Yoga of love and devotion – Study Circle Sunday, October 9th 2022 @ 10:00 AM
This sunday we will be offering regular Bhajans and 21 Gayatri Prayers as part of 1008 Sadhana followed by Yoga of love and devotion – Study Circle Discussion.
See below the topic that will be discussed and facilitated by Br. Amit.
The second path is the yoga of love or devotion (bhakthi-yoga). This is congenial for those who are emotionally oriented. It is the path for those capable of filling their hearts with love. The urge is to have God as the Beloved. The activities will be different, for they relate to incense-burning, gathering flowers for worship, building shrines and temples where one could install and adore symbols of beauty, wisdom, power, etc.
Are you inclined to remark that this is not the right means of achieving union with divinity? Remember that saints, sages, spiritual leaders, and guides throughout the world have emerged just from this devotional and dedicatory stage of spiritual endeavour. Some faiths tried to imagine God as formless and described worship of God through various such acts as blasphemy. They tried to suppress the cults of devotion, and in the process, they slighted the Reality and its power and majesty. The belief that God cannot be symbolized in a form is evidence of blindness; the charge that such worship is barren is hollow. The history of the world is witness to the efficacy of devotion (bhakthi). It is not proper to ridicule these activities, ceremonials, and rituals and the descriptions of the lives of spiritual aspirants who adhered to them in order to earn union with divinity. Let those who yearn after the joy of worshiping the Form do so; certainly, it would be a sin to shatter their faith and treat it as infructuous.
The glory of the great heroes of the spirit, those who have scaled the highest peaks of realization and those who attained spiritual fulfilment, is exercising immense influence on the mind of mankind. It is as a result of a long line of such seers that the spiritual message of India has attracted the attention of all nations. If India has been able to earn the reverence of the world, the reason has to be sought in the precious treasure that the seers have earned and preserved. Here, love of God and fear of sin have been the chief pillars of life and the everlasting guides for living. India (Bharath) has won a name for being a holy land, a land steeped in renunciation and in spiritual exercises (sadhanas) aimed at union with the Absolute, renowned for sacrifice (thyaga) and yoga. The urges that this culture encouraged were all directed to the conquest of the vagaries of the mind.
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Sathya Sai Vahini Chapter 10: The Yogis
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Tentative Agenda:
09:30 AM – 09:45 AM: Join Meeting 09:45 AM – 10:00 AM: Meditation PROGRAM: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Bhajans 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Study Circle 02:30 PM – 02:40 PM:
1. Ensure you have laptop / phone / ipad and login by 7:00 AM. 2. For any issues while joining, please reach out to us.
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