Note: We will resume classes again in September 2022 as we take break for Summer.
“Three schools of Vedanta’s” – Study Circle
Sunday, August 7th 2022 @ 10 AM
This Sunday, we will start off with Bhajans and following the bhajans we will follow 21 Sai Gayatri Prayers Chanting as part of 1008 Sadhana.
Afterwards we will have our regular study circle led by Br. Amit Palicha following from Sathya Sai Vahini. The below topic will be discussed for this sunday as well as the below topic requires more discussion based on the request by the participants.
Chapter 9: One with the One The cosmos (jagath) was created by God out of Himself, so He is the originator as well as the material of the cosmos. As a result, He is full (paripurna). Creation is also full, as is the individual Atma. Therefore, many full entities are postulated. God made the cosmos manifest from Himself. When this declaration is made, the doubt may naturally arise: How could God become these walls, these tables? Here is another doubt that comes uppermost to some: God is supremely pure, so how could He become these impure things?
Humanity is fundamentally divine Let us seek the answers. People are fundamentally Atma but they have the encasement of a body, right? From one point of view, a person is not distinct from the body, yes? In spite of this, however, one feels that one is not this body, that one’s reality is distinct from it, that one is not the baby one was or the old man one is, that one is neither male nor female, and that one persists through babyhood, boyhood, middle age, and old age, masculinity and femininity, and all the other stages and changes. So too, the cosmos and all creation are but the billion bodies of God. He is all this and in all this, but He is changeless and eternal. Nature is amenable to change. The Atma can also contract or expand, blossom or fade, shine or be befogged. Bad deeds will diminish its splendour by clouding its brilliance. Its innate and genuine truth and wisdom may be hidden by evil thoughts and deeds. Acts and practices that can disclose the native splendour and glory of the Atma are termed “good”.
Three schools of Vedanta The Atma is “unbound” at first; but later it is seen as limited and restricted. Through good deeds and activities, it resumes its vastness and boundlessness. Everyone, without any difference, has the opportunity to achieve this transformation. When the time gets ripe, everyone can succeed in this and liberate themself from the bonds and bondage. But the cosmos (jagath) will not end. It is eternal, incapable of being destroyed. This is the explanation of the second school of philosophy in India.
The first school of philosophy is dualism (dwaitha). The dualists posit that the cosmos is a vast machine designed and operated by God. The second school is qualified nondualism (visishta-adwaitha). This second, higher, stage in spiritual enquiry and experience posits three entities —God, the Atma, and nature— and speaks of an integration of the three. The qualified nondualists declare that the cosmos is a phenomenon that is interpenetrated and imbued with the Divine. The third school, nondualism (a-dwaitha), asserts that God is not outside the cosmos, that He became the cosmos, and that He is all that is. There is nothing except God, no other, no second. This truth has to be accepted by all. This is the highest truth.
Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Sathya Sai Vahini: Chapter 9
Please join this session.
09:30 AM – 09:45 AM: Join the meeting 09:45 AM – 10:00 AM: Meditattion
10:00 AM – 10:45 AM: Bhajans 10:45 AM – 12:00 PM: Study Circle
1. Ensure you have laptop / phone / ipad and login by 9:45 AM. 2. For any issues while joining, please reach out to us.
!!! CENTER TIMINGS CHANGED – 10 AM EVERY SUNDAY !!! Note: If it asks for password, please enter 10081008
For those who cannot join using the above link, please dial in directly using the number (Audio Only): Dial In Number: (646)-558 -8656 Access Code: 965-450-877# Passcode: 10081008
1008 Sadhana Offering 21 Sai Gayatri Prayers Chanting during center meeting on Sunday, August 7th, 2022 @ 10 AM
Swami says
“The purpose of life is to know one’s own self”. Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) helps us to understand the questions,
“Who am I? | From where did I come? | Where am I going to? | How long I will be here? “
1008 days of sadhana program is to practice sadhana. Sadhana (Spritiual Practice) will help us to reach our goal of spiritual realization. Once you start practicing something, eventually that becomes an habit where there is no need for any Sadhana offerings. There is no time limit of 1008 days as this is always a life long Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) that all of us have to follow.
Note: This is an progressive Sadhana Offering that will cover an span of 4 years leading to Sri Sathya Sai Baba 100th Birthday Celebrations.
The 1008 Sadhana offering was launched (start of 96th Birthday offering (96 days leading to 96th Birthday)) on Thursday August 19th 2021. Please join as this is open for all Children, Young Adults and Adults. Where ever one may be, you can still follow the sadhana (Spiritual Practice) that will help you to answer the above questions. You don’t have to register to participate as it is Optional.
For more details on how you and your family members can participate, please click below for the details.
1. Due to the ongoing Omicron Covid Virus variant spread, based on the NYC health / CDC guidelines we are taking precautionary measures by pausing the IN PERSON Center meeting.
2. We will review the option of resuming the IN PERSON center meeting as we get to know more status updates.