Sunday September 29th 2019 Center Program

Sunday September 29th 2019 Center Program

Sairam Dear All,
Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!

This Sunday, September 29th 2019 we will have our regular SSE classes scheduled at 12:30 PM and then we will meet at 2 PM for our regular Bhajans and followed by  “Study Circle” with the topic as below from 3:00 PM. Please join this session. Please see below the details as sent by Br. Dyanesh Prabhu.

What is External and Internal Purity?
There should be both inner and outer purity.  Bodily  purity  relates  to  the  physical.  It  covers such cleansing acts as bathing, wear-ing clean clothes, eating pure food, and the like.  Even  in  studies,  the  books  should  be  wholesome  and  elevating.  But  mere  external cleanliness without internal purity is of no value. Everyone, from the scholar to the common  man,  is  concerned  only  about  external cleanliness and not about the purity  of  the  heart  within.  However  pure  the  ingredients  may  be,  if  the  vessel  in  which  they  are  cooked  is  not  clean,  the  food  will  be spoiled. For a man, his heart is the vessel, and  he  must  see  that  it  is  kept  pure  and  untainted. For the purification of the heart, everyone  must  undertake  selfless  service.  Attachments  and  aversions,  which  pollute  the  mind,  should  be  eschewed  by  concen-trating  on  selfless  service.  It  is  only  when  the heart is pure that selfless service can be performed.  Hence  both  bodily  and  mental  purity are essential for a good devotee
Note: this is an excerpt from Divine discourse attached here. Please Click Here to download.




Please see the updated monthly Calendar for the month of September 2019.





Sai Kishore
 ———–Jai Sairam———-



























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