Fw: SSSGC-USA| National Education Wing|Greetings

Fw: SSSGC-USA| National Education Wing|Greetings

Sairam Dear All,
See below a note from the National Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual Education (SSSSE) Coordinator Sis. Sumana Murali of SSSGC USA.
Sis. Sushama requested to send this email to the membership.

Sai Kishore.
With Love In His Service
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Sushama Tangella
To: sai kishore p
Sent: Sunday, August 8, 2021, 5:23:21 PM EDT
Subject: Fwd: SSSGC-USA| National Education Wing|Greetings
Sairam Sai Kishore,

Can you please send it to our membership.


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Sumana Murali <education@sssgc-usa.org>
Date: Sun, Aug 8, 2021 at 4:21 PM
Subject: SSSGC-USA| National Education Wing|Greetings
To: Sumana Murali <education@sssgc-usa.org>

Aum Sri Sai Ram


Please share email with all SSSSE Teachers as well.

Dear Center Education Coordinators and Teachers,

Loving Sai Ram.

May all be well with you and your family. My name is Sumana Murali, and Swami has bestowed on me the responsibility of coordinating the Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual Education Program under Sri Sathya Sai Global Council, USA (SSSGC). It is an honor, blessing and privilege to be working with each of you and for each of you. This email comes with a quick introduction and some important notes that you may find useful.

I am a proud alumna of Swami’s Bal Vikas program and also had the blessing to spend a few years of my primary school days in Parthi and earn my undergraduate degree from the Anantapur Campus of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. I have taught and been part of the Bal Vikas/Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual Education program for almost 25 years now and have served in both Center and Regional office bearing roles before. I am an educator by profession. I teach elementary school in my hometown in a local public school. I have a son who is a YA and I have been living in New Jersey with my husband for 25 years now. Having seen both the learning and teaching side of education both in India and in the USA- both secular and spiritual, I feel Swami has prepared me to take on this role now while in the process, He continues to mold me and work on me.

I want to take this opportunity to bring to your attention a few things. 

First and foremost, we are aligned 100% with Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s original program and will stay true to Swami’s 2 foundational pillars of the program: God Exists and Man is Divine. There are no changes to that.

As part of the SSSGC, the program/wing will:

  1. Adorn the name Sri Sathya Sai in front of the word Spiritual Education to seek the blessings of Bhagawan. It is henceforth called 

 Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual Education. (SSSSE). Even though it may seem lengthy, Swami’s complete name will give it all the power it needs. Also, please start using the Sarva Dharma symbol originally hand drawn by Swami (see our website for the image), not the 5 values symbol.

  1. We will continue to be part of one of the 3 wings of a Sai Center (Devotion, Service, Education).

  2. We will continue to have weekly classes conducted by committed and trained Teacher volunteers in Centers.

  3. We will continue to offer 4 SSSSE groups as always (Groups 1,2,3,4- children Grades 1-12) to children from ALL cultural backgrounds and will stay true to Swami’s teaching on Unity of Faiths and Brotherhood of Man and Fatherhood of God.

  4. Ensure enrichment programs for all existing teachers and new teacher training to mold new ones.

  5. Offer workshops and engaging service and devotional activities for all children.

  6. Children and teachers will have the opportunity to learn and collaborate from the wisdom and knowledge of the program from other centers around the world.

  7. Children will have the opportunity to engage in plays and skits to present during national and zonal pilgrimages, as well as for our dear Swami’s upcoming Centenary year celebrations.

  8. The program has the blessing to be guided by the wise counsel of devotees, stalwarts, and pioneers of the program such as Mrs. Berniece Mead and Mrs. Geetha Mohan Ram as I serve you. 

    1. Mrs. Geetha’s mother was one of the very first devotees to whom Swami gave direct guidance in 1968 on how to run the Bal Vikas program. Mrs. Geetha was right beside her mother as a 15-year-old girl helping with the program- both teaching and training. 

    2. Mrs. Berniece Mead was instrumental in putting the teacher’s manual together in the USA. Swami had appointed her National SSE Coordinator for the USA and she served for over a decade. She too has received direct guidance from Swami on how to run the program in the USA.

I know the last couple of months have been confusing. Face the Light, face our Swami and you will see a shadow no more!  Continue to do the wonderful work you have been doing with children year after year. Nothing has changed. Be rest assured that nothing will be taken out of the program either. In fact, it will be enriched by the beauty of both domestic and global diversity, creativity, and strong guidance as originally envisioned by Swami as it is NOT a regular education program. It is a program of expansion with its foundation as LOVEAs a coordinator and teacher of this program, take strength in knowing that Swami has chosen you for this task. You have everything within you. 

To help you plan your year, I have attached for you a 2021-2022 calendar with a list of festivals/observances you can consider while planning classes for children this year. I hope you find it useful. For a list of resources, look at our website’s SSSSE page.

If you have questions, need further guidance or would like to communicate with me, please reach out to me in WhatsApp or email me at education@sssgc-usa.org

A lot of your questions are answered in our website- www.sssgc-usa.org or at www.sssgc-zone1.org

One last Programming Note- Save the Date: 

Aug 14th, Saturday, 7pm- 8:30 p.m. ET /4pm – 6:30 p.m. PT.

Sri Sathya Sai Spiritual Education: A Journey Through Time

A Panel with Mrs. Geetha Mohan Ram, Mrs. Berniece Mead, Mrs. Sumana Murali and Dr.Axay Kalathia. This program is catered to all SSSSE Teachers, Coordinators and SSSSE Parents. I will share the flyer with you all for distribution early this week.

Wishing you abundant Grace as you begin this fresh new year with the children. Stay in touch and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Stay safe and stay healthy.




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