2011 |
March 6, 2011 |
March 13, 2011 |
March 20, 2011 |
March 27, 2011 |
April 10, 2011 |
April 17, 2011 |
May 1, 2011 |
May 15, 2011 |
May 22, 2011 |
June 5, 2011 |
June 12, 2011 |
June 19, 2011 |
June 26, 2011 |
Sept 11, 2011 |
Sept 18, 2011 |
Sept 25, 2011 |
Oct 2, 2011 |
Oct 9, 2011 |
Oct 16, 2011 |
Oct 23, 2011 |
Oct 30, 2011 |
Nov 6, 2011 |
Nov 27, 2011 |
Dec 4, 2011 |
Dec 11, 2011 |
Dec 18, 2011 |
March 6 2011
Vijaya Mani and Raji Iyer
Attendance –
9)Divya Dommaraju
Discussed the nine types of Devotion with stories.
If any of these is faithfully followed, the Lord will be pleased and manifest in the devotees house.
Shravanam – Hearing -King Pareekshit
Kirtanam- Singing- Prahlada
Smaranam- Remembering- Sage Suka
Padasevanam- Resorting to feet-Goddess lakshmi
Archanam- Worship -Prithu Chakravarthi
Namaskaram- Bowing- Akrura
Dasyam – Service-Hanuman
Sakhyam – Friendship- Arjuna
Atmanivedanam – Surrender of self- Emperor bali
Life Application – Each day, for 10 minutes, practice namasmarana ( chanting of God’s name) for the depths of your heart.
Share your experience with the class next week.
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March 13 2011
Group 2- Sushma Tangella
Attendance: Kavya, Yathika, Swetha, Vishudhi, Thayany, Aarthika, Riya, Hruday, SaiAmith
Lesson Plan: Namasmarana
Discussed 3 different stories
1. Hanuman and Arjuna
2. Prahalada
3. Hanuman meeting Seetha
We read a few quotations on what Swami said on Namasmarana.
Couple of Children then narrated stories that they knew. We discussed the importance of Namasmarana.
Last week children were asked to sit and pray for 10 minutes everyday. This week I asked the children to try and think of any God’s name and remember the form as many times as possible. They don’t have to necessarily sit and pray, but when they are in the shower or in the bus or playing outside they can still at the back of their mind think of Swami of any form that they love.
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March 20th
Group 2 – Teachers- Sailaja Challapalli and Maritza
Attendance – Vishudi, Thayani, Ria, Divya, Yaathika, Kavya, Arthika, Anish, Hruday, Sai Amit
Lesson plan-
QUOTE: “It is your duty to be good, do good and see good. That is the way to make the World good and to be good yourself. ”
Story —-The Two Crabs (Aesop Fable Retold)
Life Application:-Picture yourself walking down a road. Think about everything you do that helps you feel virtuous and confident in yourself. Think of one thing you do that you need to change. Focus on ways to overcome that obstacle. Concentrate on how nice it will be to be a better role model. Direct your attention to the feeling of being a good role model. You are now walking down the road with more confidence and courage through virtuous action. Keep this confidence and courage with you as you focus on overcoming this obstacle during the week.
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March 27th
SSE Group 2 – Teachers: Mangala Shankar, Manorama Saxena
Attendance: Thayani, Arthika, Swetha,Yaathika, Divya, Vishuddhi, Sai Amith, Hruday
Lesson Plan Purpose: To understand why Seva is important in our lives
Value: Non Violence Subvalue: Service
Reference: Pages: 197- 202 from SSE Group II Manual
“The light of God surrounds me
The love of God enfolds me
The power of God protects me
The presence of God watches over me
Wherever I am, God is and all is well.”
Reviewed Life Application from previous lesson on “Namasmarana:
Learnt a Song:
Swami take my hand, Jesus take my hand, dear Lord take my hand
Take my hand and lead the way
I’ll never forget You, You’ll always be with me, dear Lord take my hand
Take my hand and lead the way
You’re Guide and Protector, Mother and Father, dear Lord take my hand
Take my hand and lead the way
Teach me loving service, peace and contentment, dear Lord take my hand
Take my hand and lead the way
. Quote
” Service to Man is Service to God”. � Sai Baba, Sathya Sai news leter, Summer 1994, p. 32.
. Affirmation
“I am an instrument of the Divine Will.”
Story: “A story from Abraham Lincoln’s life”
Explain the following: What is Seva and who is it for?
Life Application :
Find a way to serve someone in need this week. Write down thoughts about your experience.
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April 3rd
Group 2 held between 2 and 3PM at upper level of Asamai hall
Teachers – Sheila Challapalli and Sree Venkat
Attendance -Yaathika, Riya, Swetha,Kavya,Vishuddi, Divya, Arthika, Thayani,Sai Amit, Anish and Hruday.
Conducted a game with Swami’s quotations after that Chanted Sai Gayatri 108 times along with others.
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April 10th
SSE Group 2 Lesson plan- Unity of Faiths
Teachers- Vijaya Mani and Seetha Garikapati
Attendance – Anish, Sai Amit, Hruday, Riya, Vishuddhi, Swetha, Thayany, Yaathika, Arthika and Kavya.
Value- Non-Violence ; Sub value- Unity
We selected five quotations from four religions Hinduism,Christianity,Islam, and Judaism.We selected five quotes from Swami’s teaching. We read them both and found how Swami’s teachings reflect in that quotes. (See the attached file.)
Help Ever
“Feed the hungry and visit a sick person, and free the captive, if he be unjustly confined. Assist any person oppressed, whether Muslim or non-Muslim.”- Islam
Say little and do much, and receive all men with a cheerful face. � Judaism
“Give, and it shall be given to you. For whatever measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt to you in return.” � Christianity
“Perform your obligatory duty, because action is indeed better than inaction.” � Hinduism (Duty is to serve)
Hurt Never
“The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.” � Islam
“Do not rejoice when your enemies fall, or let your heart feel joy when they stumble, lest the Lord see and turn His displeasure to you.” � Judaism
“A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult” � Christianity
“The body is mortal, but the person dwelling in the body is immortal and immeasurable.” � Hinduism (So, no point in hurting someone)
Love for God
“Remember God in prosperity, and He will remember you in adversity” � Islam
When you pray, don’t follow a set routine or text, but rather beseech for mercy and pity, as it is written, “For the Lord is gracious merciful, slow to anger, and great in love.” � Judaism
“Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid…for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” � Christianity
“The power of God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument.” � Hinduism
4 Love mankind
a.”Do you love your creator Love your fellow-beings first.” � Islam
b. “Do not be scornful of anyone, or doubt that anything can happen, for there is no person without his hour, no thing without its place.” � Judaism
c. “Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of them all is love.” � Christianity
d. “I look upon all creatures equally; none are less dear to me and none more dear. But those who worship me with love live in me, and I come to life in them.” – Hinduism
Life Application – Write five common teachings found in these religions.
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April 17th
Teachers: Mangala Shankar, Srividhya Chandrasekhar
Attendance: Thayani, Swetha, Yaathika, Divya, Vishuddhi, Kavya, Sai Amith, Hruday, Anish
Lesson Plan Purpose: To learn that determination is essential in reaching the goal
Value: Right Action Subvalue: Determination
“You need determination to face the challenges of life, which is filled with ups and down, successes and failures, joys and sorrows. These challenges have to be faced with faith in God.” � Sai Baba
“I face the challenges of life with determination and faith in God.”
Story: “”Swami’s School Days in Bukkapatnam””
Taught Prahalada’s story for determination and faith in God.
Students were asked to write down five resolutions they want to make, and turn them into affirmations. Students shared these affirmations with the class.
Life Application :
Choose one of your affirmations and this week say it over and over to yourself. Write it down 10 times before you go to bed every night. Keep saying it to yourself during the day. Share your experiences of following this exercise next week.
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May 1st
Teacher – Satya Challapalli
Attendance – Hruday, Anish, Saiamit, Yaathika, Thayany, Swetha, Vishudhi, Kavya, Divya, Aarthika and Riya
Value: LOVE
Sub Value: Respect
Quote: “Respect all others as your kin, having the same divine spark�You can realize your mission on earth only when you know yourself as Divine and when you revere all others as Divine. You must revere God in the form of man; God appears before you as a blind beggar, an idiot, a leper, a child, a criminal, an old man, or a mad man. Look behind those veils for the divine embodiment of Love, power and wisdom � the Sai � and worship him through service.”
– Sathya Sai Baba
Prayer: Matru Devo Bhava – “Respecting Mother and helping her”
Pitru Devo Bhava
Acharya Devo Bhava.
Athidhi Devo Bhava
Say Affirmation: “I respect every one. First my parents and my family, then my teachers and friends.”
Discussion:What Is Respect?
Why Is It Important?
Where Does Respect Come From?
How Does One Show and Earn Respect?
Activity: Fill in the Family Tree Diagram – minimum 3 generations.
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May 15th
Teacher- Suhasini
Attendance – SaiAmit, Hruday, Riya and Yaathika
Value: Nonviolence Subvalue: Unconditional Love
Spiritual Principle : To learn that your ultimate duty is to love yourself and others, especially those with disabilities.
Quote -“Duty is the responsibility one has to respect and revere others, and to serve them to the
best of one’s ability.” � Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Speaks vol. 19, p. 44
“To love always, that is duty.” � H.F. Amiel, 1849
Affirmation -“I am friendly to all, especially those in need.”
Story: “It’s Your Turn Papa”
Pre-Story Question
What is a disability? Do you know anyone with a disability?
Post-Story Questions
What are some of our own disabilities? (time management, fears, obsessions,
addictions to sugar, weakness in writing or math skills, etc.)
Discussed the importance of loving everyone no matter what they look like or what they can do.
Inside we are all the same Atma and so we should treat others the way we would want to be treated ourselves.
Life Application
Be a friend to someone disabled in your school.
Also, become more aware of your environment and see if places that you go are adapted for people with disabilities i.e
wheelchair accessibility.
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May 22 2011
Sai Bliss fair Game for Memorial day Retreat
Team 2 – SSE Group 2 – Objects/Quotations
SSE teacher- Sushama Tangella
Attendance – Anish, Sai Amit, Hruday, Riya, Vishuddhi, Swetha, Thayany, Yaathika, Arthika and Kavya.
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June 5th
SE teacher- Vijaya Mani
1.Thayany, 2.Vishudhi, 3.Divya Dommaraju, 4.Kavya, 5.Hruday
Main value: Right Conduct
Sub value: Respect for the Elders and Parents
Swami’s Quote: It you honor your mother, the Mother of the Universe will guard you against any harm, If you honor your father, the Father of all Beings will guard you. Always respects others ‘opinion and point of view.
In the class we read the great epic Ramayana and discussed the qualities of Rama, How he set an example to all human beings. He was God in human form but still he obeyed His father’s order and listened to all Elders. We have not finished reading the story. we are going to continue in the next class. Before we start Ramayana we discussed about Maharishi Valmikhi who is the author of the great epic. A thief who robbed all passenger who passed by the forest and was transformed by great sage Naratha (who told him to mediate and chant Lord Rama’s name), and became great Maharishi Valmikhi.
Life Application: Asked them to Sit still just for 5 minutes everyday and chant Rama’s name and write about their experience.
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June 12th
Teacher- Vijaya Mani
Attendance- Thayani, Vishudhi,Aarthika,Swetha,Hruday,Riya
Main value: Right Conduct
Sub value: Respect for the Elders and Parents
Swami’s Quote: It you honor your mother, the Mother of the Universe will guard you against any harm, If you honor your father, the Father of all Beings will guard you. Always respects others ‘opinion and point of view.
In the class we continued the great epic Ramayana and discussed the qualities of Rama, How he set an example to all human beings. We reviewed Rama’s birth and childhood stories, and we continued until the marriage of Rama and Sita. Next week, we (myself and Jaya) plan to have a Q&A session for a short while, and continue the story.
Life Application: Asked them to come prepared for the Q&A session
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June 19th
Teacher – Vijaya Mani
Lesson Plan
Main value: Right Conduct
Sub value: Respect for the Elders and Parents
Swami’s Quote: It you honor your mother, the Mother of the Universe will guard you against any harm, If you honor your father, the Father of all Beings will guard you. Always respects others ‘opinion and point of view.
In the class we continued the great epic Ramayana and discussed the qualities of Rama, How he set an example to all human beings. We had a Q&A session from Rama’s birth and childhood stories until the marriage of Rama and Sita. Then, Jaya and I continued with the story.
Life Application: Write a small speech on your experiences in Balvikas
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June 26th
Teachers: Sreenadh Jonnavithula, Suhasini Jonnavithula, Sujatha Ananthabhotla
Last Day of SSE
Lesson plan:
- Sai Jeopardy
- Presentations by students on what they enjoyed about SSE and how it influenced them
- Presentation by graduating SSE Student Ishwarya Ananthabhotla
- Remarks by Sanjai Murali, Regional EC
Attendance: Anish, Hriday, Riya, Visudhi, Swetha, Dayani, Divya
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Sept 11th, 2011
Vijaya Mani – teacher
Sai Omkar
Tejas Bhalla
Diva Dommaraju
We talked about our First deity Lord Ganesha,and about Ganesh Chathurthi. We also discussed about What are all things we get if we pray to Lord Ganesha. we learned two slokas on Lord Ganesha with its meaning. (Shuklam Bharatharam,Mushika Vahana). We talked about the 9/11 tragedy and we recited 21 omkaaram.
We went through just few quiz questions.We did not have time to go through all.They wanted to play like Trivia game. But we did not have time. Kids they participated in the class.
Matiza also was very active and she narrated the 9/11 incident, since she was working in just opposite building of twin tower.
Life application. I told them to learn any one of the slokam by heart and recite it in the next week class.
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September 18th
Teacher- tanuja Sankar
Sai Omkar Iyer
Tejus Bhalla
Hruday Rajput
Sai Amit Chedda
Thayany Jayakumaran
Vishuddhi Chandrashekhar
Riya Bhattarai- 5th grade
GopalKrishna Baliga — started New.
Attachments: Lesson plan , Story
I have given the Journal of Gratitude which they can bring it back and discuss the outcome. Please write a word in the email for the parents to follow up withe input in the journal
Document attached
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Sep 25 2011
Teachers- Sushma tangella and Tanuja Sankar
Sai Omkar Iyer
Hruday Rajput
Anish Pisipati
Sai Amit Chedda
Yaathika Challapalli
Thayany Jayakumaran
Vishuddhi Chandrashekhar
Divya Dommaraju
Aarthika Jeygandhi
Riya Bhattarai
Please find the lesson plan attached.
Kids learned a bhajan on Forgiving “Giving and Forgiving” which is given in the attached lesson plan(some kids were asking for lyrics). Also kids enacted a play with a current day situation based on the story of ancient times we told them in the class. Both the acts of ancient and modern day are attached in the lesson plan. And then the theme of the story, act and the session were discussed with real time situations.
As a part of life application, we gave them a worksheet of “What to do” (pertaining to forgiveness) which they can bring it back next week and outcome can be discussed. Please write a word in the email for the parents to follow up with input in the worksheet.
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October 2 2011
SSE teacher- Satya Challapalli
Following kids attended the Group II class on 10/2
Sai Omkar Iyer, Hruday Rajput, Sai Amit Chedda, Yaathika Challapalli, Thayany Jayakumaran, Divya Dommaraju and Riya Bhattarai
We discussed about value – Truth and sub value – Honest
We discussed about a story – “Emperor asking boys to plant the seeds and bring it back after a year; to choice the next emperor”
As a part of the life application,
I asked all the kids to plant an indoor plant and take care of it for a year and show me some pictures of it from time to time or in my next class.
We will talk about these values once again after seeing the progress.
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October 9 2011
SSE techer Sailaja Challapalli
Group 2 class attendance
Boys:–Omkar, Anesh
Girls–Thayani, Arthika
Since attendance was low, kids wanted me to tell them some stories. Did so and we acted out the characters in the story.whic they enjoyed a lot.( value was truth.)
Did ask about the life application from last time and ther response was they did soak the seed and are watering it every day.
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October 16 2011
Teachers: Mangala/ Tanuja
Student attended: Divya, Aarthika, Hruday, Omkar, Thayany, Ria, Vishuddhi, Yaathika.
Grp II Boys and Girls
Date: 10/16/2011
Topic: A pure thought comes from a pure heart. SSE Grp 2 Manual (Page 30-35).
Inviting Swami to the class
We started the class with 3 oms ,3 Gayatris and prayer.
The light of God surrounds me The love of God enfolds me The power of God protects me The presence of God watches over me Wherever I am, God is and all is well.”
We reviewed the life application from last week which was mentioned to be nice to someone without any expectation. Aarthika mentioned that she helped her classmate who had broken ankle . Thayany mentioned that she helped her neighbor to cut flowers for chuch. Omkar helped a kid who need to learn maths. Other kids probably because of prior commitments could not attend last week’s class.
Human values: Value: Love, Subvalue : Devotion.
Affirmation: My heart is pure.
Story of Shivakumar was taught and discussed from the SSE manual. The story of how God was fed was discussed with prestory and post questions. Students participated enthusiastically in the class.
Taught song:
Turn to your Lord, He’s taking care of you
Turn to your Lord, He’s waiting
Receive His answer within yourself
Searching for silence, searching for God
Story of Markandeya, Dhruva and Prahlada were discussed in the class to quote examples of similar stories of having love and devotion towards God.
Next week life application:
1. Asked to start chant ( 9 times) and as well as write Om Sri Sairam 9 times in a journal every morning before going to school for one week.
2. Before going to bed, chant any prayer 9 times .
End the class with 3 Oms and 3 Sai Gayathri’s.
Reference: Attached lesson plan from the SSE manual (Page 30-35).
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October 23 2011
Teacher: Suhasini Jonnavithula
Attendance: Hruday, Anish, Saiomkar, Thayany, Arthika, Divya D, Riya, Vishuddhi and Yaathika
Lesson Plan: Swami’s Childhood
Review Life Application from previous lesson and some children brought the paper where they wrote Om Sri Sai Ram and we discussed about how this activity helped them to purify their hearts.
We discussed the important incidents of Swami’s childhood and the Life history of Swami from his birth to the age of 14 years in the form of a Quiz.
We discussed the significance of Avatarhood day as we were observing this special day in our center this afternoon with a renowned Guest speaker.
When did Sathya break His worldly bonds and start the mission He had incarnated for?
On October 20, 1940, Sathya was on His way to school when He suddenly returned home and flung His books away and declared, “I am no longer your Sathya. I am Sai.
I don’t belong to you. I have My work. My devotees are calling Me. I am going. I can’t stay here any longer.”
Walking up to a neighbor’s house, He sat on a rock in the middle of the garden there while people flocked, bringing flowers.
As the people sat around Him, He started singing this bhajan, which is sung all over the world now:
Manasa bhajare Gurucharanam,
Dustara bhavasagara tharanam.
Value: Nonviolence
Subvalue: Respect for Life
Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To feel reverence and oneness for all life forms.
We discussed about respecting all living beings and seeing God in them.
We discussed the qualities in the animals and how we can apply these very same qualities in our daily lives.
Dog – Faithfulness
Cow – Giving
Deer – Gentleness
Rooster – Getting up early
Tortoise -Patience/Steadiness
Swan – clean, fresh
Horse – Hard working
Owl- Wise
“Reverence for all life in thought, word and deed is nonviolence.” – Sai Baba
Like the sunlight, like the moonlight always always I am with you
Like the ocean, like the river, always I am flowing towards you.
Like the sky above, so is divine love always, always surrounding you
Like the earth so far, like the birds in the air, always I am caring for you
Stories: “Sai Baba Takes the Form of a Cobra”
“Two Cobras Seen on Either Side of Sai Baba”
“Sai Baba’s Compassion
Pre and Post story questions were discussed.
Other Scenarios which were discussed–
a. You find out there are mice in your house. Your parents put out mouse traps to kill
b. You are walking along the sidewalk and see an ant. You step on it and kill it.
c. Mosquitoes are in your house. Your mom gets the flyswatter to kill them.
The purpose of this discussion was to show the importance of decision-making.
For example, Swami has said that insects etc. don’t belong inside the house, but outside they
should not be harmed.
Life Application
a. Practice dedicating all actions to God so that they are purified. Show your respect for
all life by not intentionally harming any living thing in nature.
B. Appreciate the qualities in the animals like faithfulness, giving, gentleness,
getting up early, working hard, perseverance and patience, etc and try to incorporate them in our daily lives.
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October 30 2011
Teachers: Mani Sundaram Ayer and Vijay Reddy
Attendance: 1. Vishuddhi, 2. Thayani, 3. Arthika , 4. Ria , 5. Sai Omkar , 6. Hruday
Lesson Plan – Buddhism
Value – Peace
We discussed who was Gautama Buddha and the Universal & Noble truths per Buddhist philosophy. We also talked about the impermanence of life and all material things.
Life Application: Read & memorize the Eightfold Path of Buddhism and try to practice them.
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Nov. 6 2011
Teachers: Mani Sundaram Ayer
Attendance: Vishuddhi, Thayani, Arthika , Divya , Riya , Hriday, Omkar, Sai Amit , Aneesh
Lesson Plan – Christanity
Value – Forgiveness
We reviewed the eight fold path of Buddhism from last class .
Home work: Find a story about Jesus & write the story in your words ( Not more than a sheet of paper )
Life application: Memorize the eight fold path of buddhism & 2 main values in Christianity & try to practise them.
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November 27, 2011
Teachers: Sushma Tangella and Manorama Saxena
Attendance: Hruday, SaiOmkar, Sai Amit, Aarthika, Riya, Vishudhi, Thayani
Value: Right Action
Subvalue: Right Thoughts
Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To learn the importance of how the preparation of food affects the behavior of those who consume the food.
Pre-Story Questions
a.Do you believe thoughts affect your food? How?
b. Do you feel any difference when you eat food at home as compared to in a restaurant or other place?
c. Why do we need to think good?
d. How will our actions be if we think bad about others?
e. What should you do if somebody hurts you?
f. Do good words help others change their thoughts and actions?
There lived in Mallur, in the state of Karnataka, a pious Brahmin who was a great scholar. He had an equally devout wife. Always intent on worship, recitation and meditation, this noble man was known far and wide for his virtuous character.
One day, a sanyasi (renunciant) called Nityananda came to his door seeking alms, this made the Brahmin extremely happy. After giving him whatever he could that day, he invited the monk to come the next day too to have dinner with him as he was keen to honor the ascetic with due hospitality.
So the next morning he hung green festoons over his doors and made elaborate arrangements to welcome the holy man. At this moment, a neighbor volunteered to cook the meal and so she was brought in and introduced into the kitchen. Everything went off well and all were as happy as they could be under the circumstances. However, there was one issue which bothered the saint greatly; for some unknown reason during his meal he was drawn by an overpowering desire to steal the silver cup which the host had placed near the plate.
In spite of his best efforts, the evil idea won him over. The sanyasi was at rest only after he clandestinely hid the cup in the folds of his robe as he casually conversed with the Brahmin over the dinner. And after the meal he hurriedly returned to his dwelling lest somebody discovers his act.
But that night the mendicant could not get a wink of sleep; his conscience pricked him constantly. He felt he had brought disgrace to his Guru as well as to the ancient enlightened sages whom he invoked by the mantras he recited.
He could not manage a second of rest until he ran back into the Brahmin’s house the next morning. Once there, he fell at the feet of the noble host and submitted the stolen article with tears of repentance trickling down his cheeks.
Everyone wondered how such a good man could stoop so low. Then someone suggested it might be that the person who cooked the food transmitted this fault to him through the food she prepared. And when they examined the history of the neighbor, they found she was in fact an irrepressible thief!
The tendency to steal had, by subtle contact, indeed affected the food she prepared. This is the reason why spiritual aspirants are advised to live only on fruits and tubers, when they reach a certain stage of spiritual achievement.To purify the mind and the intellect for the correct reflection of the truth, the first caution is regarding the food one intakes. And this is no trivial matter when it comes to progressing on the spiritual path.
Post-Story Questions
a. What did you learn from this story?
b. The monk knew that he should not steal the silver cup but he did it anyway. What do you think he could have done to avoid this wrong action?
c. Why is it important to always have good thoughts?
d.What is the moral of the story?
Life Application
This week make a conscientious effort to practice good thoughts. Even if others hurt you or fight with you don’t let bad thought come into your mind. Sing a bhajan when you do some work at home, like helping your mom in the kitchen or cleaning the house.
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December 4, 2011
Teacher: Sailaja Challapalli & Supriya Maini
Life Application: given to the class–Practice being content with your life during the week. Keep a journal of all the ways that you were or were not content. Mention how you felt when things were ok. Write down the times when you were tempted to grumble about something. Write what you did and how you felt. Bring the journal to class to share with your classmates.
Story–Life can be a Puzzle.
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December 11, 2011
Teacher: Sushama Tangella
Attendance: Vishudhi, Aarthika, Sai Omkar, Hruday, Anish
Lesson in Human Values: Ahimsa (Non-violence)
Prayer: 3 Oms, 3 Gayatris
Help Ever, Hurt Never – Baba
I will not encourage violent thoughts or get involved in violent actions.
Pre-Story questions:
1.What need is there to be non-violent, why should we not just be violent and harsh towards everyone we see if we want to?
2. What is violence or harshness?
3. What is non-violence or ahimsa ?
4. Towards what should we practice ahimsa � people, animals, ourselves, plants or all of these? Why?
5. Do you know who Gandhiji was?
6. Have you heard of Jainism?
Post-Story questions:
1. What did Gandhi do when British army came galloping on their horses?
2. Did he do the right thing?
3. What would have done, if you were there?
4. Does nonviolence mean only physically hurting somebody?
5. What can you do when somebody tries to start a fight?
6. What is the meaning of cowardice?
7. Does not fighting back mean that you are a coward?
8. Why should you be compassionate to all living things?
Life Application:
This week practice to be non-violent in thoughts, words and deeds, when somebody hurts you with their thoughts, words or deeds.
Story/group discussion:
Quotes from Gandhi
Literally speaking, ahimsa means nonviolence. But to me it has much higher, infinitely higher meaning. It means that you may not offend anybody; you may not harbor uncharitable thought, even in connection with those who consider your enemies. To one who follows this doctrine, there are no enemies. A man who believes in the efficacy of this doctrine finds in the ultimate stage, when he is about to reach the goal, the whole world at his feet. If you express your love- Ahimsa-in such a manner that it impresses itself indelibly upon your so called enemy, he must return that love. This doctrine tells us that we may guard the honor of those under our charge by delivering our own lives into the hands of the man who would commit the sacrilege. And that requires far greater courage than delivering of blows. My non-violence does not admit of running away from danger and leaving dear ones unprotected. Between violence and cowardly flight, I can only prefer violence to cowardice. I can no more preach non-violence to a coward than I can tempt a blind man to enjoy healthy scenes. Non-violence is a power which can be wielded equally by all – children, young men and women or grown-up people, provided they have a living faith in the God of Love and have therefore equal love for all mankind. When non-violence is accepted as the law of life, it must pervade the whole being and not be applied to isolated acts.
Cowardice and Love
The British once ruled India. In order to maintain their rule they carried out many cruel practices on Indians. The British enforced their rule through actions such as a massacre of Indians, numerous beatings with clubs at the salt works, numerous arrests of Indians whether they were guilty of a crime or not and general interruptions of Indian events. Once Gandhiji led a march against the British in protest of their rule. The British however wanted to put a stop to this. They marched against Gandhiji and his followers. Some people became frightened at the site of horses galloping towards them. Gandhiji remained calm. Anybody else might have suggested that either they fight the British using violence or run away like cowards. Gandhi however knew better. He knew that the British were people too and it would be wrong to harm them. At the same time he would not be a coward and run away. They had come to protest against the rule of the British government, they should do their duty and continue and not run away like cowards. Instead Gandhi knew that horses would not trample over still bodies lying down, And so, even though they were scared of the horses that were hurtling towards them at great speed the people lay down on the floor. On and on the horses ran. They seemed like they would never stop. But the people lay still on the ground. The horses were now approaching and came closer and closer. Until, they stopped. Sure enough the horses stopped. The British were dismayed at the display of courage and had to retreat. This story shows that ahimsa is about doing everything you can to avoid violence, but will never mean that you have to become a coward in the face of trouble.
Jainism Ahimsa
Jivadaya (Respect for all Living Forms) and Ahimsa (non-violence) are the fundamental principles of Jainism., a religion and philosophy of India, is one of the most ancient religions of India and of the world. The Jain observe non-violence (Ahimsa) to all forms of life regardless of their shape or form. The Jain strive to be non-violent in thought, action, and deed, taking care not to directly or indirectly harm any living beings.
Vegetarianism, compassion and respect for all living creatures are at the heart of the Jain way of life.
Imagine the world if everyone put such thoughtfulness into their daily lives.
In Shree Chitrabhanu’s words, “the universe is not for man alone. It is a field of evolution for all of life’s forms. Jainism teaches that life is life, not only in people of all lands, colours, and beliefs, but is of the same sacred quality in all creatures, right down to the tiny ant and humble worm. Consciousness exists in everything which grows, regardless of the size of its form. Though different forms are not the same in mental capacity and sensory apparatus, the life force is equally worthy in all.”
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December 18, 2011
Teaches: Vijaya Mani and Maritza Hernandez
Attendance: 1. Vishudhi, 2.Thayany, 3.Riya, 4.Sweety, 6.Sai Omkaar, 7.Hruday
Lesson plan: We discussed about How we can spread Love through Service.
Main Value: Love
Sub Value:Service
Quote: Service to Mankind is Service to God.
We discussed about how Swami emphasised the importance of Service.
Life Application: List the service activities that have been done by our center? Pick one or two activities in which you want to participate and Why?
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