Sathya Sai baba says “With prayer to God, you can achieve anything in life. I want you to pray. I am always with you, in you, above you, and around you. Make efforts to instil such faith and devotion in fellow human beings. That will make Me very happy. Happiness lies in union with God. Hence contemplate on God incessantly. Never give scope for anxiety or worry.” Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol.39/Ch.1
Swami has written a letter to the Brindavanam Hostel “
Sri Sathya Sai Hostel, Brindavanam
My Beloved Teachers and Boys: Accept my Love and Blessings:
In this world of change we meet with various vicissitudes of life, both pleasant and unpleasant. We are afflicted with diseases both mental and physical. The body is stricken with diseases and The mind filled with worries. In this state of our unhappiness, turmoil and misery. There is only on way and that is to take refuge in SAI.SAI alone can remove these difficulties and diseases and bring us health, peace and prosperity.
He who has got SAI’s Name on his lips is a jivam-mukta, because continuous remembrance of SAI eliminates The ego-sense and grants him the realization of his immortal changeless Self. Name is a link between the devotee and SAI. It brings the devotee face to face with SAI and enables him to attain the knowledge of his oneness with Him (SAI).
With Love
Your SAI, Your Own SAI (Sri Sathya Sai)
As par of our ongoing 95th Birthday Sadhana program, we will be celebrating a dedicated prayers day for world health, peace and prosperity. Also we are fortunate to have this session on the occasion of Birthday of Sri Shiridi Sai Baba. As per our Swami, Sri Shiridi Sai Baba was born on September 27th 1838.
We are happy to let you all know that we will be chanting various sacred mantras starting off with multi-faith prayers. The agenda is below.
Please kindly sign up for you or your entire family so that we can plan ahead of time. You can sing up by clicking on the button above and below for your convenience. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete the singing up. This is open for all the devotees who would like to participate. Sairam.
For any questions, please reach out to the office bearers. Thank you.
08:30 AM – 08:45 AM: Join the meeting 08:45 AM – 09:00 AM: Meditattion
09:00 AM – 09:05 AM: 21 OM’S 09:05 AM – 09:09 AM: MUTLI FAITH PRAYERS 09:10 AM – 09:35 AM: 108 SAI GAYATRI’S 09:35 AM – 10:05 AM: 108 GAYATRI’S 10:05 AM – 10:10 AM: 108 AUM SRI SAI RAM 10:10 AM – 10:40 AM: 108 MAHAMRITYUNJAYA 10:40 AM – 01:50 PM: 11 RUDRAM (NAMAKAM / 02:30 PM – 02:40 PM:CHAMAKAM-3RD) 01:50 PM – 02:00 PM: SAI RUDRAM 02:00 PM – 02:30 PM: BHAJANS 02:30 PM – 02:45 PM: ARATHI / CLOSING 02:30 PM – 02:40 PM:PRAYERS
1. Ensure you have laptop / phone / ipad and login by 8:30 AM. 2. Please mute your line where possible. 3. What is expected when we are having online satsang from each of us? See below for more details 4. If possible one login per family. Thank you.
While joining if it prompts for entering password please enter 10081008 For those who cannot join live using the above link, please dial in directly using the number (Audio Only): Dial In Number: (646)-558 -8656 Access Code: 965-450-877#
Note: Please click the calendar for larger image. Please see the monthly Calendar for the September 2020 below…