Sairam Dear All, Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!
Starting tomorrow
Please sign up below
95 Days of Daily Bhajans ALL NYC SATHYA SAI CENTERS Thursday, August 20th – Monday, November 23rd 2020
As part of our ongoing 95 Birthday Sadhana program, from Thursday, August 20, 2020 to Monday, November 23rd, 2020 we will be celebrating the 95 Days Sadhana Program.
As part of this offering, we will observe daily bhajans on all 95 days starting from August 20th.
1. Center Bhajans will be considered as part of the 95 Daily Bhajans offering and are updated in the calendar that you can see in the below link. 2. Therefore, Thursdays / Saturdays and Sundays will be considered as bhajans day hosted by centers and will be covered as part of 95 Daily bhajans. 3. We are extending the daily bhajans to all the devotees. 4. We request the devotees to kindly avail the opportunity of hosting at least one home bhajan as part of this sadhana offering. 5. What day I can host the bhajans at my home? You can host on Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday and Friday of any week between August 20th and November 23rd. 6. How can I sign up for my bhajan session? Please fill the easy form by clicking on the below button that says “Sign up for your home bhajan (click here)” and you will be taken to another page and then enter details (takes about less than 2 minutes) and simply submit. That’s it. 7. How can I see who all have already signed up, so that I can ensure that I host the bhajans without any conflict? Yes, you can check calendar that is also available when you click the button below and provide all the details of devotees/center hosted bhajans who have already signed up. 8. Can I host bhajans on the same day as other devotees? Yes, if you are from other centers. Avoid, if you are from the same center. This way you give opportunity to all center members to atleast join your session. 9. Is it mandatory for me to extend invitation to other members or devotees? No, you are free to host the bhajan session limited to your own family. 10. How can I host online and get some help? Please provide details when submitting your sign up. We will help you setting it online. 11. Can I host bhajans on Thursday / Saturday and Sunday? Yes, you can but ensure you don’t conflict with your center meeting. 12. What if I want to submit more than one day? Yes, you are most welcome to submit for more than 1 bhajan session. 13. For any further questions, please reach out to your devotional coordinator or office bearers. Jai Sai Ram
Note: If there are any days that are not picked by any center or devotees then on those days we will continue bhajans during the ongoing Daily Prayers common conference call which is scheduled daily at 8 PM. For those who wish to join daily at 8 PM please see the details. Dial-in number: (929) 205-6099 | Meeting ID: 870 7539 4095 | Pass Code: 108108
Agenda: Format to be followed (suggestion) for 1 hr or less bhajans session
1. 21 Om’s 2. At least 5 Bhajans or 15 Bhajans max 3. Arathi 4. 9 Samastha Loka’s 5. Vibhuthi 6. Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi hi…
Suggestions: (only for online)
1. Ensure you have laptop / phone / ipad and login by 1:45 PM. 2. For any issues or problems while joining please reach to us.