Fw: Update: Puerto Rico Relief and Bahamas Relief

Fw: Update: Puerto Rico Relief and Bahamas Relief

Sairam Dear All,
Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!
PLease see details for the relief opportunity. Please download the attachments here. DOWNLOAD DOCUMENTS
With Love In His Service


—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Aparna Chitturi
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 9:20:39 AM EST
Subject: Fwd: Update: Puerto Rico Relief and Bahamas Relief

Sairam Dear Center Presidents, Vice Presidents and Group Leads,


Please forward this email to your membership.  


This is a great opportunity to help our Brothers and Sisters in the Bahamas.

The relief seva is now open to all regions for an additional time. Please see email below from our National Service Coordinator, Brother Axay Kalathia for more information.


Loving Sairam,

Aparna Chitturi

Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu 


May all the beings in all the worlds be happy




———- Forwarded message ———
From: Axay Kalathia <akalathia@sathyasai.us>
Date: Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 1:08 AM
Subject: Update: Puerto Rico Relief and Bahamas Relief


Dear Regional Presidents and Service Coordinators,


We are now opening up the Bahamas relief to all regions for several more days, as there are still some needed items. Please notify devotees so that those who may not have not had a chance to participate yet can still select items for the Bahama family food items:  See Items and the Bahama school children items:  See Items


The list for the Puerto Rico Relief has been completely fulfilled and some preliminary items were delivered by the local Sai Center in Puerto Rico yesterday to families in need.  As the rest of the shipments arrive, they will be delivered and we will get updates.  We have been asked not to send any further supplies to Puerto Rico for now and that they will notify us as further needs arise.


Loving Sairams,



Axay Shanti Kalathia MD



National Service Coordinator

Sathya Sai International Organisation (SSIO) – USA

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From: Axay Kalathia <akalathia@sathyasai.us>
Date: Monday, January 20, 2020 at 7:18 AM
Subject: TIME SENSITIVE: Puerto Rico Relief and Bahamas Relief


Dear Regional Presidents and Service Coordinators,


Please forward this time sensitive communication along with the 2 attachments to your members regarding our National Service Efforts.


Bahamas Relief

With Sathya Sai’s Grace, our sustained relief efforts in the Grand Bahamas has been going well.  200 families have been provided monthly assistance with groceries and 600 school children are being provided supplies for breakfast once a week due to support by the regions across the USA.  Regions 3 and 4 supplies were delivered at the end of October as Batch 1, Region 2 and 6 supplies were delivered at the end of November as Batch 2, and a special Toy Drive Batch from all Regions was delivered shortly after Christmas.  Regions 1 and 8 now have the opportunity to participate for items for Batch 3.  The deadline for goods to be ordered is January 27, 2020, to the following address:  Sai Relief Supplies, C/O BEACON SYSTEMS INC., 3928 Coral Ridge Dr., Coral Springs, FL – 33065 (phone:  954- 426-1171, Special Delivery Instructions: Deliveries MON-FRI 9 AM to 5 PM). 


Puerto Rico Relief

More than 1,000 quakes jolted the island of Puerto Rico during the first two weeks of the year, according to the Puerto Rico Seismic Network, among them a 6.4 magnitude earthquake and a 5.9-magnitude aftershock.  Hundreds of homes and businesses in the southwest region of the country were damaged or destroyed, and thousands of Puerto Ricans were left without water and power, which has also affected telecommunications. In addition, more than 1,000 people were staying in government shelters.  The SSIO NDRT team in Puerto Rico has been active in assessing areas in need and they have adopted a community in the center of the island that has requirements for assistance.  They have provided a list of items in high need that we have placed on our NDRT Supply Fulfillment Website.  Since Regions 1 and 8 are participating in Batch 3 for the Bahamas, we are giving the opportunity for the rest of the Regions (2,3,4,5,6,7,9,and 10) to help the victims on the island of Puerto Rico.   The deadline for goods to be ordered is January 27, 2020 and address for the shipment is Mercedes Mercado, HT-28 El Comandante Ave., Carolina, Puerto Rico, 00982 (phone:  787-608-8063).


Stay tuned for an updated article with photos sharing relief efforts to date from the National Disaster Relief Media Team.


We are most grateful to our dear Lord for giving us this opportunity to participate is these noble efforts.



Axay Shanti Kalathia MD


National Service Coordinator

Sathya Sai International Organisation (SSIO) – USA

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