Sairam Dear All,
Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!
The NYC Metro Sai Centers GAB 2019 is this weekend and with Swami’s grace and guidance, the planning has been completed with the support and cooperation of all the NYC Sai Centers as we set to embark on the spiritual experience of non-stop 24 hours bhajans.
Based on feedback, these are some checklist reminders to ensure that you and your family have an memorable and vibrant experience during the Global Akhanda Bhajans.
1. Request all Sai Devotees / Families to plan ahead of time so you can get to the venue on time and lead your bhajan during the assigned slot.
2. All Devotees who wish to sing during open slots would have to sign up at the Bhajan Hall and will be based on First Come First Slot Sign up.
3. Please ensure that your center allotted time slot on Sunday is followed and as well as ensure that all of your center members / singers to be present at the Bhajan Hall 1/2 hr before.
4. If you have signed up for Food items, please ensure that those items are delivered on time.
5. If you / your friends / family end up eating together in the cafeteria, please ensure that the table and surrounding area is clean both on top of the table and as well on the floor below. No littering of any food/ left overs will be highly appreciated. If you find some littering on the floor or on table, please either reach out to any of the volunteers for further help or you can yourself help by cleaning with an napkin or so. Remember “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness”.
6. Usage of bathroom is available for 24 hrs and so as the cleanliness. When you are done, ensure that you dry clean toilet seating cover / lid with a toilet paper. Ensure that no toilet or hand towel paper are littered on the ground but put into the garbage bins as applicable. Thank you.
7. Ensure that Shoes are left in an orderly fashion and at appropriate designated location as marked. No shoes are allowed inside the auditorium bhajans.
8. Ensure that your child or children do not play or hang around the hallway unless needed. All SSE children have play practices scheduled.
9. Parking is on the street and ensure that you do not park your cars so that you take up for two cars spaces.
10. Weather wise it’s going to be a bit chilly so please wear warm clothing appropriately.
11. Please plan on to bring your own water bottle to minimize plastic bottles usage. We will provide regular water cups but plan on to reuse those as much as possible. Also some devotees are planning to bring their own cutlery. If you want to clean please ensure that cutlery is cleared with napkin first into garbage and then you can clean up with some water rinsing in bathroom or so. Please be extra careful to ensure that neither floor nor sink is left wet. thank you.
Hoping that we all follow and have a blissful and vibrant GAB 2019.
Some action items:
1. All lead singers of the assigned slots are expected to be present by 5:30 PM on Saturday and Sunday by 2:30 PM.
2. SSE children to be present by 6:45 PM on Saturday and 9:30 AM on Sunday for non-Flushing SSE and 10 AM for Flushing SSE.
3. All volunteers please see Br. Ragu Raman for Devotional Hall Setup / others and Sis. Manorama Saxena for Cafeteria Setup.
Please review and follow these guidelines for all Bhajan Singers (taken from our Beloved Swami):
a) Devotional Singing (or Bhajans) has to be a thrilling experience which must leave participants full of love, joy, enthusiasm and elevated in spirit.
b) Pay attention to the meaning, the voice, the melody, the beat/rhythm, and the key/pitch of the songs.
c) Do not monopolize the time in Devotional Singing by singing a song for a long duration.
d) A Devotional Song should be sung in two speeds only, slow and fast. First speed each line twice and Second speed each line once and last line twice.If the particular Devotional Song is composed with a climax, then a third, faster speed may be implied on the climax.
e) There should be no gaps between songs. Be prepared ahead of time and sing immediately after the previous song ends.
f) Solo introductions (or Aalap) or ending Aalap to Devotional Songs are to be strictly avoided as they cause a break in the buildup of energy.
g) Practice your song at least 3-4 times on the day of the program.
h) Songs should be sung with feeling, devotion and proper understanding of each word. Make an effort to know the meaning of each word.
i) All singers need to provide maximum chorus when other Singers are rendering their bhajan. It helps every singer and motivates them.
j) Without your cooperation none of the above can be implemented or followed. WE need your support on the above. We lead singers will be the first ones to follow and there by set up an example to one and all.
Can’t wait to see you all. Have a safe week.
Sai Kishore.