Yoga of supreme wisdom – Study Circle | Bhajans | 21 Gayatri Chanting (1008 Sadhana) – 10:00 AM Sun, Jan 8th

Yoga of supreme wisdom – Study Circle | Bhajans | 21 Gayatri Chanting (1008 Sadhana) – 10:00 AM Sun, Jan 8th

Yoga of supreme wisdom – Study Circle | Bhajans | 21 Gayatri Chanting (1008 Sadhana) – 10:00 AM Sun, Jan 8th

SSSGC Zone 1 – USA – Region 2

(affiliated to SSSGC, Prasanthi Nilayam, Puttaparthi)

Sairam Dear All,

Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!


Sri Sathya Sai Educare (SSSE) Classes
Friday, Jan 6th 2023 @ 7:30 PM

We will have separate links for Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3/4 respectively. Please click on the below.

For any more information, please contact Sis. Sushama Tangella @

Note: While joining if it prompts for entering password please enter 10081008


Yoga of Supreme Wisdom – Study Circle

SUNDAY, JAN 8 2023 @ 10:00 AM

This Sunday is we will start off with Bhajans and following the bhajans we will follow 21 Gayatri Chanting of Prayers (as part of 1008 Sadhana).

We will have Study Circle discussion this Sunday. The topic will be facilitated by Br. Amit and is below..

Yoga of supreme wisdom

The yoga of wisdom (jnana-yoga) is devoted mostly to the study of basic principles. This universe or cosmos, which we cognize as outside ourselves, can be explained by means of various theories of knowledge, but none of them can be convincing to the uninitiated. Wisdom-yogis weave many such theories and hypotheses. They are not convinced of the reality of any material object in the universe, or of any activity, or even of anyone else who propounds any other explanation. They believe that they should transcend the daily chores of life and not be bound by social or other obligations. In the vast ocean of ISNESS, or truth (sath), all objects are but drops, in their view. They are all struggling to move from the circumference to the center, from which they manifested through illusion (maya). Wisdom-yogis also yearn to merge in the centre, the core of reality, away from the tangle of apparent diversity. They exert themselves to become the Truth, not only to become aware of it. Of course, as soon as they are aware of it, they become it. They cannot tolerate the thought that they and truth are separate and distinct.

The divine is the only kith and kin of wisdom-yogis. They know none other. They entertain no other urge, no other attachment, no other desire. God is all, in all. They cannot be affected by grief or joy, failure or success. They see and experience only one unbroken, unchallenged stream of bliss-consciousness. For the people who are firmly established in this state, the world and its ups and downs appear trivial and illusory. In order to stay in that consciousness, they have to counter the pulls of the senses and face the fascinations of the world without any agitation of mind.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sathya Sai Vahini

Chapter 10: The Yogis

Devotees are requested to join in person at Hindu Center and for those who cannot join us please continue to join online.

Please join this session.


09:30 AM – 09:45 AM: Join Meeting

09:45 AM – 10:00 AM: Meditation

10:00 AM – 11:15 AM: Bhajans

11:15 AM – 12:00 PM: Closing


1. Ensure you have laptop / phone / ipad and login by 9:45 AM.
2. For any issues while joining, please reach out to us.


Note: If it asks for password, please enter 10081008

For those who cannot join using the above link, please dial in directly using the number (Audio Only):
Dial In Number: (646)-558 -8656
Access Code: 965-450-877#
Passcode: 10081008

1008 Sadhana Offering
21 Gayatri Prayers during center meeting on
Sunday, Jan 8 2023 @ 10 AM

Swami says

“The purpose of life is to know one’s own self”. Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) helps us to understand the questions,

“Who am I? | From where did I come? | Where am I going to? | How long I will be here? “

1008 days of sadhana program is to practice sadhana. Sadhana (Spritiual Practice) will help us to reach our goal of spiritual realization. Once you start practicing something, eventually that becomes an habit where there is no need for any Sadhana offerings. There is no time limit of 1008 days as this is always a life long Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) that all of us have to follow.

Note: This is an progressive Sadhana Offering that will cover an span of 4 years leading to Sri Sathya Sai Baba 100th Birthday Celebrations.

The 1008 Sadhana offering was launched (start of 96th Birthday offering (96 days leading to 96th Birthday)) on Thursday August 19th 2021. Please join as this is open for all Children, Young Adults and Adults. Where ever one may be, you can still follow the sadhana (Spiritual Practice) that will help you to answer the above questions. You don’t have to register to participate as it is Optional.

For more details on how you and your family members can participate, please click below for the details.

1008 Sadhana Website Link (Click Here)

  • Jai Sai Ram


Copyright (C) 2023 SSSGC – Sri Sathya Sai Center of Flushing. All rights reserved.

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