**** Note: You can sign up by replying to this email. See below for details ****
Swami says “Today we are having the Akhanda Bhajan. This is being done not for the sake of one individual, one nation or one community. It is for the welfare of humanity as a whole. The bhajans that are sung permeate the ether in the form of sound waves and fill the entire atmosphere. Thereby, the whole environment is purified. Breathing in this purified atmosphere, our hearts get purified. Reciting the Lord’s name is a process of give and take. Singing the Lord’s name should become an exercise in mutual sharing of joy and holiness. It should be remembered that the sounds we produce reverberate in the atmosphere. They remain permanently in the ether as waves and outlast the individual uttering the sounds.”
November 14th
6 PM
November 15th
6 PM
As part of the birthday celebrations of Bhagawan Baba, on the second Saturday-Sunday in November, Bhajans (devotional singing) are conducted continuously for 24 hours at all Sathya Sai Centres on a global level praying for peace, harmony and bliss to all mankind.
All devotees are required to sign up by completing the below SURVEY.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your office bearers.
Lead singers please plan to provide at least 2 bhajans.
This year all slots are required to be signed up. No exceptions.
We need this for planning and logistics purposes.
Even if you are not sure but tentative, please sign up yourself or your entire family..
NOTE: Every singer will be provided with a confirmation of their slots including open bhajans.
1. Anyone can join from your home using the link below. 2. You will need Computer / Mobile / IPad to connect online. 3. We will be using Zoom Meeting. 4. All Slots for this year GAB – 2020 will be available online. So you can join for all the slots. 5. All slots require advanced sign up. So request all devotees to please sign up. 6. Ensure that you have no background noise or other disturbances when you are going to render a bhajan online. 7. Also ensure that you are very close to the computer mic or your cell phone when singing so it is very clear. 8. More guidelines will be sent in later emails.
1. We are planning for In-Person session (meaning a very small number meet at a common place). 2. At this time, In-Person is not open for all slots and is still uncertain. 3. For any given slot, we will not have more than 15 members. 4. All In-Person slots must be registered and only on confirmation, you are allowed to join for an In-Person session slot. 5. Those who are confirmed must strictly adhere to the law of the land (regulations) and follow them to the dot. No exceptions and tolerance. More details to be provided later. 6. Venue details will be only provided to those who are confirmed for In-Person meeting.
Please kindly click on the survey image to your right and complete it. This is required for planning purposes. Please kindly take time to fill in this survey for each of your family members.
For those who don’t feel comfortable going to the above form? To submit the below please just reply to this email and cc Come down to this section and you can update the table below with your details. Sairam.
Names / Bhajans for you and your family
See below example. note: you can delete and rewrite your actual name.
Enter Name
Enter 2 Bhajans (first line with comma)
Your Name
John Doe
Bhajan1, Bhajan2
Select your Slots
Please enter details for all or any of the slots?
Please enter “All Family” or Individual Names in each of the below slots as applicable.
In Person, means you and your family where applicable will join in person for the GAB and not online for some slots. Also you are willing to follow the strict guidelines and will adhere to the rules that are prescribed to one and all. No Exceptions of any kind. We will maintain zero tolerance policy.
Zoom Online Meeting, means that you and your family are planning to participate via online zoom meeting.
All Family, means your entire family will participate in that slot.
Individual, means that you or some members of your family are going to participate in those slots. If you want to write multiple names in a slot, please enter as “Name1, Name2, etc…” with comma separation.
12:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Open Bhajans 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM: SSE Assigned Slot 11:15 AM – 04:00 PM: Centers Allotment 04:00 PM – 06:00 PM: Assigned Slot (All Centers) 06:00 PM – 06:15 PM: Closing Prayers 06:15 PM – 08:00 PM: SSIO GAB 02:30 PM – 02:40 PM:
1. All singers must sign up. 2. You will be provided with confirmation of your slot. 3. Please ensure that you sign into Zoom meeting with your name-centername (example: sai kishore – flushing or family name – center). 4. If possible one login per family. 5. Please ensure you are available 1/2 hr before your slot. Thank you.
While joining if it prompts for entering password please enter 10081008 For those who cannot join live using the above link, please dial in directly using the number (Audio Only): Dial In Number: (646)-558 -8656 Access Code: 965-450-877#