Special Satsang 95th Birthday Celebration – Monday, November 23rd 2020 Center Meeting

Special Satsang 95th Birthday Celebration – Monday, November 23rd 2020 Center Meeting

Sairam Dear All

Special Birthday Celebrations Satsang
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD 2020 @ 7:30 PM

Special Satsang 95th Birthday Celebration – Monday, November 23rd 2020 Center Meeting
Embodiments of divine Love! I don’t expect anything from you. Just develop love within you. Regard all mankind with fraternal feelings. Recognize all as the children of God. Bear no ill will or hatred toward anyone. Don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. Only such a large-hearted attitude will confer on you limitless bliss. If you are celebrating Swami’s birthday, this is all that I desire from you. Have unity among yourselves..



On Monday, November 23rd 2020 we will be celebrating the actual Birthday of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba with a special satsang. Br. Harish Krishan will join us to share his experiences.

Please do join us and be part of this wonderful celebrations.




07:00 PM – 07:15 PM: Join the meeting
07:15 PM – 07:30 PM: Meditattion

07:30 PM – 07:45 PM: Bhajans
02:00 PM – 02:30 PM:
07:45 PM – 08:45 PM: Talk by Br. Harish Krishan
08:45 PM – 09:00 PM: Sadhana Offering / Closing


1. Ensure you have laptop / phone / ipad and login by 1:45 PM.
2. For any issues or problems while joining, please see below for help…




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For those who cannot join live using the above link, please dial in directly using the number (Audio Only):
Dial In Number: (646)-558 -8656
Access Code: 965-450-877#


Special Satsang 95th Birthday Celebration – Monday, November 23rd 2020 Center Meeting
Sai Kishore
——–Jai Sai Ram——-

———–Jai Sai Ram————

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