Fw: UPDATE: Toy and Children Supplies Drive – Bahamas , Extended Delivery Date

Sairam Dear All,
Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!
Please see the service opportunity to support Toy and children Supplies Drive for Bahamas.
Sai K
With Love In His Service
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Douglas Gaum
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2019, 9:16:04 AM EST
Subject: UPDATE: Toy and Children Supplies Drive – Bahamas , Extended Delivery Date
SaiRam Embodiments of Divine Love,

Center Presidents and Group Leaders – The date for the toys to be delivered to the address listed in the attachment has been extended to the 27th, an additional week.  The date extension makes this doable.  Please forward this to your members ASAP.  
Thank you and may Swami take complete control of everything we feel, think, say, and do,
Brother DougPray
—–Original Message—–
From: Douglas Gaum
To: dharmadoug
Sent: Wed, Dec 18, 2019 8:31 am
Subject: Fwd: Time Sensitive: Toy and Children Supplies Drive – Bahamas URGENT  

SaiRam Embodiments of Divine Love,

Center Presidents and Group Leaders – Please forward this e-mail to your members ASAP.  This is time-sensitive and may be too late as is.
May Swami take complete control of everything we feel, think, say, and do,
Brother Doug  

—–Original Message—–
From: Alejandro (Alex) Grana
Sent: Tue, Dec 17, 2019 1:49 am
Subject: Time Sensitive: Toy and Children Supplies Drive – Bahamas  

Dear Regional Presidents and Service Coordinators,
Om Sai Ram! May this communication find you well by Swami’s Grace.
We bring to you an item that has just been conceived in the last few days with the input from our Bahamian church collaborators however, which we’d still like to pursue to any extent possible. In continuation of our efforts to provide solace to the victims of the Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, we wish to take up a special toy and children supplies’ drive to bring cheer to the Bahamian children during Christmas.
Although we’d welcome the participation of all US Regions, we understand the timing concerns. Please do what you can and share with your membership to the extent you consider viable – we leave the final participation decision to each Region. If your Region will participate however, please let me know and forward the attached communication to your Centers/Members immediately. Target supply delivery date is Dec 20th.
On a separate note, we will also release (food) Supplies Batch #3 this week, for Regions 1 and 8 to fulfill. Due date will be early Jan.
Wishing all of you a Blessed Christmas and New Year!
Thank You,
With Love & Best Wishes,
Alex (on behalf of the NDRT and Bahamas Relief Team)
Alejandro (Alex) Grana
National Service Coordinator
+1 (512) 940-9275
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Sathya Sai International Organisation – USA


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