Dear Sri Sathya Sai Global Council (SSSGC) center members of Canada, USA and the West Indies:
We are most fortunate that by His Grace we are now truly united as one with our Sai brothers and sisters from around the world, including India and the hallowed institutions managed by the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, all under the umbrella of a single body: the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council (SSSGC). Each Zone will function with autonomy and directly report and coordinate with the SSSGC executive committee, which includes representation from all the member organizations. Swami’s teachings of “Love All, Serve All” with an emphasis on the universal core human values that are present at the heart of all religions, cultures, and nations will be our guiding light.
This unified venture will streamline collaboration and greatly enhance the Sai Mission throughout the world for the coming decades and centuries. As part of the Zone 1 family, the nations of Canada, USA, and the West Indies have an opportunity to cooperate and collaborate more closely with each other as well as directly with our Sai family in Prashanti Nilayam and around the world.
I know this had been a very difficult period of testing for many of us with the COVID pandemic, manmade and natural disasters occurring throughout the world, along with social and political turmoil. Let us pray together in Unity to maintain our focus on our personal and center-wide sadhana and put aside all discord and disagreement. Let us not criticize, blame or cast aspersions on anyone. Let us focus on being guiding lights worthy of being entrusted with the Sri Sathya Sai Name.
The Sai Center should and will always be the heart, driving force, and most important part of the organization. Center service, devotional singing, and educational activities will continue with fervor as always. Each country’s newly formed national leadership teams will be available for humble guidance and assistance to the centers as required. At the Zonal level we will work on providing many more opportunities for collaboration between countries and with Prashanti Nilayam for the benefit of all. Every officer from center level to Zonal level should keep ever-present in the mind the last line in the SSSGC Terms of Reference. “In SSSGC, there will not be protocols of authority and power but protocols of Love and mutual Respect.”
We have been blessed with many longtime, ardent senior devotees who will help guide us as part of the SSSGC Zone 1 Advisory Panel:
1. Geetha Mohan Ram
2. Berniece Meade
3. Dr. Geetha Kamath
4. Dr. Yassin Shankar
5. Rajen Ghayal
6. PV Shankar
7. Vijay Sagramsingh
8. Emany Rao
9. Ramesh Wadhwani
Members of the Advisory panel will work with the Zonal Chair to help establish the National Officers for each nation in our Zone. The national officer selections will be announced in each country once they are completed.
A separate email will be sent with a link to our new webpage registration area. This will allow individuals, existing centers/groups, and newly formed centers/groups to register with the SSSGC in Zone 1. Over the ensuing weeks we will keep you updated as Swami continues to guide us all on this journey. His Sankalpa (Divine Will) is clearly manifesting for our benefit!
If you have any questions concerns or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact your center, regional, or national officers. You are always welcome to send feedback to me at:” style=”mso-line-height-rule: exactly;-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;color: #007C89;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;”>
In the Service of Sai,
Dr. Axay Shanti Kalathia
Sri Sathya Sai Global Council (SSSGC), Zone 1 Chair
The strife and conflicts between human beings started the moment humanity forgot its fundamental unity. It is time that this trend is reversed and that the fundamental unity among humans is reestablished. Along with the unity, there should be purity. Where unity and purity go together, there is Divinity.