2012 |
Dec 30, 2012 |
Dec 23, 2012 |
Dec 16, 2012 |
Dec 9, 2012 |
Dec 2, 2012 |
Nov 25, 2012 |
Nov 4, 2012 |
Oct 28, 2012 |
Oct 21, 2012 |
Oct 14, 2012 |
Oct 7, 2012 |
Sept 30, 2012 |
Sept 23, 2012 |
Sept 16, 2012 |
June 17, 2012 |
June 10, 2012 |
June 3, 2012 |
May 20, 2012 |
May 13, 2012 |
April 29, 2012 |
April 22, 2012 |
April 15, 2012 |
April 8, 2012 |
April 1, 2012 |
March 25, 2012 |
March 11, 2012 |
March 4, 2012 |
Feb 26, 2012 |
Feb 19, 2012 |
Feb 12, 2012 |
Feb 5, 2012 |
Jan 29, 2012 |
Jan 22, 2012 |
Jan 15, 2012 |
Jan 8, 2012 |
Jan 1, 2012 |
December 30, 2012
Teacher: Dnyanesh Prabhu
Attendance: Sanjay, Gautham, Abhishek, Akilesh, Saipriya, Bhavani, Niharika and Jothika
The topic we discussed was on unity and how students should behave when they are in college as explained by Swami. What is meant by true education and educare? We also discussed what unity means to each one of them and how they put it into practice in their daily life. Some of them cited examples of how unity can be achieved. God is one, how we should treat everyone as God. Examples given by Swami were discussed, the strong bond of love between two brothers Lord Rama and Lord Lakshmana and how they were united and that should be goal of all students to be united come what may. We also discussed concepts of single-minded focus as explained by our Dearest Lord. This excerpt was taken from Swami’s convocation discourse of November 22, 2010.
Also interesting things were mentioned by few students as how karma can be transferred by just a mere touch of a person.. Which we all thought was very interesting.
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December 23, 2012
Teacher:Krishnan Shankar
Attendance: Niharika, Gautam, Akilesh, Abhishek, Bhavani, Sai Priya
Lesson Plan summary : Please see details on attached file: Word document (Jesus birth significance) and Powerpoint on various topics and references.
Welcome Swami
Significance of Vaikunta Ekadasi
Swami- Talk about Christmas
Swami A short clip Christmas
Bhajan “Our Jesus Came and He is here again”.
Story and Meaning of XMAS
Leadership – Jesus Discussion.
Thoughts to Ponder
Retire Swami
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December 16, 2012
Teacher: Sreenadh Jonnavithula
Attendance: Sanjay Jonnavithula, Gautam Ramasubramanian, Manasa Pisipati, Nikarika Jeyagandhi
Value: Right Action
We discussed the concepts of “Help Ever” and “Hurt Never”, and some recent scientific research that gives additional insights into them. Sometimes, it is not clear what is the appropriate interpretation of “Hurt Never”, and hard choices have to be made. We saw research that shows how people analyze such situations, and how people all over come to strikingly similar conclusions. We also discussed research that shows that “Help Ever” is actually a mathematically better strategy, and evolution tends to favor cooperation. Thus the principles of Sanatana Dharma enunciated by Swami are really universally applicable truths. Presentation attached
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December 9, 2012
Teacher: Mani Sundaram and Satya Challapalli
Attendance: Gautham Ramasubramaniam
Lesson Plan : Peace & patience
Quote: ” I observe the three P’s – purity, patience and perseverance – which ensures permanent happiness, good health and freedom from diseases.”
We discussed the nature of man and his tendencies of annoyance and anger. We discussed the reasons for anger in man – the Ego, the desires, impatience and restlessness of man. We further discussed ways to control and eliminate it altogether.
Developing patience, equanimity and calmness helps reducing anger. Keeping desires and ego in check provides a positive frame of mind for spiritual development.
Application: Per attached lesson plan.
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December 2, 2012
Teacher: Chandrasekhar
Attendance: Abhishek, Akilesh, Gautham and Niharika
Lesson Plan Attached
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November 25, 2012
Teacher:Suhasini Jonnavithula
Attendance: SaiAbhishek, Manasa, Niharika, Gautham, Bhavani
Significance of Thanksgiving Holiday – National Day of Thanksgiving is a day to gather together in homes and places of worship on that day of thanks to affirm by their prayers and their gratitude the many blessings God has bestowed upon us. Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless.
Thankfulness is limited to words but Gratitude reflects itself in action and is therefore far superior.
Discussed a few episodes from Swami’s Life where He expressed Gratitude- Swami patting and blessing a buffalo thanking it for the effort it had taken to carry water up the hill everyday – while none else had bothered.
Swami appreciated the efforts of an old lady who painstakingly heated water every day for His bath for many years while no one acknowledged her.
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” – we discussed all the other subvalues like Kindness, compassion, appreciation, etc which we derive from practicing Gratitude.
We discussed the below Quotation and how Blessed we are and take so many things for granted.
“The sun was shining in my eyes, and I could barely see
To do the necessary task that was allotted me.
Resentment of the vivid glow, I started to complain —
When all at once upon the air I heard the blind man’s cane.”
Benefits of practicing Gratitude:
1. Gratitude allows us to celebrate the present. It magnifies positive emotions.
2. Gratitude blocks toxic, negative emotions, such as envy, resentment, regret—emotions that can destroy our happiness.
3. Grateful people are more stress resistant. There’s a number of studies showing that in the face of serious trauma, adversity, and suffering, if people have a grateful disposition, they’ll recover more quickly.
4. Grateful people have a higher sense of self-worth.
Children picked up below questions and shared with us their experiences to help enliven sharing and spark the spirit of Gratitude.
1) What teacher are you most thankful for and why? What did you learn from him or her?
2) What’s the season you’re most thankful for, and what’s your favorite part of each season?
3) What electronic device are you most grateful for, and what does it add to your life?
4) What musician or type of music are you most thankful for?
5) What are you most grateful for that brings beauty to your daily life?
6) What form of exercise or physical activity are you most thankful for?
7) What foods are you most thankful for?
8)Name three days in your life that you feel especially grateful for.
9) What color do you feel most thankful for—is there a color that you can’t imagine living without?
Life Application:
1) Is there a personal limitation or flaw that you’ve come to appreciate?
2) Keep a Gratitude Journal and list 5 things for which you are Grateful this week.
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November 4, 2012
Teacher:Krishnan Iyer
Attendance: Gautam, Manasa, Jothika, Nikarika
Lesson Plan – Contact With Consciousness – Constant Integrated Awareness
Purpose : To Remember God all the time, walking and sleeping
1) When Should we pray
2) Importance Of God Consciousness
3) Purpose of Life – God Realization
4) How do we “plug in” God throughout the day
5) Discussion – Is God in our Genes
6) Discussion & Brainstorming – Love is a Verb
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October 28, 2012
Teacher:Shankar Krishnan
Attendance: Gautham, Jothika, Shreya and Srilu
The participants spoke for 5-6 minutes each of different Leaders who exhibited Self confidence
a) Martin Luther King
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) Obama
d) George Washington
e) Rosa Parks
Lesson Plan: Attached
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October 21, 2012
Teacher:Sujatha Ananthabhotla
Attendance: Nikkarika Jeyagandhi
Topic: Avatarhood Day of Swami – We talked about what an Avatar is, the mission of an Avatar and why an Avatar descends to earth. We talked about Rama, Krishna and Sai incarnations and discussed the significance and importance of these incarnations. We read and discussed on a discourse that Swami delivered on Oct 20, 2002 where in Swami Himself narrated events in His life, leading upto the declaration of His Avatarhood.
Reminiscing the first bhajan that Swami had sung soon after His Divine declaration, kids sang “manasa Bhajare Guru Charanam” as an offering to the Lord.
Life Application: Asked kids to compare the mission and teachings of three incarnations, Rama, Krishna and Sathya Sai and write in about 150 words.
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October 14, 2012
Teacher:Krishnan Iyer
Attendance: Gautam, Bhavani, Nikarika
Religions Of the World – Hindu Religion with a focus on Current Festival Navarathri
1) Navarathri – Meaning and Significance
2) Navarathri – Symbolism
3) Nine day worship of Goddess Durga, Lakshmi & Saraswati
4) Vijaya Dasami/Dasara
Students were shown a Power Point Presentation on Navarathri with beautiful pictures of Goddess Durga, Lakshmi & Saraswati (see attached) . A detailed writeup in Navarathri & Dasara was read and discussed in Class.
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Oct 7, 2012
Teacher:Sreenadh Jonnavithula
Attendance:Sanjay, Akilesh, Gautam, Jothika, Mansi, Manasa, Shreya, Nikarika
Lesson: Develop the ability to apply principles learned in SSE to everyday situations. We examined two of the famous/infamous speeches from the presidential campaign – the “You did not build that” speech by Obama, and the “47 percent” comments by Romney. After discussing the meaning and background of each position, we boiled each one down to the core idea, and had the students debate the two propositions. Many of the students had insightful and interesting comments to offer.
Lesson Plan: Powerpoint Attached
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Oct 6, 2012
Teacher:Mani Sundaram
Attendance:Sanjay, Gautam, Manasi, Shrilu, Shreya, Divya G
The Lesson Plan : Mind and Meditation
We discussed the nature of mind and the process of meditation.
We watched a video of Swami’s discourse by Richard Bock on process of meditation with the activities that happen around Parthi. The children heard and analysed the statements made in the video.
The video ended with Ravi Shankar Sitar and M S Subbalakshmi’s recital in the presence of our Divine Lord.
Life application: Practice Meditation as often as possible.
The link of the video on Mind & Meditation
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Sept.30, 2012
Teacher:Krishnan Shankar
Attendance: Gautam,Julian,Bhavani,Jyotika,Manasa
Lesson Plan Attached
Swami’s talk to students – video Education is for life…. And not for living
Swami’s talk to students – video Walk with me….
Key Story inspiring girl Dawn Loggins From scrubbing floors to Ivy League
Story on self-confidence
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Sept 23, 2012
Teacher:Krishnan Iyer
Attendance: Kavya (Group III), Manasa (Group IV)
Mind Dynamics with a focus on
- Working of the mind
- Techniques to control or steady the mind
- Benefits of a Steady mind.
- Different Types of meditation
- Silent sitting
- Light Meditation
- Sohum meditation
- Slow breathing
Students took part in performing the above different types of meditation and slow breathing exercise and the benefits of each these activities were discussed in the class.
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Sept 16, 2012
Service Activities
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June 17, 2012
Teacher:Laina Karthikeyan
Attendance:Sai Abhishek, Divya, Gautam, Sai Priya and Utkarsh
Lesson Plan: Self-Confidence
Opening: Three OM’S, Gayathri (3 times)
Details of Class Topic: The class started with a guided meditation. A detailed discussion about the definition of self-confidence and why one should practice self-confidence. Learn to differentiate between ego and God. We also came up with practical tips on building self-confidence. There was a reading of Swami’s quotes on self-confidence and ended with the affirmation that ” I am God.”
Life Application: Learn to build Self-Confidence and apply the techniques in day to day living.
Closing Prayer: Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu, OM and 3 Shantis
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June 10, 2012
Teacher: Rami Gange
Attendance: Bhavani, Shreya and Mansi
We discussed Swami’s teaching of the external world vs. the internal world.
– What does Swami mean when he talks about the two?
– The external world is temporary while the internal world is permanent.
– How often do you seek answers in the internal world rather than external?
This was from a study circle the YAs had done once in the past but I tried to simplify it.
They also discussed what they would like to do for the summer. They are interested in completing a seva project.
Life Application: formulate the idea for the project and reach out to the YAs for help to implement the idea.
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June 3, 2012
Teacher:Krishnan Shankar
Attendance: Bhavani, Utkarsh
a) Invite Swami to class
b) Discussion and impact of SSE in their lives by Bhavani and Utkarsh for the new student
c) Discussion on the Retreat and what they gained
d) Pun on Words used by Swami
. Thursday – Thirst Day
. Puttaparthi – Put Apart the I
. MBA – Mind on Baba Always
. WIFE – Wisdom Invited forever or Worries invited forever
. CIA – Contant Integrated Awareness
. JOY – Jesus first others next You last
. SAI – Service Adoration Illuminiation
. BABA- Being Awareness Bliss Atman
. PHd – Permanent Head Damagew
. PHP- Pure Heart Philosophy
. Near – Never Englightened Always Repeating
. Far Farther Always Ready
. Appointment leads to ….. disappointment
. Properties are not “Proper Ties”
. Technology – Trick Knowledge
. Devotion – Deep Ocean
. silence – Sai Lens
. History- True story is talking about HIS Story
. Interview – real one is “inner view”
. One should study to be steady
e) Shared humor incidents with Swami
1. Personal experience with Swami at Trayee
2. Story of young boy asking for curing cold when swami asked what he wanted
3. Story of mother in swami being same while other relationship changes
4. Prof Kasturi being called as “newspaper” for he was giving news to the lord of all news
5. Fish and Swami
6. Speakers errors in front of Bhagawan
. MahaAbhayankara Sai Naamam meaning Sai who conferes Fearlessness instead said
Mahabhaynkara Sai naamam meaning Sai is the most Terrifying
. Sai Mahishasura Mardhini meaning Deamon Annihilator instead said Sai Mahishasura — Sai Demon
. iStudent in his speech said “I went to institute and Sir did not come” See, he usually comes late to college… in front of Bhagawan creating the smile from swami
7. Bring on the Smiling Lion – Swami calling a devotee whose beards looks like a lion
f) Retire Swami from class with 3 Sai Gayathri
. Bring on the Smiling Lion – Swami http://media.radiosai.org/journals/Vol_04/01AUG06/Searching_the_Truth.
. Mother: http://media.radiosai.org/journals/Vol_08/01DEC10/04-aparna.htm
. Fish and Swami: http://media.radiosai.org/journals/Vol_08/01JUL10/04-sanjeev.htm
. Pun on words: Some taken from radio sai some from students
. Trayee Session: Personal experiences and some from another student
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May 20, 2012
Teacher:Mani Sundaram Ayer
Lesson Plan – The Power of Silent sitting & Music
We discussed the power of Namasmarana and meditation in our day to day lives. With regular practice of Silent sitting & Meditation, a greater sense of peace and clarity in thought develops around you. Anxieties and worries are held in check by efficacy of meditation. As students, you get better memories and sharper intellect to deal with your studies. If Mediation is deeply practiced , The Lord stays with you in your heart and you would have direct communication with HIM.
Music provides the highest levels of devotions and bhakti for the LORD. Profusion of Love for GOD makes the handling of day to day anxieties and tasks very easy . Devotion at all times is possible thru Music & bhajans.
Life Application : Practice Silent sitting every day for half-hour to deepen your faith and gain a sense of peace.
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May 13, 2012
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April 29, 2012
Teacher:Meera SaiKumari
Attendance: Gautham
I shared a few experiences of mine and other devotees with Swami. Also quoted Swami on several ocasions regarding Love, and controlling of the senses – “speech” especially. Afterwards, I had them do an exercise/mini-workshop, where each had to think of at least one situation where they felt that they had spoken/reacted before pondering upon what they were saying, and the outcome of that. Then analyzed with each of them, what the real cause was, and how to tackle it next time the situation occurs.
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April 22, 2012
Teacher: Laina Prabhu
Attendance: Gautham
Lesson Plan: Attached
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April 15, 2012
(No Class)
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April 8, 2012
Teacher: Shankar Krishnan
Attendance: Sanjay J., Gautam, Akilesh, Sai Abhishek, Srilu, Jothika, Mansi, Sai Priya, Shreya
The Tell-Tale Tongue
Sathya Sai Speaks. Volume 9 Page 41-50
Review Easter through Quiz Trivia on Easter:
Service to Humanity: Tribute to Bhagawan – watched a video
Swami’s Talk to students on who is your friend? – watched a video
Chinna Katha: Radio sai Small Story : Plan of the Lord
Activity: enact the roles in the china kathaa
Life Application: Respect Parents and Teachers
Attachments: Easter Lesson Plan
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April 1, 2012
Teacher:Shankar Krishnan
Attendance: Sai Karthik
Lesson Plan:
1. The Tell-Tale Tongue
Sathya Sai Speaks. Volume 9 Page 41-50
2.Review of previous week Life application:
How to prevent people from smoking- to write a letter to bigger companies
3. Service to Humanity: Tribute to Bhagawan – watched a Video
4. Swami’s Talk to students on who is your friend? – watched a video
5. Chinna Katha: Radio sai Small Story : Plan of the Lord
6. Activity: enact the roles in the china kathaa
7. Life Application
Respect Parents and Teachers
Lesson Plan Powerpoint
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March 25, 2012
Teacher:SaiKishore Paluru
Attendance:Gautham Ayer
Discussion on – Understanding Challenges and ways to overcome them and how to remain focused.
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March 11, 2012
Teachers: Laina Karthikeyan, MelbaAriza
Attendance:Akilesh, Abhishek, Gautam and Mansi
Lesson Plan: – Nutrition
Opening: Three OM’S, Gayathri (3 times)
Details Class Topic: A detailed discussion of the importance of keeping one’s body (the temple of God) healthy by providing it with the right Nutrition and that optimal health also includes spiritual and mental well-being.
The discussion focused on the dangers of the common additive, high- fructose corn syrup. This toxic additive is present in a wide array of processed foods like soft drinks and salad dressings, commercially made cakes and cookies, and breakfast cereals and brand-name breads etc. This toxic additive which is fructose, has been associated with adverse health effects such as metabolic syndrome, elevated triglyceride levels, hypertension, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, excess uric acid levels (associated with gout). We also had a discussion of the dangers of genetically modified foods and pesticides.If consumers avoid buying these foods, manufacturers may eventually respond with more healthful products.The importance of being pro-active, by writing to manufacturers and lawmakers to ban the use of these dangerous additives. This interesting discussion was followed by a diet-analysis of the foods the group 4 SSE kids had for breakfast that day.
Life Application
Read product labels carefully. Avoid any products containing “””high-fructose corn syrup””” or fructose. Any foods containing fruit juices””?even unsweetened juices””?contain fructose and should be consumed in moderation. Look for chemical additives in processed foods and eat foods that contain whole grains as well as fruits and vegetables. They have to make it a habit to recite the Brahmaarpanam mantra before partaking the food.
Closing Prayer
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March 4, 2012
Teacher:Suhasini Jonnavithula
Attendance: Akilesh Tangella, Shreya Reddy, Mansi Maini, Jothika Challapalli
Quote– “God, who is the Origin and the Goal, can be cognised only by pure consciousness. The race is won by those who start early and drive slowly; only then do they reach safely. Put the “little feet” on the path of God; the joy of the first step will lead them forward. Children must learn thrift and the proper use of money. In cultivating human values, emphasis should also be placed on avoiding wastage of money, food, and time.” – Sai Baba.
Mindfulness and Meditation–
Sit up straight, close your eyes. Allow your mind to settle on your breath, as an anchor for you to focus on. Watch your breath as you slowly and rhythmically inhale and exhale.
Today we will take a trip, in our mind’s eye, to Consumer Heaven. Imagine yourself walking into any store of your choosing.
(Pause) Where are you? (Pause) What surrounds you? (Pause) Observe how you feel as your senses take in the sights, sounds, and even smells that greet you? (PAUSE)
Observe how your body is reacting to these sensations. What is happening to your breath? What other reactions are triggered?
Walk a little further into the store. What do you see around you? (Pause) What items jump out at you? Pause in front of one item
that you want. How do you feel as you look at it? What would be the benefits of buying this item?
(Pause) Notice your breath.
What is happening to your slow and even breathing? Notice any other physical sensations you feel.
Imagine that you are taking the item that you want to the cash register to buy it. How do you feel? What thoughts, emotions, or physical sensations do you notice? (Pause) How do you feel when you think of going home with this item and using it or showing it to your friends and family? (Pause) When you get to the register, for some reason, you are not able to purchase the item. You have to leave it at the counter. How do you feel? What thoughts, emotions, or physical sensations do you notice? (Pause) How do you feel when you think of going home without this item, and not being able to show it to your friends and family? (Pause)
Imagine that you are now walking out of the store. As you are leaving, you see a homeless person standing outside on the corner.
How does this make you feel? How does this sight influence your perspective on the experience you just had inside the store?
Observe your body’s reactions to these thoughts. Bring your focus back to your breath. Is it still controlled and even? Without forcing it, steady your inhalations and exhalations until your breath is slow and measured.
Each breath is a reminder of our universal connection with the world and our universal responsibility to one another through the appropriate use of resources. Remember that being mindful of our desires and the ways they affect us can help us reduce the money we waste on unnecessary wants, therefore lightening our baggage and bringing us closer to Swami. When you are ready, you may slowly open your eyes.
The children were asked to share their experience during this exercise. We had a discussion about Needs and Wants. Need- something you have to have and Want -something you would like to have. Knowing the difference between “wants” and “needs” is an important part of learning to manage money, especially in tough economic times.
It’s easy to spend money.What’s not so easy is spending money wisely. One way to help you spend wisely is to separate your needs from your wants, and spend money primarily on your needs. Wants are nice to have but are not essentials: eating out, going to movies, text messaging, or getting the newest cell phone and ring tones.
Needs are the essentials, the basics of life that you must have to survive: food, housing, clothing. Some expenses that relate to your job (that is, your ability to pay for the basics) also are needs, such as transportation to and from work, and health care coverage to keep you well enough to go to work.
Before you buy something, ask yourself, “Do I need this item, or do I just want it?” You may be surprised at how many things are actually “wants.”
Wants come from Desires and we looked at teachings from Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2- Krishna has the answer in the following Sloka:
Dwelling the Mind on sense objects develops attachments. Attachment leads to desire and desire breeds anger. [2.62]
Krishna continues:
From anger rises delusion; delusion promotes confusion of the Mind; confusion generates loss of reason; and finally, loss of reason leads to complete ruin. [2.63]
He attains peace who conquering desires lives without the feeling “I””” or “mine”””. [2.71]
We discussed few stories about Thrift and avoidance of wastage.
The first story was about Lord Kubera who was extremely careful even with saving one grain from a bag of sand, but magnanimously donating bags of grain from his granary to the drought areas of Yudhistara’s kingdom and even throwing some of that precious grain on the muddy roads to let the carts be able to deliver on time to the famine struck people.
The second story was about Buddha’s disciple who used his robe till it became tatters and then got a replacement for it. He reused and recycled the tattered robe as a bed spread, kitchen curtains, napkins and mop cloth and finally as a the wick to burn the candle.
We brought in scenarios from Swami’s life where He practiced thrift with time, water, paper, electricity and money , but, how He donated millions for medical, educational and service projects.
Life Application– Before you buy something, ask yourself, “Do I need this item, or do I just want it?” You may be surprised at how many things are actually “wants.” Let’s grow more mindful of what we are using our money for, how much we think of money, or where it may be going to waste.
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February 26, 2012
Teacher:Suhasini Jonnavithula and Melba Arize
Attendance: Srilu, Saipriya, Divya Ganesh, Bhavani, Mansi, Shreya, Gautham, Akilesh and Utkarsh
Discussion on the interconnections of the five elements with the five senses, Five human sheaths and five values.
Significance of Gayatri mantra with Swami’s emphasis on recitation on regular basis to strengthen our intellect.
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February 19, 2012
Teacher: Rami Gangeyan
Attendance: Sai Priya, Bannu, Jyothika, Divya Ganesh, Akilesh, Uthkarsh, Gautam
Lesson Plan: Debates on the following topic:
Self Confidence (Are we born with it or do we develop it?)
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February 12, 2012
Teacher:Rami and Sarada Kumar
Attendance: Divya Ganesh,Bavani,Shreya,Srilu,Akilesh
Lesson Plan: Attached
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February 5, 2012
Teacher:Meera SaiKumari and Renuka Rajani
Attendance: Bannu, Shreya, Srilu, and Gautham
Lesson plan– Document attached.
Life Application- The take home was to come up with a 5 minute Sadhana. The Sadhana was their own personal choice and kept it to themselves. They then practiced it for 5 minutes in class and were seen to be pretty calm afterwards!!
Practice it every day for 5 minutes and to keep a check list to keep track.
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January 29, 2012
Teacher:Sujatha Ananthabhotla, Ishwarya Ananthabhotla
Attendance: Divya, Jothika, Mansi, Shreya, Bhavani, Srilu, Abhishek, Akilesh and Gautam
Attached: Lesson Plan: “God is your Truest Friend”
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January 22, 2012
Teacher:Laina Prabhu and Melba Arize
Attendance: Gautham and Shreya
The topic for discussion was the ‘Science of Kindness’. It is a very important topic and dealt with the biological and physiological aspects of kindness including how it can influence DNA and overall well-being. How do you make performing acts of kindness a focus in your lives?
The life application was to take the Kindness Challenge-For one or two days or for a week, focus on being kind and see for yourself how it changes your body/mind/spirit. Keep a daily journal of what happens to you.
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January 15, 2012
Teachers: Rami Gangeyan, Sarada Kumar
Attendance: Gautam
Lesson: Discussing the point of the book “The Power of Now” (adding on from the previous class). The discussion included incorporating Swami’s teachings with the points of the book.
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January 8, 2012
Teacher:Mani Sundaram Ayer
Attendance: Shrilu, Bhavani, Divya , Shreya , Gautam
We discussed the book “The Power Of Now ” by Eckhardt Tolle
The watching of thoughts & emotions and ways to suspend the incessant mental noise.
You are not your mind !
Life Application:
Read the book in full carefully and relate what you like most ;
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January 1, 2012
Teachers : Dnyanesh Prabhu, Chandrasekhar. S
Attendance: Mansi, Divya, Sai Priya, Srilakshmi, Bhawani, Jyothika, Goutham, Karthik, Sanjay, Akhilesh
As is the action, so is the reaction.
As is the object, so is the reflection.
As is the sound, so is the resound.
We started the discussion by watching a video of Swami talking about Reaction, Reflection & Resound. Swami indicates clearly that it is our imagination and as we think so we become. We are bound to experience the reflection, reaction, and resound of your feelings, be they good or bad. If we see bad in others, it is only a reflection of our evil feelings. It is a mistake to blame others while ignoring our own faults. We need to purify your feelings in the first instance. Love even those whom you consider as wicked. In fact, nobody is wicked in this world. It is because of delusion that we consider some as good and some wicked.
We also watched a video from TED delivered by Dr. Ramachandran (Neurosurgeon) on Mirror Neurons. We used this concept to explain the link between science and spirituality and also the fact that “all are one’. We used the old/young lady picture from Stephen’s Covey’s book to discuss the “Paradigm Shift’ concept. All the discussion was focused on bringing out the need to have unity of thought, word & deed and how we should focus the “mirror’ on Seva & Sadhana. This will help overcome our Vasanas and align our Koshas accordingly.
“Story of the barking dog”
A dog once entered a hall of mirrors. Seeing so many dogs all around, it felt that it must assert its supremacy. As it growled in authority, hundreds of dogs growled back at it. Now it attacked one of the dogs. The mirror collapsed and broke into pieces. Now there were a thousand dogs growling back at the dog! That is how dogs behave. But when a human enters the same hall, he is only filled with love and admiration, for he knows the truth that it is only him being reflected everywhere. If at all he notices any defect, he immediately corrects himself and instantly everything becomes perfect
“The Power of a Paradigm Shift”
Stephen Covey (author of 7 habits of highly successful people) has the best example of a paradigm shift: he was traveling in a subway, a man gets in with his two sons, the sons are running all over the place bothering the people, this continues, so he finally gets irritated enough to ask the father why he doesn’t do something to control his kids. The father replies, “We just got back from the hospital where their mother died. I don’t know how to handle it and I guess they don’t either.” Suddenly you see the everything differently. That is the power of a paradigm shift. They are the same kids yelling and screaming in the subway, but you look at them and understand them in a different way.
We chose this affirmation as “Reaction, Reflection & Resound” is influenced by our thought, word and deed.
“I have Unity of Thought, Word & Deed”
We looked at Life Application in two perspectives:
1. We went around the class requesting each student to share a scenario illustrating “Paradigm Shift” in the way they looked at a situation. This helped the class to reflect on the topic of our SSE class.
2. We requested the students to keep their mind open to situations they will face and think about looking at things without a judgmental approach. This will help them look at the world in a positive way and eventually help in emanating positive thoughts. This will also take them one step towards unity of thought, word & deed.
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