Sairam Dear SSSGC-USA Region 2 Center Presidents/Group Leaders,
Please share this email with all the Sai Center/Group members.
With Love for all,
Pradosh Dessai
SSSGC-USA Region 2 President
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2022 5:56 PM
To: Sri Jeevaprakash ; Dhurjati Mudigonda ; Sumana Murali ; Giridhar Jeedigunta ; Ketan Kharod ; Geeta Reid ; Alekhya Rao ; Jaysai Ghayal ; Sai Sravan Cherukuri
Cc: Axay Kalathia
Subject: Fwd: YOUNG ADULT WORKSHOP *Embracing a New Norm: Connection in These Changing Times* 3/19/22
Sairam Dear Regional Presidents/ Center Presidents/ Group Leaders,
Please see the mail from YA team regarding YOUNG ADULT WORKSHOP *Embracing a New Norm: Connection in These Changing Times* on 3/19/22
Please share with all Young Adults.
In Sai’s Service,
Balu Karanam
President, SSSGC-USA
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From: Alekhya Rao
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2022 10:36:56 AM
To: Balu Karanam
Cc: Axay Kalathia ; Sai Sravan Cherukuri ; Ketan Kharod ; Geeta Reid ; Jaysai Ghayal ; Jaysai Ghayal
Subject: YOUNG ADULT WORKSHOP *Embracing a New Norm: Connection in These Changing Times* 3/19/22
Sairam Balu Uncle,
Hope you are doing well. Please forward the following information about our upcoming Young Adult workshop to center presidents for them to share with their respective Young Adults. Thank you!
Loving Sairams,
SSSGC – USA Young Adult Team
*Embracing a New Norm: Connection in These Changing Times*
March 19, 2022
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST
In this time of uncertainty, when fear and anxiety can run rampant, Young Adults can create a “new norm” that instead is grounded in purpose, passion, and positivity. Join us during this workshop as we explore how we can do this through connection.
Registration link:
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 980 922 3609
Passcode: 724726
Loving Sairams,
SSSGC – USA Young Adult Team
Male YA Coordinator – Jaysai Ghayal (732) 552 8183
Female YA Coordinator – Alekhya Rao (864) 356 7164
Male YA Advisor – Ketan Kharod (512) 293 1556
Female YA Advisor – Geeta Reid (704) 701 6996