Reminder: “The Secret of A Happy Life” – Study Circle / Chanting 95 Sai Gayatri, Center Meeting, Sunday, September 6th, 2020 

Reminder: “The Secret of A Happy Life” – Study Circle / Chanting 95 Sai Gayatri, Center Meeting, Sunday, September 6th, 2020 

Sairam Dear All,
Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!

“The Secret of A Happy Life” – Study Circle
SUNDAY, AUGUST 30th, 2020 @ 2:00 PM

This coming Sunday we will be starting off with 11 times Rudram chanting at 6 AM as part of our 95 Sadhana Program. Those who wish to join, please join using the information: Please Dial: 646 558 8656 and meeting id 528 912 168 and enter password as 040270. For more information please reach out to Sis. Sushma Tangella. Also Sis. Sushma is conducting free Rudram learning classes, those who would like to participate and learn, please reach out to Br. Ragu Raman or Sis. Sushma Tangella.

We will have our regular Bhajans from 2 PM followed by “The Secret of A Happy Life”  study circle from 3:00 PM.

The Secret of A Happy Life

Sometimes certain feelings originate in our heart. Clouds which originate from the sun cover the sun itself. Water that is not used for many days is covered by the moss which has grown in the water itself. Cataract, which is born of the eye, covers the vision of that very eye. Ash which comes out of the fire covers that same fire. So too, compassion is present in our very heart. But we neglect it, or divert our heart in a wrong way. A seed has oil in it, but you should know the procedure of extracting oil from it. Without thrashing the sugarcane, you cannot make sugar out of it. First, you have to crush the cane and extract the juice. Then you have to boil the juice to make sugar out of it. On the other hand, if out of compassion, you do not remove the juice from the cane, you will never get sugar. The flower of compassion doesn’t work over here. In the same way, our body is like sugar cane. Unless it is crushed by sufferings and pain, it doesn’t give the sweet juice of compassion and kindness. This is known as ‘Samskara’ or refinement. Refinement means removing all bad qualities, and fostering all good qualities. This is the main principle and the secret for leading a happy life. Unless you feel hot you would not purchase an air conditioner. Unless you feel hungry you won’t eating anything. In the same way, unless you face difficulties you will not remember God. In times of happiness and joy people don’t pray to God, but in difficult times they realise the need for God. In times of pleasure and comfort, man becomes egoistic. Pleasure is the interval between two pains. Therefore, first we have to suffer pain. Then only can we enjoy pleasure.

Source: Follow Your Conscience, Discourse 6, My Dear Students, Volume 4

Please join this session. Sairam.

95 Sadhana Program: For more details please go to
As part of the 95 Sadhana Program, the following is scheduled this Sunday as part of Center activity
1. We will start off with 21 AUMS before bhajans and conclude with 9 SAMASTHA LOKA after bhajans as part of Daily Prayers.
2. As part of the 95 Sadhana Program we will be chanting 95 times Sai Gayatri

Note: Daily Prayers common conference call is scheduled daily at 8 PM. For those who wish to join daily at 8 PM please see the details.
Dial-in number: (712) 775-7465 | Participant Code: 209737

NEW Initiatives:

95 Days of Daily Bhajans:  We have started new initiative of having at least one bhajan for 95 days starting from Thursday, August 20th 2020 until Monday, November 23rd 2020. Please sign up by going to the below url

95 Days of Daily Service:  We have started new initiative of having at least one service act honoring our unsung heroes for 95 days starting from Thursday, August 20th 2020 until Monday, November 23rd 2020. Please sign up by going to the below url



01:30 PM – 01:45 PM: Join the meeting
01:45 PM – 02:00 PM: Meditattion

02:00 PM – 03:00 PM: Bhajans /
02:00 PM – 02:30 PM: 95 Sai Gayatri Chanting
03:00 PM – 04:00 PM: “The Secret of A Happy
02:00 PM – 02:30 PM: Life” – Study Circle


1. Ensure you have laptop / phone / ipad and login by 1:45 PM.
2. For any issues or problems while joining, please see below for help…


While joining if it prompts for entering password please enter 10081008
For those who cannot join live using the above link, please dial in directly using the number (Audio Only):
Dial In Number: (646)-558 -8656
Access Code: 965-450-877#


Time Sensitive: SSIO Ladies Day 2020 Celebration: Invitation to Participate

Sairam Dear Center Presidents, Vice Presidents and Group Leads,


Please forward this e-mail to your members.


We encourage active participation from our Sai Sisters across the region in the Ladies Day program.

Please see details below.


Loving Sairam,

Aparna Chitturi

Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu 


May all the beings in all the worlds be happy

From: Aparna Murali 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 1:12 AM
To: SSIO-USA All Regional Presidents 
Cc: SSIO-USA National OBs; Jack Feely 
Subject: Fwd: Time Sensitive: SSIO Ladies Day 2020 Celebration: Invitation to Participate


Sai Ram, dear brothers and sisters- kindly review and forward this important announcement regarding SSIO’s online Ladies day celebrations. There many wonderful opportunities for women devotees to participate. We are counting on your encouragement and support. 
Loving regards, 
Aparna Murali
National Education coordinator |Sathya Sai International Organization, USA

From: Harish Naidu 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020, 4:01 PM
To: Alejandro (Alex) Grana; Aparna Murali
Subject: RE: Time Sensitive: SSIO Ladies Day 2020 Celebration: Invitation to Participate


From: Phil Gosselin 
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 4:46 AM
Subject: Fw: Time Sensitive: SSIO Ladies Day 2020 Celebration: Invitation to Participate


From: Alejandro (Alex) Grana
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2020 11:55 PM

Subject: Time Sensitive: SSIO Ladies Day 2020 Celebration: Invitation to Participate


Dear Zone Chairs,

Om Sri Sai Ram.

Praying you’re well by Swami’s Grace. Kindly find attached an important communication from the 2020 Ladies Day Organising Committee, for your kind attention. Please note that some of the requested items are quite time sensitive.


Please let us know if you have any questions.


Thank you,

With Love and Best Wishes,




SSIO Ladies Day 2020 Celebration an Invitation to Participate

By Swami’s Grace we are fortunate to have an online SSIO Ladies’ Day Celebration on 18th and 19th November 2020 with the theme: “Woman is the Beacon of the Nation through 3HV (Head, Heart, Hands)”


The Ladies’ Day Organising Committee consisting of Dr. Hyma Reddy, Ms. Marianne Meyer, Ms. Sujata Ganguli, Ms. Kayoko Hira, Ms. Chitra Mirpuri, Ms. Alida Parkes, Ms. Maria Cecilia Villamizar, Ms. Aparna Murali, Ms. Roshini Visvanathan kindly invite you and your zone to participate in the SSIO Ladies’ Day 2020 Celebration by providing the following material.


All the material below should be sent to” style=”mso-line-height-rule: exactly;-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;color: #656565;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;”> in cc to the relevant task leader) within the indicated dates.


Kindly review all submissions received from your countries to check the quality and please make a pre-selection of the videos (photos) to be shared with us. To enable the use of highest quality, please send us links to download material in high resolution format from the original source.

Testimonials videos on Spiritual Transformation:

Ladies from all zones including YA and longtime members representing all cultures/traditions are invited to produce a one to two minutes video clips on how the practice of Sai Teachings (SSHV) improved their lives and the positive effect/impact on their families, at work, in society, and the planet. 

Some of the above clips will be included throughout the two sessions of Ladies’ Day Programmes singly or consolidated into three, six or nine minutes according to time slots available. 

Some of the above clips will be posted on social media and websites before the event as teasers (to promote Ladies Day) and may be used to inspire members and also general public both at national and international level.

As the clips may be consolidated into one longer video, please do not include graphics, special effects or background music. (See example attached, as reference)

If the clip is recorded in a local language, we should receive that clip in its original language (with translation in word doc.) and, if possible, a copy edited with subtitles in English.

Deadline to submit the videoclips: 30th September

Guidelines for Testimonials:

Technical Tips:

1. Hold i-phone/i-pad horizontally

2. Send clips by email in highest resolution with link to original source preferably in .mov or mp4 format.

3. Each clip should indicate as caption subtitle: Zone-Country-Name of Testimonial

4. Shoot from waist up in a quiet, neutral location preferably outdoor.

5. Be careful to avoid background noises.

Contents Tips:

1.Start with your first name, country and occupation, 

2.Give an example of a teaching put into practice, how it improved your character/life and the positive effect/ impact on others. (family, at work, in society, and the planet)

3. Close with a smile. 

Attached video clip as an example (Video link:, and a Release Form to be signed by testimonial and sent together with video recording.

For further details/clarifications please contact:

Alida Parkes:” style=”mso-line-height-rule: exactly;-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;color: #656565;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;”> WhatsApp +39 335 5852969

Ladies Speakers:

Kindly propose two or three names of individuals (with contact information) who will speak for about five to eight minutes each. Please add a short biodata of the suggested speakers. The committee will then make a final selection and will approach them for further information and instructions. These talks will be pre-recorded.

Deadline to submit proposals 31st August

Please send this information to: Ms. Chitra Mirpuri:” style=”mso-line-height-rule: exactly;-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;color: #656565;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;”> WhatsApp +212 665 111000

Ladies Cultural Programmes:

We are looking for musical productions, choirs, dramas, skits or orchestra performed by ladies. If you have produced any recently or in the past years, kindly share them with us. The committee will make a selection or consolidate some of them into a medley from different zones. 

Deadline to submit videos: 30th September

Please send these presentations to:

Ms. Marianne Meyer:” style=”mso-line-height-rule: exactly;-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;color: #656565;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;”> WhatsApp +45 22 472200

Ladies Service Activities:

We are looking for videos or photos of ladies engaged in various service activities. Activities from last year are also acceptable.

Deadline to submit videos/photos: 30th September

Please send these materials to:

Ms. Sujata Ganguli:” style=”mso-line-height-rule: exactly;-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;color: #656565;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;”> WhatsApp +1 626-353-5070

SSE Children Programmes:

Young girls also have the opportunity to participate in the Ladies’ Day programme either with a skit or dance based on short stories depicting the culture, traditions of countries within your zone. 

Here is an example from Radiosai-

As a first step, kindly provide a short story/stories by clicking on this link: by 2nd of September

The organising committee will review and provide feedback by September 10

Please submit the first draft of script, costumes and general concept by 26th September and video by 10th October.

Please send these materials to:

Aparna Murali:” style=”mso-line-height-rule: exactly;-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;color: #656565;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;”>  WhatsApp +1 310 5627926


Thanking you for your kind attention and support,


Loving Regards

Ladies Day Organising Committee




Alejandro (Alex) Grana

Chair, Events Committee

Sathya Sai International Organisation

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Note: Please click the calendar for larger image.
Please see the monthly Calendar for the September 2020 below…
Sai Kishore
——–Jai Sai Ram——-

———–Jai Sai Ram————

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