This Sunday we will start off with Bhajans and following the bhajans we will follow 21 Sai Gayatri Prayers chanting (as part of 1008 Sadhana).
Following the bhajans we will have our regular monthly Study Circle. The topic of discussion is listed below. Br. Amit Palicha will be facilitating the study circle.
Vedas: The voice of God in eternity
At this point, we have to keep in mind another important truth. All other religions prevalent in the world hold as authoritative communications made to some holy persons by God Himself in His corporate Form, or through some superhuman personalities or embodiments of parts or portions of Divinity. Indians do not follow this line. They declare that the Vedas are based on no human authority; they do not depend on any person for their validity. They are emanations direct from God; they are primeval; they are their own authority and validity. They were not written down or composed, constructed, or put together.
The cosmos or creation is limitless, eternal, with no beginning or end. So too, the voice of God, namely the Vedas, have no limit; they are eternal; they have no beginning nor end. Vid, the root from which the word Veda is derived, means “to know”. When knowledge began, the Vedas manifested. Sages (rishis) visualized and announced them. They are the “see-ers of mantras”.
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Sathya Sai Vahini
Chapter 10: The Yogis
We encourage all devotees to come for In-Person meeting at our Hindu Center (Second Floor), 45-52 Kissena Blvd, Flushing, NY 11355.
For those who cannot join us, please join online.
Please join this session.