Engaging in Collective Sadhana (Spiritual Practices)
Learn to live in love and harmony with all the members of your society. This is the basic teaching of Christianity and Islam. Guru Nanak favoured community prayers in preference to individual prayer in isolation. When all people join in unison to pray to God, their prayers will melt the heart of God. In a large gathering there must be at least one who prays with a pure heart. That prayer will reach God. Hence, devotees should take part in community bhajans. They should participate in community service and involve themselves in the life of the community. This is the noblest path. Sathya Sai Speaks Vol.23/Ch.36: 25 Dec 1986 (Download Here) -> http://sssbpt.info/ssspeaks/volume23/sss23-36.pdfSometime ago a devotional exercise called Likhitha japam (writing the names of the Lord as a form of worship) was started in Tamil Nadu. It was a collective (Samashti) exercise. Large numbers of devotees assembled at one place and wrote the name of the Lord as a (spiritual exercise). The joy to be derived from such a collective effort is inde-scribable.The community bhajan in which all join to sing in unison is an equally blissful experi-ence. This community singing was started by Guru Nanak. During community sing-ing divine vibrations emerge sanctifying the whole atmosphere. The same result cannot be expected when one sings alone. Community singing promotes unity which leads to purity and Divinity. Today there is no unity, purity or Divinity. What mankind needs today is unity based on the spiritual oneness of humanity. Sathya Sai Speaks Vol.27/Ch.32: 18 Dec 1994 (Download Here) -> http://sssbpt.info/ssspeaks/volume27/sss27-32.pdf
——————————————-Jai Sai Ram————————————