Fw: Happy News Fw: Confirmation of Pathway to Prasanthi Pilgrimage | July 10-17, 2022.|  The pilgrimage website : https://www.sssgc-zone1.org/pilgrima

Fw: Happy News Fw: Confirmation of Pathway to Prasanthi Pilgrimage | July 10-17, 2022.| The pilgrimage website : https://www.sssgc-zone1.org/pilgrima

Sairam Dear All,
Hope all is well with Swami's grace!
Pathway to Prasanthi Pilgrimage (Parthi Pilgrimage) is now confirmed. For those who are planning to visit India in July, can plan to join the pilgrimage as well. Please register if you would like to join. This is a unique opportunity. More details see below.
Sai K
Fw: Happy News Fw: Confirmation of Pathway to Prasanthi Pilgrimage | July 10-17, 2022.|  The pilgrimage website : https://www.sssgc-zone1.org/pilgrima
With Love In His Service


—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Pradosh Dessai
To: Pradosh Dessai
Cc: Venkat Kodumudi ; Lalit Mohanty ; Krishna Prayaga ; Alpa Uchil ; md.region2.sssgc.usa@gmail.com ; “Raghavendran Srinivasan” ; Balu Karanam ; Sumana Madhav ; Suresh Viswanathan
Sent: Saturday, April 2, 2022, 07:39:36 PM EDT
Subject: Happy News Fw: Confirmation of Pathway to Prasanthi Pilgrimage | July 10-17, 2022.| The pilgrimage website : www.sssgc-zone1.org/pilgrimage/

Sairam Dear SSSGC-USA Region 2 Center Presidents/Group Leaders,  



Please share this email with all the Sai Center/Group members.  


With Love for all,  

Pradosh Dessai  

SSSGC-USA Region 2 President  


From: Balu Karanam
Sent: Saturday, April 2, 2022 1:35 PM
Cc: Sri Jeevaprakash ; Dhurjati Mudigonda ; Sumana Murali ; Giridhar Jeedigunta ; Sai Sravan Cherukuri ; Ketan Kharod ; Geeta Reid ; Alekhya Rao ; Jaysai Ghayal ; Axay Kalathia
Subject: FW: Confirmation of Pathway to Prasanthi Pilgrimage


Sairam Dear Regional Presidents/ Center Presidents/ Group Leaders,


Please see the mail from Axay regarding happy news of Confirmation of Pathway to Prasanthi Pilgrimage July 10-17, 2022.


Please share with all  members.


In Sai’s Service,

Balu Karanam

President, SSSGC-USA


Sent from Mail for Windows



Sai Ram Dear National Presidents, 


Please forward this wonderful news that our Pathway to Prasanthi Pilgrimage is confirmed!!  


Dear Sri Sathya Sai Zone 1 Family!

We have received formal confirmation from the ashram authorities that our “Pathway to Prasanthi” Pilgrimage, July 10-17, 2022, is confirmed on their calendar and they are looking forward to receiving us.  If you have not already registered before, please do so at The pilgrimage website  and start making your flight reservations to arrive at the ashram 9th of July evening and to depart after 17th of July evening.  


The Planning Committee will start coordinating the preparatory activities leading up to the Pilgrimage along with activities during our stay. 

The Pilgrimage website will be the principle means for registering as well as, eventually,  for getting the latest updates and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) such as up to date COVID precautions and medical travel guidelines, necessary passport and visa requirements, dress codes, designated group seating, meals, accommodation, children’s programs, young adult programs, tours, musical offerings, workshops, talks from eminent speakers, and service opportunities including serving in the medical camp. 


In the meantime, let us continue our 1008 Sadhana program and maintain our focus on Swami as we prepare for this sacred event.    



Loving Sairams,  


Dr. Axay Shanti Kalathia 

Sri Sathya Sai Global Council (SSSGC), Zone 1 Chair 








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