Aradhana Mahotsavam Daily Service Act / SSE Act of Kindness Offering (Apr 2021) – Sadhana Activity

Aradhana Mahotsavam Daily Service Act / SSE Act of Kindness Offering (Apr 2021) – Sadhana Activity

Sairam Dear All,
Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!

Please sign up below

Aradhana Mahotsavam Service
APRIL 2021

SAI RAM Dear Family,

Hope everyone is doing well with SWAMI’S grace.

The month of April is approaching fast. We are pleased to come up with some Service (Seva) opportunities for this important time of the year in SAI world.

Easter Service Offering:

Easter Sunday is the chosen day for service and spirituality. We are planning to donate groceries to some food distribution places according to their needs. The groceries will be distributed on Good Friday, Saturday, or on Easter Sunday. We request you all to please participate. Our communities need help urgently and we must respond.

United Center Members Service Activity on Sunday April 4th 2021 (On Zoom):

Aradhana day is the day of service again. We are planning to make 250 hygiene kits to donate to 5 locations, where we were already serving. The supplies have been procured already. This will be a center activity on April 4th, the Easter Sunday after our regular bhajans. We will pack the kits together on zoom meeting. Please let me know if you are interested in being a part of it. We will arrange to send supplies to your home and you can participate with your family members accordingly. For more details please reach out to Mrs. Manorama Saxena aunty or myself.

Gratitiude Service Offering:

(To check who has taken up which day, please don’t forget to check the calendar tab in the below sign up link so that you have visibility on what day is available and open for you to sign up. The goal is to cover all 30 days with at least one service activity. As soon as you sign up it will be reflected in the calendar. There might be a need for you to refresh your page once again to see your sign up)

Daily Service Offering for all members except SSE Children: We  will offer our gratitude to SWAMI by doing service with love and kindness everyday in April. Please find the below sign up link that you would like to take up to serve (just like how we did for 95th birthday for 95 Days of Service). You can pick one day or as many days as you wish to express love and kindness to someone in your household, neighborhood, friend or wherever needed. Please sign up and be a part of Aradhana Mahotsava Collective Service Offering by us.
11 Acts of Kindness by SSE Children: Our SSE students will also participate by performing an act of kindness for 11 days in the month of April. It can be done at home by helping parents, or a friend, or someone the family knows. A call to comfort, and support someone is also an act of love.
Please make sure you are keeping social distance and being safe. Safety is a very important part of performing services. SSE Children Parents can sign up for tracking purpose by signing up in the below link. Note: the sign up will not take more than 5 minutes.

We request you all to participate to make it memorable. Thanks

Sign up for your service for Adults Offering and SSE Offering (Click here)

Sai Kishore

————–Jai Sai Ram————–

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