“Discrimination is Essential For Everyone” – Study Circle, Center Meeting, Sunday, August 2nd, 2020 

“Discrimination is Essential For Everyone” – Study Circle, Center Meeting, Sunday, August 2nd, 2020 

Sairam Dear All,
Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!



“Discrimination is Essential for Everyone” – Study Circle
SUNDAY, AUGUST 2ND, 2020 @ 2:00 PM



This coming Sunday we will be starting off with 11 times Rudram chanting at 6 AM as part of our 95 Sadhana Program. Those who wish to join, please join using the information: Please Dial: 646 558 8656 and meeting id 528 912 168 and enter password as 040270. For more information please reach out to Sis. Sushma Tangella. Also Sis. Sushma is conducting free Rudram learning classes, those who would like to participate and learn, please reach out to Br. Ragu Raman or Sis. Sushma Tangella.

We will have our regular Bhajans from 2 PM followed by “Discrimination is essential for everyone”  study circle from 3:00 PM

Discrimination Is Essential for Everyone

Young people in their tender years tend to follow the inclinations of the mind. They do not rise to the level of their intelligence. Consequently, they are subject to various agitations and frustrations. They have, therefore, to learn to use their powers of discrimination. “I am a human being. In this condition how should I conduct myself so that I may win the respect and regard of others?” These are the questions that each student must ask himself. He should inquire on every occasion as to what is the right course and what is to be avoided. He should decide on what he should do and where he should go after due inquiry. Having acquired knowledge, he should not behave like an illiterate, uneducated person. His conduct should be in keeping with his learning. Humility is the index of true education. Without humility, scholarship will lack lustre. Discrimination is essential for every student and educated man. – Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume XXI, Chapter 5: The Five Ds

Have Only Fundamental Discrimination

Discrimination is of two types: individual discrimination and fundamental discrimination. Individual discrimination arises out of selfishness, whereas fundamental discrimination is concerned with the welfare of one and all. One should discard individual discrimination and have only fundamental discrimination. This was the teaching of Buddha to Ananda, son of Gautami, before he attained Nirvana. – Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 32, Part 1, Chapter 15: Control Your Senses

Exercise Your Discrimination Properly

Before undertaking any activity man should discriminate whether it is good or bad, right or wrong. But man is using his power of discrimination only to suit his selfish ends, which is individual discrimination. What is needed today is fundamental discrimination, that which is based on the sacred principles like truth, love, and righteousness. Truth is God, love is God. So, live in love. – Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 32, Part 2, Chapter 3: Recognise the principle of “I.”

Whenever a thought arises in you to do something, take time and ask yourself: “Is it good, or is it bad?” It is very important to exercise your discrimination properly. It is fundamental discrimination that you should apply, not individual discrimination. Your action should benefit others — that is what fundamental discrimination is all about. Avoid haste, be patient, decide carefully on the basis of fundamental discrimination, and only then act. – Summer Showers in Brindavan 2000, Chapter 1: Seek Educare Instead of Just Education

Consider the Good of Others

The less you talk, the more your mental power will grow. With the increase in your mental capacity, there will be an increase in your power of discrimination too. Consequently, you will give up individual discrimination and resort to fundamental discrimination. Because of this, you will begin to consider the good of the world at large rather than your own individual welfare. – Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 25, Chapter 15: Rise from Animality to Divinity

Please join the session



95 Sadhana Program: For more details please go to www.ssbcflushing.org/nyc95
As part of the 95 Sadhana Program, the following is scheduled this Sunday as part of Center activity
1. We will start off with 21 AUMS before bhajans and conclude with 9 SAMASTHA LOKA after bhajans as part of Daily Prayers.
2. As part of the 95 Sadhana Program we will chant 95 times Sai Gayatri

Note: Daily Prayers common conference call is scheduled daily at 8 PM. For those who wish to join daily at 8 PM please see the details.
Dial-in number: (712) 775-7465 | Participant Code: 209737


01:30 PM – 01:45 PM: Join the meeting
01:45 PM – 02:00 PM: Meditattion

02:00 PM – 03:00 PM: Bhajans / 95 Sai Gayatri
02:00 PM – 02:30 PM:
03:00 PM – 04:00 PM: Discrimination is essential
02:00 PM – 02:30 PM: for everyone – Study Circle


1. Ensure you have laptop / phone / ipad and login by 1:45 PM.
2. For any issues or problems while joining, please see below for help…


While joining if it prompts for entering password please enter 10081008
For those who cannot join live using the above link, please dial in directly using the number (Audio Only):
Dial In Number: (646)-558 -8656
Access Code: 965-450-877#







Please join for (meeting links below)
1. ONE LINK FOR ALL SSE GROUPS  @ 12:30 PM (please start joining from 12:15 PM onwards)
2. CENTER MEETING SESSION @ 2:00 PM (Please start joining from 1:30 PM onwards)

For help with joining these meetings: Please Call the below volunteers

1. Ajesh Prabhu – 631 780 4248
2. Jothi Narayan – 631 404 9118
3. Rekha Prabhu – 631 780 4148
4. Deepa Narayan – 631 942 5311
5. Ragu Raman – 917 570 4013
6. Dyanesh Prabhu – 646 530 2924

Note: Please click the calendar for larger image.
Please see the monthly Calendar for the August 2020 below…
Sai Kishore
——–Jai Sai Ram——-

———–Jai Sai Ram————

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