Sarvah Bhootanam’ – How to become a Devotee very close to the Lord? What are the qualities one should have to become very close to Swami? Kids were very interactive and came up with different qualities especially with all Human Values. From there we explained the meaning of that sloka.

Lesson Plan attached

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Sept.30, 2012

Teacher:Tanuja Sankar

Attendance:Aneesh, Sai Omkar, Tejus, Gopal Krishna, Saahit, Riya, Divya, Vishudhi and Diya


Lesson Plan: Attached

Activity: Attached

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Sept 23, 2012

Teacher:Tanuja Sankar and Radhika Dokku

Attendance: Omkar, Sahit, Tejus, Anish, Vishudhi, Diya, Riya and Divya

Lesson Plan: Respect for elders (Attached)

Life Application: kids are asked to maintain a log where they are going to make a chart and every night they are going to note down the situations in the day where they have or have not obeyed, respected and followed suggestions of their parents and their feelings and results of obeying and not obeying. Bring the assignments to next class to discuss next week.

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Sept 16, 2012

Teacher:Vijaya Ayer and Manorama Saxena

Attendance: Diya, Aarthika, Vishudi, Riya, Hruday, Sahit, Sai Omkar, Tejas, Gopala Krishna, Anish

Lesson Plan: We discussed about Swami’s Sarva Dharma Symbols,What are all the religions that relate to that symbol and their significance. How swami says we have to see Unity in Diversity and respect each religions.

Activity : We played a memory game. I made 24 cards (6 religions, for cards for each religion). We made them pairs and each pair was assigned one regions and they have to identify the cards related to their religion. Students were very interactive and participated in the game with full energy. Life Application:

  • Asked them to draw each symbol, write the name of the religion related to that symbol and write a quote from that religion.
  • For six days , six religions.
  • Next week give it to Tanuja Aunty(next week teacher).

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June 17, 2012

Teacher:Vijaya mani Ayer

Attendance:Vishudhi, Riya, Thayany, Sai Omkar, Hruday

We played Trivia on the great epic Ramayana. Students came well prepared and answered all questions.At the end we gave them juice and healthy bar.

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June 10, 2012

Teacher:Tanuja Sankar

Attendance: Sai Omkar,Hruday,Vishudhi,Thayani &Riya

Value: Right Conduct Subvalue: Time Management

Lesson Plan Attached

Time Management Tips

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June 3, 2012

Teacher:Meera Saikumari

Attendance: Sai Vishudhi Chandrasekhar,Thayany Jeyakumaran,SaiOmkar Iyer,Hruday Rajput,Yaathika Challopalli

Value: Love

Subvalue: Devotion

1. 3 Oms,

2. 3 Gayatris,

3. Light Meditation

4. Review Life Application from previous lesson.

5. Quote
“All education, all wealth, all ritualistic worship or penances are of no value without genuine devotion to God.” Baba, Sanathana Sarathi June 1996, p. 151.

6. Affirmation
“My heart is pure.”

4. Song (song was done last)

Love is My form, Truth is my breath

Note: The children chose this song themselves. Based on which group (boys vs. girls) was able to answer most of the questions in class, that group (in this case, the boys) were the bhajan leaders.

7. Stories: How God was Fed”, Hanuman and his devotion for Lord Rama Attached

Since the children knew this story, we had one of them narrate the story and then the rest of the children were able to answer the questions. In addition, the children were guided to tell stories of Hanuman and his devotion for Lord Rama.

Pre-Story Activity

Explain the following: “A pure thought from a pure heart is better than a mantra.”

Post-Story Questions

a) Can you guess what is the primary value of this story? Point out which parts of the story support your idea.
b) What made Sivakumar burst into tears?
c) What made Lord Shiva appear?
d) What is it that Sivakumar’s father could not believe?
e) What was it that changed his father’s mind?
f) Sivakumar’s devotion was deeper than that of his father. Identify parts of the story that showed this.
g) How does one deepen his/her devotion?

8. Activities

The class itself, due to time constraints, was made such that the children would feel engaged from the beginning. The class was split in 2 groups: boys vs. girls. The team that would answer and participate most in class would lead the bhajan for the class. At the end, the children decided to sing “Love is My Form, Truth is My Breath.”

9. Life Application

Since the children were quite familiar with many bhajans, and they loved to sing, they were asked to sing one bhajan every morning when they wake up.

10. Closing: Repeat the affirmation and close with the prayer.

Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi

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May 20, 2012

Teacher:Vijaya Ayer

Attendance: Thayany, Vishudhi,Riya, Hruday,SaiOmkar

Value: Peace

Sub Value: Faith in God.

Swami says “Our Faith in God should be like rock which is always strong and steady”. How to cultivate this Faith? We have discussed about how a person with faith in God can overcome obstacles much more than one who has no faith.we had a mini debate on

Pro: when something doesn’t happen,it means your faith is not strong enough.

Con: When something doesn’t happen,it is because of God’s will and not how much faith you have.

All student participated very well and we all agreed that when something doesn’t happen,it is because of God’s will and not how much faith you have.

Life Application:In the “Rock in the Ocean” picture,the rock serves as a metaphor for the stong faith. What are things that you believe in where your faith is as strong as rock? What things can weaken or strenght your faith? Record your thoughts and share in the next class.

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May 13, 2012

Teacher: Tanuja Sankar

Attendance: Thayani, Vishudhi, Sai Omkar, Hruday

Lesson Plan: Attached

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April 29, 2012

Teacher:Tanuja Sankar

Attendance: Riya, Thayany, Vishuddhi, Hruday, Saiomkar, SaiAmit

Lesson Plan: Attached

Mother’s Day. It was yet another wonderful and blissful class. We made a Flower gift basket and MOTHER banner for Mothers. And the best part was that we decided to carry out the whole project of arts with unison bhajan singing (Mother O Mother Sai Maa�) there by thanking our Mother Sai for everything we have in our lives. (The bhajan was part of our lesson plan). Kids also showed such nice group work and co-operation in sharing the supplies showing their learning in practice.

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April 22, 2012

Teacher: Raji Iyer and Maritza Hernandez

Attendance: Hruday, Thayani, Yaathika, SaiOmkar and Aarthika

Value:Love Subvalue: Devotion

Spiritual Principle( Purpose: Through prayers develop intense love for God

1.We began the class with 3 Oms and 3 Gayatris.

2.We asked the children to close their eyes and feel Swami’s love flow through them as they repeat the prayer after us.

Think through me all day
Feel through me all day
Speak through me all day
Act through me all day
And above all, O Lord, Love and Serve through me all day.

4. Review of last week’s life application.

5.Quote: Devotion has been defined as supreme, single pointed attachment to the Lord. _ SSS 8:18,109;Prashanthi Nilayam,4-8-72

We explained to the children that they can feel Swami throughout the day and during school, any time they are scared or they are ready to take a test, always think of Swami and He’ll be right beside you.

6. Affirmation: I am wholeheartedly devoted to Swami.

7. Pre story Question: Has anyone heard of Sai Geetha? Seen Sai Geetha?

Introduction to Sai Geetha: We talked about how Sai Geetha lost her mother and Swami brought her to Prashanthi Nilayam; how Swami loved and took care of her like a mother, fed fruits into her mouth, decorated her for all occasions etc. In turn, how Sai Geetha’s devotion for Swami was unconditional and full of love.


Several years ago, one day Swami decided to leave the Ashram unexpectedly.

Sai Geetha rushed towards the gate and had it not been for her caretaker, she would have crushed it. Swami’s car approached and Sai Geetha moved forward. Everyone there, who had seen Sai Geetha raise her trunk in salutation whenever she saw Swami, were witness that day to an unusual scene. Her stocky trunk lay heavily on the bonnet of the car. She refused to budge despite urgings. Her ears were flapping at an alarming rate; she seemed disturbed. ??The glass door beside Swami slid down noiselessly and before anyone could crowd around, her trunk slickly slid off the bonnet into the window and ever so gently touched Swami’s cheek and hair. Next, at a signal from Swami, the boy seated in the front seat swiftly opened the door . Swami stepped out of the car and immediately the flapping ears stilled to a gentle wave. She undulated backward as Swami moved towards her, murmuring endearments while her trunk reached to caress His feet. He touched her and the ones closest could see a ripple run across her huge frame as she rejoiced at the blessing. Only the ones in the closest proximity heard the sweet conversation between Sai and His beloved Geetha. Swami, in His sweet Telugu, spoke to her softly . “Come on Geetha, I have to go,” He said, patting her trunk .?She protested softly and her trunk rose to lie on the bonnet again. It was a very loud “No!” “I want to go Geetha, come on, come on, move,” said Swami, reaching up to stroke her cheek. And suddenly a diamond glistened, a silent expression of her feelings: a tear found its way down the very cheek upon which His hand rested. As the students and devotees watched, more tears coursed down and wet His hand. He looked up at her and nodded understandingly .?”Okay , okay, I will not go!” said Swami sympathetically. Immediately the ears moved a whisker. She had not stirred an inch. Perhaps she did not want to break the contact. Perhaps, she did not want her Lord to remove His hand. She stood motionless with her head bowed listening to her master. ??”Go, go back to your shed,” said Swami, patting her and lowering His hand. She shook her head gently.

It was again a big “No”.

“Will you go back if I return to the ashram?” asked Swami .?She stepped back a fraction – but only a fraction – her trunk still lay on the bonnet .”Okay, okay, I will not go, I am going back to the ashram. Are you happy?” He asked her. She visibly trembled with joy and replied in her own language in the affirmative. He, of course, understood .”Good girl, good girl,” said Swami.

He then turned to the students and accepted a handkerchief. Turning back to her, He wiped her tears and looking at the boys again, He said aloud casually, “I had planned to go to Brindavan (Bangalore) today.”??The words came out of the blue! Dumbstruck, the boys just stared at Him. “Swami was going to Brindavan? And none of us knew? No message, no hint whatsoever. We would have lost Swami?” All the boys stood there with their hands folded and heads baffled . Swami continued, “I wanted to go quietly without much ado, but look at her.” His eyes glanced at her and so did another hundred. “She knew it, she sensed it. She somehow figured out Swami was leaving and she was crying, Paapam (poor thing!)” He looked back at her, His eyes tracing her trunk which was now at His Feet. Some of the boys dropped their gaze and saw that she had gently moved aside the robe resting on the earth and was caressing the Lotus Feet.

He gently, yet firmly, pushed her and she withdrew her worship .?”See ra, see!” He commented looking at the boys as He sat in the car. “She loves Swami so much that she can feel Swami’s feelings. She came to Swami when she was a small baby, so many years have passed, but see? Her love has only increased – expansion love. That is devotion.”

Post Story questions:

1. Why did Swami bring Sai Geetha from the forest?
2. How did Swami feed Sai Geetha?
3. In the story, what did Sai Geetha do to stop Swami from leaving Puttaparthi?
4. What did Baba do to console her?
5. Did Swami leave? Why not?
6. How did Sai Geetha know that Swami was leaving Puttaparthi?
7. Do you love anyone as much as Sai Geetha loved Swami? If so, whom?
8. How can we develop intense love for Swami like Sai Geetha?

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April 15, 2012


Attendance: Sai Omkar, Sai Amit, Aneesh, Hruday, Vishudhi, Thayani, Yaathika

Lesson Plan: Attached Value:

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April 8, 2012

Teacher:Vijeya Ayer

Attendance: Vishudhi, Thayani, Riya, Yaathika, Hruday, Omkar, Anish

Value: Right Conduct; Subvalue – Obedience

Swami says “To earn the goodwill of the master, there is one recipe; obey his order without question. Having the willingness to obey the rules of Right conduct and of society”. Swami also says, “Grace is showered on all who obey instructions and follow orders. You should be steady and fixed in your resolve and conduct. I insist on strict obedience. I shall not reduce the rigor to suit your level, for that will only ruin you.I pay attention to your ultimate good.”

We started the class by asking the children how much they listen to their parents, quoting some scenarios and discussing their responses. By the time we finished doing this, it was already 1:40 pm. In next class, I will continue the same topic.

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April 1, 2012

Teacher:Tanuja Sankar and Vijaya Ayer

Attendance: Anish Pisipati , Hruday Rajput , Thayany Jayakumaran , Vishuddhi Chandrashekhar , Aarthika Jeygandhi , Riya Bhattarai

Value: Peace, Sub-value: Gratitude

Lesson Plan: Attached

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March 25, 2012

Teachers: Raji Iyer and Maritza Hernandez

Attendance: Sai Omkar, Sai Amit, Hruday , Vishuddhi, Aarhika, Riya, Thayani and Yathika

Value: Nonviolence, Subvalue: Tolerance

Spiritual Principle( Purpose): Exhibiting brotherliness despite differences through the underlying Divine unity.

Lesson Plan: Attached

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March 11, 2012

Teacher:Sushma Tangella, Tanuja Sankar

Attendance: SaiOmkar,Hruday,Vishudhi,Thayani, Riya

Value: Right Action

Subvalue: Determination

Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To learn that determination is essential in reaching the goal

Lesson Plan: Attached

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March 4, 2012

Teacher:Vijeya Ayer and Supriya Maini

Attendance: Vishudhi, Thayany, Yaathika, Hruday, Sai Omkar, Sai Amit

Value: Truth Sub Value : Purity and Honesty.

We discussed about a couple of scenarios in our daily life in which we casually lie, especially with our siblings.

Swami emphasizes the importance of being truthful and says we should be truthful not only in all our words but also in all our thought and deeds.

We read the story which describes the good things we will get for being honest.

Life Application. Try to be truthful in all your thoughts and words and deeds this week. Think is it hard to be truthful? Answer yes or no. why? Share the answer in the next class.

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February 26, 2012

Teacher:Sujatha Anant and Chie Fujishima

Attendance: Thayani, Vishuddhi, Riya, Aathika, Anish, Omkar and Hriday

Value: Love Subvalue: Gratitude

Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To understand the importance of taking all thoughts to the heart before putting them into action

Attachment: Lesson Plan: 3HV – Head, Heart, Hands

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February 19, 2012

Teacher:Vijeya Ayer

Attendance: Saiomkar, Sai Amit, Hruday, Anish , Vishudhi, Thayany, Aarthika, Yaathika

We played Trivia game on the topic “unity of religions”. All kids participated very well. End of the game I gave a small handbook on “Love” and read the book. How Swami described the “Divine Love” and how we should live in this “Divine Love” What are the qualities we should follow and what are the problems we will face in the path of the “Divine Love” and what do we attain out of this Divine Love.

Since I did not cover the specific topic for this class I did not give any Life application.

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February 12, 2012

Teacher:Sushma Tangella

Attendance: Vishudhi,Thayani,Aarthika,Riya,Hruday,Sai Omkar

Lesson Plan: Attached

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February 5, 2012

Teacher: Tanuja Shankar

Attendance: Sai Omkar Iyer, Anish Pisipati, Hruday Rajput, Sai Amit Chedda, Yaathika Challapalli, Thayany Jayakumaran, Vishuddhi Chandrashekhar, Aarthika Jeygandhi


Attachment: Lesson Plan

Life application,

Sheets were handed over to the kids for making the poster on the Quote of Swami “Life is a Challenge, Meet it” and they were requested to bring them in next week. Also as discussed in the class, I am attaching some additional sheets where they can print and make a Book on the Virtue of Determination. They can print them and complete their own book and bring it next week.

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January 29, 2012

Teacher:Harisankar Rasputra, Sai Krishna

Attendance: Vishudhi, Thayani, Arthika, Riya, Yaathika, Anish, Hruday

Value: Right Conduct; Sub value: Self-Reliance.

Attachment: Lesson Plan

Life application, kids were asked to

1) Describe something that you have achieved in the school or home by being self reliant.
2) Describe about 2 things that you know you can do better using your skills without the help of others.

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January 22, 2012

Teacher:Sushma tangella and Renuka Rajani

Attendance: Vishudhi, Thayani, Arthika, Anish, Omkar, Hryday

The children spent some time making Valentine’s Day cards. The rest of the time I had a quiz for them.
Attached is the quiz.

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January 15, 2012

Teacher: Sheila Challapalli

Attendance: Yaathika, Omkar, Vishu, Thayani, Riya, Arthika, Hruday, Sai amith

Value: Right action

Prayer: Thus I am born

Make me speak soft, sweet words:
Make me behave comfortingly toward all;
Let me do deeds that shower happiness on all
And form ideas in my mind which are beneficial to all
May this day be made worthwhile by Thy service.

Story: See Good in Everything

Activity—One of the most powerful demonstrations of how thinking affects people and the environment is through the use of kinesiology, a form of muscle testing that some chiropractors use for diagnosis. This activity demonstrates the relationship between thoughts and physiological strength. Negative thinking actually weakens the body’s physiology.

Life Application–The first day, notice the thoughts you are thinking, and ask yourself about how much of the time am I thinking negative thoughts, and how much of the time am I thinking positive thoughts.

The next day, choose a task you normally don’t like to do, or a person you have trouble with, or something about yourself that you usually ridicule. Watch your thoughts about yourself, the task or that person. Every time you think a negative thought, immediately say the affirmation, and then replace it with a positive thought. (Brainstorm some examples so people have an idea of how to replace a negative thought with a positive thought.)

Continue this exercise for the week.

Keep a journal about the process for the week. Did you notice being happier inside because you were thinking positive thoughts about yourself? Did you notice tasks that are normally hard become easier because you saw them in a positive light, rather than negatively? Did you notice someone you normally have trouble with, react to you differently just by thinking about them positively?

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January 8, 2012

Teachers:Vijaya Mani Ayer and Seetha Garikapati

Attendance: Vishuddhi, Thayani, Arthika ,Hriday, Anish

Value: Love

Sub Value : Service

Quote: Love all, Serve all

Aim: To find how other religions express the same message. (Messengers of God)

Christianity: Explain the birth of Jesus Christ and how he sacrificed himself for humanity.

Quote from Bible:
“This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down his life for his friends.” Gospel of John 15:12-13

“In the Kingdom of God, service is not a stepping-stone to nobility: it is nobility, the only kind of nobility that is recognized.”

Islam : How Islam emphasizes on Love and service to fellow human beings. Briefly discuss the life history of Prophet Muhammad (The Messenger of God) .

Quotes from Quran:

Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.

For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

“Surely Allah loves those who turn much (to Him), and He loves those who purify themselves by helping others”.

Buddhism: How Prince Gautama left his wealth and became a monk and became a realized soul.

People were created to be loved
Things were created to be used
The reason why the world is in chaos
Is because things are being loved
And people are being used.

Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.

Life Application: Prepare for a Jeopardy/Trivia on the subject for next month class.

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January 1, 2012

Teachers: Manorama Saxena and Raji Iyer

Attendance: Vishuddhi, Thayani, Sweety, Anish and SaiOmkar

Value: Right Action Subvalue: Self Control

Ceiling on Desires.

1. We began the class with 3 OMs and 3 Gayatris. We asked the children to close their eyes and sit straight, silently. We instructed them that as we say the following prayer, line by line, they should feel the presence of Swami and His love flowing through them.

The light of God surrounds me
The love of God enfolds me
The power of God protects me
The presence of God watches over me
Wherever I am, God is and all is well.

2. We reviewed last week’s lesson on Service.

3. We discussed Swami’s quote: “Money must also be circulated like blood, otherwise that too will cause ill health”.

4. We said the affirmation together: “I save money and use it wisely.”

5. We then read the story: “The young boy who helped build Swami’s Baba’s Hospital” .We asked questions based on the story and discussed how by buying only the things we need and not all the things we want, we can save money and use it for helping others.

6. Activity:

1. We told the children “You will be going to Toronto for a month and all you have is a backpack to pack your things. What will you take with you?” This emphasized the importance of limiting our needs and eliminating unnecessary things.
2. COD box: The children were explained what “Ceiling on desires” means. Each child was given a small card box with a slit in the center. They labeled it “My COD Box”, also wrote the affirmation “I save money and use it wisely”. They were told that whenever they save money, by giving up something that they desire, they should put it in the box.

7. Song:
We taught them the following song. We asked the girls and boys to sing separately so that they could pick the pitch that suited them. We then sung the song together.

Sai You are my heart and soul
You are my path and my goal
You make my life whole and complete
You give Your Love to me
Sai You are my Heart and Soul
Born in this world in the name of Sai
Hold on to Him if you can
He is in One He is in All
You can see Him in everything

8. Just before ending the class we asked them what they learnt today. We recited the affirmation together.

9. Life application: This week list the things that you need to live with that money cannot buy. 10. We ended with OM and three Shanthi.

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