Reminder: The Nature of Atmic Reality – Study Circle | Bhajans | 21 Sai Gayatri – 1008 Sadhana – 10AM Sun, Feb 6-FlushingSaiCenterSSSGC

Reminder: The Nature of Atmic Reality – Study Circle | Bhajans | 21 Sai Gayatri – 1008 Sadhana – 10AM Sun, Feb 6-FlushingSaiCenterSSSGC

Reminder: The Nature of Atmic Reality – Study Circle | Bhajans | 21 Sai Gayatri – 1008 Sadhana – 10AM Sun, Feb 6-FlushingSaiCenterSSSGC
Sairam Dear All,
Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!

(affiliated with SSSGC, Prasanthi Nilayam, Puttaparthi) |

Sri Sathya Sai Educare (SSSE) Classes
Friday, February 4th 2022 @ 7:30 PM

We will have separate links for Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3/4 respectively. Please click on the below.

For any more information, please contact Sis. Sushama Tangella @

Note: While joining if it prompts for entering password please enter 10081008


The Nature of Atmic Reality – Study Circle
Sunday, February 6th 2022 @ 10 AM

This Sunday, we will start off with Bhajans and following the bhajans we will  21 Sai Gayatri chanting as part of 1008 Sadhana and followed by our regular monthly study circle topic ” The Nature of Atmic Reality” as sent by Br. Amit Palicha. Please see below the extract of the topic taken from Sathya Sai Vahini – Chapter 6.

The nature of Atmic reality

Whatever the differences in interpretation, when we take our stand on the central core of the truth on which all agree, a deep passage will be discerned between “East” and “West”, where both do journey to the goal. People of the Eastern countries seek the realization of this gloriously beneficent consummation in the inner regions of themselves. While worshiping, we close the eyes and endeavour to visualize God inside ourselves. People of the West lift up their faces and visualize God in outer space, in the beyond. Indians believe that the Vedas —their sacred scripture— were the very breath of God conveying meanings to the sages who had installed Him in their hearts. Westerners believe that their scriptures were recorded by people under the direction of God.

Another point must be understood: We have to hold fast to the belief, always. Unless a belief is held unshaken throughout night and day, it cannot be used to achieve victory. No success is possible otherwise. When a man asserts that he is low and mean and that he knows but little, he becomes low and mean and his knowledge shrinks.

We become what we believe we are. We are the children of almighty God, endowed with supreme power, glory, and wisdom. We are children of immortality. When we dwell in this thought, how can we ever be low and ignorant? Indian spiritual culture enjoins on everyone to believe that the real nature of mankind is supreme and that one should be ever conscious of this truth.

The Indians (Bharathiyas) of past ages had faith in their great reality. They achieved victory in their endeavours as a result of this faith and rose to lofty heights. They reached the peak of progress. Today, we have slid down into the present decline mainly because we have lost faith in the Atma in us. This was the beginning of our fall. For, loss of confidence in the Self (Atma) involves loss of faith in God Himself. That Omnipresence is the inner motivator of all, the warp and woof of our body and mind, our emotions and intellect. Strengthening faith in Him is the only means of realizing the highest goal of mankind. This is the lesson that Indian spiritual history longs to teach.

Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan (Sathya Sai Vahini (Chapters 6))

Please join this session.


09:30 AM – 09:45 AM: Join the meeting
09:45 AM – 10:00 AM: Meditattion

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Bhajans
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Atmic Reality
02:00 PM – 02:30 PM: Study Circle


1. Ensure you have laptop / phone / ipad and login by 9:45 AM.
2. For any issues while joining, please reach out to us.


Note: If it asks for password, please enter 10081008

For those who cannot join using the above link, please dial in directly using the number (Audio Only):
Dial In Number: (646)-558 -8656
Access Code: 965-450-877#
Passcode: 10081008

1008 Sadhana Offering
21 Sai Gayatri chanting during center meeting on
Sunday, February 6th, 2022 @ 10 AM

Swami says

“The purpose of life is to know one’s own self”. Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) helps us to understand the questions,

“Who am I? | From where did I come? | Where am I going to? | How long I will be here? “

1008 days of sadhana program is to practice sadhana. Sadhana (Spritiual Practice) will help us to reach our goal of spiritual realization. Once you start practicing something, eventually that becomes an habit where there is no need for any Sadhana offerings. There is no time limit of 1008 days as this is always a life long Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) that all of us have to follow.

Note: This is an progressive Sadhana Offering that will cover an span of 4 years leading to Sri Sathya Sai Baba 100th Birthday Celebrations.

The 1008 Sadhana offering was launched (start of 96th Birthday offering (96 days leading to 96th Birthday)) on Thursday August 19th 2021. Please join as this is open for all Children, Young Adults and Adults. Where ever one may be, you can still follow the sadhana (Spiritual Practice) that will help you to answer the above questions. You don’t have to register to participate as it is Optional.

For more details on how you and your family members can participate, please click below for the details.

1008 Sadhana Website Link (Click Here)


1. Due to the ongoing Omicron Covid Virus variant spread, based on the NYC health / CDC guidelines we are taking precautionary measures by pausing the IN PERSON Center meeting.

2. We will review the option of resuming the IN PERSON center meeting as we get to know more status updates.

Sai Kishore
——–Jai Sai Ram——-

———–Jai Sai Ram————

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