Sairam Dear All, Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!
Center Officers Selection Process 2021/22
With Our Beloved Swami’s grace and blessings, we are initiating the Office Bearers Selection Process for the 2021-2022 term. Regional team has provided the required guidance in this regard. Before we go further into details of Nomination process, we would like to mention about the current team and their term:
Sai Kishore Paluru (Current Role – President) Completed One Term | Available for another Term
Raguraman Nagalingam (Current Role – V. President) Completed Two Terms | Not Eligible for V P role but Available for other Roles
Dnyanesh Prabhu (Current Role – Devotional Coordinator) Completed Two Terms | Not Eligible for Devotional but Available for other Roles
Srividya Chandrasekhar (Current Role – Educational Coordinator) Completed One Term | Not Available for any role – Do not Nominate
Mrs. Manorama Saxena (Current Role – Service Coordinator) Completed One Term | Available for another Term