2011 |
March 6, 2011 |
March 13, 2011 |
March 20, 2011 |
March 27, 2011 |
April 10, 2011 |
April 17, 2011 |
May 1, 2011 |
May 15, 2011 |
May 22, 2011 |
June 5, 2011 |
June 12, 2011 |
June 19, 2011 |
June 26, 2011 |
Sept 11, 2011 |
Sept 18, 2011 |
Sept 25, 2011 |
Oct 2, 2011 |
Oct 9, 2011 |
Oct 16, 2011 |
Oct 23, 2011 |
Oct 30, 2011 |
Nov 6, 2011 |
Nov 27, 2011 |
Dec 4, 2011 |
Dec 11, 2011 |
Dec 18, 2011 |
March 6 2011
Suhasini and Sarada Kumar took Group 3 class
1) Akilesh Tangella
2)Easwar Dommaraju
3)Mansi Maini
4) Manasa Pisipati
5) Jothika Challapalli
6)Srilu Garikapati
Group 3: Sai Teen Youth
Purpose: To realize the presence of Divinity in our lives, and to always be happy.
“Everything in the Universe is vibrant with Sath, Chith and Ananda. We (Sath) are
intelligent (Chit) and blissful.” – SSS vol. XI, p.297
The story of James D. Sinclair
Discuss the Story
What did Swami mean when he told Sinclair “All I have given you, and you
have never been happy one moment in your life”?
Activity – Discuss about if Man can be happy through materialistic pursuits.
As Swami told Sinclair, all that He wants from us is to “Be Happy.” How can we be
Use the quotes below from Swami to assist in the discussion.
a. “Happy, happy, happy,
Always be happy,
Make others happy,
Then all will be happy,
And God will be happy.”
b. “The secret of happiness lies not in doing what one likes to do,
But in liking what one has to do.”
c. “Be in the world but not of it. That is the secret of a truly happy life.”
Life Application: Research and write your thoughts about Swami’s quote –
Love as a thought is truth
Love as a feeling is peace
Love as an action is right conduct and
Love as understanding is Non-violence.
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March 13 2011
Group 3 – Shankar Krishnan and Vijay Reddy
Attachments: Document
Lesson plan III Boys and Girls (Page 194-199 SSE III Manual)
Attendance: Akilesh, Eswar, Srilu, Bhavani,Jothika,Niharika, Mansi, Shreya
“Service to man is service to God, for God is in every man, every living being and in every stone and stump.” – Sai Baba, SSS Vol. 1V p 178
Gave student a $1000 note Asked student to write down how he or she would spend the money. Students have to use up/allocate all of the money in one way or another; i.e., their total has to add up to$1000 and had a discussion on it.
The story of Dikembe Mutombo and Watched a Video on Dikembe Mutombo (Taken from www.dmf.org)
Quiz – Split the class up into two teams
Had questions on Life of Dikembe Mutombo and swami punning on words for e.g., PhD/MBA/SAI/BABA. Active participation by both teams
Discussion: Mutombo is a role model to others because he knows how to give back to society what it has given him. Determine something you can do to give back to society
Life Application
a) Pray Daily for the people of Japan next 1 week for at least 2 minutes
b) Have an action plan on how to give back to the society what we got (some of the points were discussed in class like remove bad people from the streets/transform others by transforming ourselves first). Group 3 lesson plan document is enclosed.
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March 20 2011
Group 3 -Teachers – Sujatha Anant and Radhika Dokku
Attendance: Srilu, Shreya, Mansi, Jothika, Manasa, Nikkarikha and Eswar
Lesson Plan:
Value: Compassion
Discussed Swami’s Quote “Man should in the first place realize the truth that he has been endowed with the human body not for seeking his selfish ends but for serving others.” -Sai Baba, Sanathana Sarathi, February 1994, p.41
As explained by Swami, talked about what Seva is, the purpose of seva, the pre-requisites of seva and how you can begin doing it within the context of our families and schools. Discussed personalities of Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale and other famous celebrities who have done immense service to the society. Shared the story of Narayanan Krishnan, CNN hero 2010 and his mission to seve hot food on a daily base to more than 300 homeless people everyday. Drew values of love, compassion and sacrifice from his inspiring story.
For the activity, kids were made into two teams and were given scenarios to have them write down the realistic and practical seva that they can do in those particular scenarios. Each team shared their responses with the entire class. The scenarios included “in a supermarket”, “in a class room”, “during a meal at home” etc.
Life Application: the children were asked to practice what they had written for each of the above scenarios next week and share them in the next class. Children were also asked to come up with at least one idea on what they could do as SSE students to help the victims of Japan.
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March 27th
Group 3 — Teacher- Mani Sundaram
Attendance – Manasi Maini, Shreya Reddy, Bhavani A, Nikharika , Jothika, Easwar Dommaraju
Lesson Plan – Isavasya Upanishad as explained by Swami in Summer showers 1991
Life Application – 1. List all the upanishads making up the Vedas.
2. Read the book ” The Power of Now ” during Spring break
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April 3 2011
Groups 3 and 4 at Trailer between 3 and 4 PM .
Teachers – Suhasini Jonnavithula and Meera SaiKumari
Attendance – Ishwarya, Gautham, Jothika, Shreya, Manasa, Srilu, Niharika, and Eswar.
Lesson Plan — Namasmarana
Start the class with three OMs and three Gayatri Mantra.
Question- what were your thoughts when you were chanting Gayatri mantra?
Discussed the word to word meaning of the mantra and Swami’s explanation.
The Gayatri has three parts- 1) Praise, 2) Meditation and 3) Prayer. First, the Divine is praised, then, it is meditated upon in reverence and lastly, an appeal is made to the divine to dispel the darkness of ignorance and awaken and strengthen the intellect.
Chanting of the Gayatri mantra purifies the mind and confers devotion, detachment and wisdom.
Contemplate on the meaning of the prayer while chanting and spread the illumination of PEACE inside yourself as well as outside. It will confer SHANTI on you as well as on all who draw near, in fact, the entire world.
What are the nine types of devotion?
Nine types of devotion are Shravanam (listening) Smaranam (contemplation and chanting) Keerthanam (Singing) Archanam (Worship) Vandhanam (Namaskaar) Paadhasevanam (Pressing the feet of the Lord) Dhaasyam (Seva) Sneham (Friendship) Aathmanivedanam (surrendering of body, mind and every thing to God).
What are the different types of Saadhanas prescribed for the four Yugas?
The Yugas and Saadhanas prescribed : Krithayuga – Dhyan and Thapas (Meditation & penance)
Thretha Yuga – Yaaga and Yagna or vedic sacrificial ceremony
Dhwapara Yuga – Archana or Worship
Kali Yuga – Nama Smaran (remembrance of Lord’s name)
Remembering the Lord’s Name
“The only hold that man has in this dreadful darkness is the Name of God. That is the raft which
will take him across this stormy sea darkened by hate and fear, churned by anxiety and terror.”
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Power of Namasmarana- Swami says- “That Name is the thunderbolt which will pulverize mountains of sin. It is the unfailing cure for the dreaded disease of Moha or delusion. It will lead you to release from the bondage of birth and death and will give you everlasting Bliss. I, therefore, advise you to resolve upon the quest of your Reality through the Sadhana of Namasmarana.”
“The Name of the Lord is like the effulgence of the rising sun; it dispels the Darkness of Delusion. It is as luminous, as universal and as Divine. Remember the power of that Name which, when repeated by Prahlada, overpowered the hearts of the Asuras who tortured him. The Name of the Lord that could transform the Asuric character and purify it into a Nectar of Love is, verily, the key to the Heaven of PEACE for all, for the whole world.”
Sweetness of Namsmarana- “If there is anything sweeter than all things sweet to the senses, more auspicious than holy objects, it is the Name of the Lord, because it is one with and inseparable from the Lord Himself who is Sat-Chit-Ananda Swaroopa. The Lord and His Name are one. Let us take an example. As soon as the name ‘Mango’ is mentioned, one is reminded of its juicy pulp, its incomparable sweetness and flavour. Instead, if an actual mango is placed in our hands, the doubt first arises in our mind whether it is sweet or sour; then again, one becomes aware of its skin, fibre, particular quality etc. When the name alone is mentioned, these things do not bother us. Only its sweetness comes to mind. Similarly, in the case of the Divine Form, there is the chance of awe mixed with respect and even fear eclipsing our love which sweetens the remembrance of God.”
Meaning of Name- “Atma is known as Rama because Rama means that which delights; and nothing confers such boundless, inexhaustible joy as the Atma. The word consists of three components or sounds viz. Ra, Aa and Ma. Ra is the mystic symbol of Agni or the Fire Principle; it burns our sins or evil propensities into ash. Aa is the symbol of Surya or the Sun Principle; it destroys the darkness of Ajnana or ignorance. Ma is the symbol of Chandra or the Moon Principle; it cools the Thapam or heat of suffering. So, Rama-Nama Smarana has the power to overcome the three tragedies of life, namely, Papam or Sin, Thapam or suffering and Ajnanam or Ignorance; and to reveal the Divinity of Sathyam, Shivam and Sundaram or Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Repeat the Name of Rama bearing this significance in mind and you will feel its effect soon.”
“I have now to tell you the meaning of Baba. Baba is B,A,B,A. The first ‘B’ stands for ‘Being’; ‘A’ stands for ‘Awareness’; the third letter ‘B’ stands for ‘Bliss’; the fourth letter ‘A’ for ‘Atma.’ Again, the first ‘B’ ‘Being’ is Sat: the next letter ‘A’ ‘Awareness’ is Chit; the third letter ‘B’ ‘Bliss’ is Ananda.”
Discussed about the 4 types of Sankeerthan- namely Guna sankeerthan, Leelasankeerthan, Bhavasankeerthan and lastly Namasankeertan with examples for each.
Nama-Sankeertan: When a group of devotees join together to sing the Name of the Lord, it gives sacredness and happiness to the minds of all people, at all times and at all places. There is nothing that can be greater than this Nama- Sankeertan. Such Sankeertan will liberate not only the individual but the entire community and the whole world. It is This Nama-Sankeertan that Sai has been establishing everywhere. A person devoted to Nama-Sankeertan knows no failure. Taking to this Sadhana seriously, and doing it constantly, he overcomes all obstacles. Example of Sai Bhajans.
Life Application – 1) Practice Namasmarana and incorporate it into daily activities. One of the methods of glorifying the Lord is through Naamalikhitam- writing the Name of the Lord. Contemplating on the Name of the Lord mentally, uttering the Name by mouth and writing the Name by hand serve to perform Trikarana Suddhi (Purity of thought, word and deed).”
Can you come think of other ways of performing the namasmarana through purity and unity of thought, word and deed?
2) Share an experience where chanting the name helped you overcome the adversity of a situation or changed the circumstances or changed you.
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April 10 2011
SSE Group 3 – Magnetic Power of Swami & Unity of Religions
Teachers – Mani Sundaram and Sreenadh Jonnavithula
Attendance – Shrilu , Manasi , Manasa , Bhavani , Nikharikha, Shreya, Akhilesh
1) Experiment #1 -Discussed the project for the Sai-ence fair at the regional E.Day. The project is called “Realise the magnetic power within” and is based upon The Divine Discourse delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the occasion of Mahasivarathri Celebrations on 13th March 2002 in Sai Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam
Project will consist of a trifold posterboard with quotations and explanations/interpretations, and demonstrations using action figures with real magnets.
Quote: “It is but natural because My whole body became magnetic. Such power of attraction cannot be experienced by all. It is only in Divinity that you find such highly powerful magnetic force. Even an iron nail turns into a magnet because of its association with the magnet. In a similar manner, people who visit the Mandir are filled with magnetic power.”
Demonstration: Sai statue with magnet embedded near feet. Small people dolls with metal base.
A. People dolls get near Sai: get attracted to Sai statue (Swamy full of magnetic energy which attracts people)
B. One doll gets close to Sai statue, it itself becomes a magnet. Other dolls will now get attracted to this doll. (Swamy’s highly powerful magnetic force is picked up by people who approach Him, just as an iron nail turns into a magnet because of its association with magnet). If the devotee moves away from Swamy, he loses his power of attracting other people (The people are not attracted to the devotee, only to the magnetic power of the divinity in him that came from Swamy).
2) Experiment # 2- How so much separation in the world can eventually lead to unity? How will so many religions and modes of worship can come together to lift the human spirit? The different religious traditions are a multicoloured array of understanding as the white light of divinity falls on the prism of human experience and spreads over mankind. Love and tolerance of enormous proportions will need to come together to make this happen.
Dr Jack Freely’s essay on Rainbow of religions was discussed in detail. The incident of the Rainbow man from california with Swami ( A man of Miracles – Howard Murfet ) was discussed
Life Application – Complete the science project during the first 2-3 days of spring break .
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April 17 2011
Teacher: Shankar Krishnan and Bhaskar Anant
Attendance- Akilesh, Eswar Dommaraju, Srilu, Bhavani, Jothika, Manasa, Manasi, Shreya
Purpose: Learning that all individuals can make a difference.
Quotation == “Transformation must begin with the individual. When the individual changes, the world will change. This transformation has to take place in the minds of men. Right thoughts will lead to right actions.” – Sai Baba (Discourses by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, p. 359)
Discussion == Think of a time in your life when you wanted to change something. Did you attempt to effect this change? If you did, were you successful? If you didn’t or couldn’t, why not? Share your experience with the class, and explain either what you did do to effect the change, or why you were unable or unwilling to do this.
Had a great discussion by the Group III boys and girls and active participation:
a) Issue with Rowing Schedule that needed change
b) Issue with Procrastination
c) Issue with Teasing and Bullying
d) Issue with School Teachers who are sarcastic
Debate= Peer Pressure: sticking to your convictions?
Sometimes people prefer not to “rock the boat” because of peer pressure. Two students should debate the issues raised in this story:
a. Kids should just go along with the fashions because everybody else is and they don’t want to stick out;
b. Kids should have a right to wear what they feel comfortable in without succumbing to peer pressure
We had an excellent participation by both groups. All the students participated and made the interesting discussion.
11. Life Application = What is something you believe needs to change? Write a letter to the person or company to whom you would address the need for this change. Back up your request with specific examples of why this change should occur.
We recommended them to write a letter and show to the parent first to determine the appropriateness and also show to the teacher to feel the habit of writing.
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May 15 2011
SSE Groups 3 and 4
Planning Games for the Retreat between 2 and 4 PM and Break out session with Sister Karuna Munshi – 430 PM to 6 PM.
Teacher- Mani
Attendance – SaiAbhishek, Sanjay, Gautham, Saipriya, Divya Ganesh, Bhavani, Shreya, and Srilu.
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May 22 2011
Sai Bliss fair Game for Memorial day Retreat
Team 3 – SSE Group 3 Girls- Sai doodles
Team 3- SSE Groups 3 Boys – Cranium, Connect Sai and Sai Bowl.
SSE teachers- Shankar Krishnan, Mani Sundaram and Sreenadh Jonnavithula
Attendance: Akilesh, Eswar, Srilu, Bhavani,Jothika,Niharika, Mansi, Shreya, Manasa
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June 5 2011
SSE teacher- Krishnan Iyer
Attendance- Eswar D, Bhavani A
Mind Dynamics with a focus on
1) Working on the mind
2) Techniques to control or steady the mind
3) Benefits of a Steady mind.
4) Different Types of meditation
a) Silent sitting
b) Light Meditation
c) Sohum mediation.
5) Slow breathing
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June 12 2011
Teacher – Mangala Shankar
Attendance- Niharika, Srilakshmi, Utkarsh
Lesson Plan Purpose: To Understand the importance of prayer in our daily lives.
Discussed various prayers in different religions.
Affirmation : Every moment of my life is a prayer.
Discussed Story and personal experiences with prayers.
Debate: Pro: Yes, God answers all prayers. Con: No, God doesn’t answer all prayers. Srilu and Utkarsh participated in con team and Niharika discussed Pro.
Students were asked to write down 3 pearls of wisdom they learned in this lesson.
Life Application : Pray each night and morning upon awakening this week for anyone suffering in your family and / or in the world.
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June 19th – No class as no students attended
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June 26th
Teachers: Sreenadh Jonnavithula, Suhasini Jonnavithula, Sujatha Ananthabhotla
Last Day of SSE
Lesson plan:
- Sai Jeopardy
- Presentations by students on what they enjoyed about SSE and how it influenced them
- Presentation by graduating SSE Student Ishwarya Ananthabhotla
- Remarks by Sanjai Murali, Regional EC
Attendance: Srilu, Bhavani, Mansi, Manasa
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Sept 11 2011
Attendance- Manasa, Kavya and Swetha
Teachers- Suhasini and Sarada
Opening class of the year– Ganesha prayer and meaning; discussed Ganesha principle and stories explained by Swami.
In His 1991 Divine Ganesha Chaturthi Discourse, Swami narrates a story that reveals the mystery behind why Lord Ganesha is worshipped first: “How did Vinayaka acquire siddhi (supreme powers)? His parents held a contest for their two sons – Ganesa and Subrahmanya. They said they will offer their grace in the form of a fruit to whoever came first in circumambulating the universe. The younger son Subrahmanya set out immediately on his peacock to go round the universe. On seeing Subrahmanya approaching his parents, almost at the end of his trip, Vinayaka, who had been quietly sitting all the while, got up and went round the parents and sat down.”
Swami continued: “Parvathi observed that Subrahmanya, who had taken so much trouble to go round the universe, should be declared the winner. Parameswara asked Ganesha what was the inner significance of his going round the parents. Ganesha replied: “The entire universe is permeated by both of you. The entire creation is a manifestation of the Siva-Sakti form. It is an act of delusion to attempt to go round this phenomenal universe. To go round both of you is the true circumambulation of cosmos.” Then Parvathi exclaimed: “Yours is the fruit.” Ganesha became the Lord of ganas (the Divine hosts). Easwara was so much impressed with the supreme intelligence of Vinayaka that he told him: “All those who wish to worship Me, will offer their worship first to you.”
In His 1992 Divine Ganesha Chaturthi Discourse, Swami further explains as to how Lord Ganesha’s family is an ideal one, maintaining harmony and peace in spite of the antagonistic elements present amongst them: “Easwara’s family consists of Shiva, Parvathi, Ganapathi and Subrahmanya. When you consider the vehicles of the four, you find that by nature they are antagonistic to each other.”
Swami enlightens us further, in detail: “Shiva’s vehicle is Nandi (the Bull). Parvathi’s vehicle is the lion. By nature the bull and the lion are inimical towards each other. On Easwara’s head there is Ganga. In His forehead He has fire. There is natural antagonism between water (in the Ganga) and fire in the Lord’s forehead. Ganapathi has the elephant’s face and His vehicle is a mouse. There is a natural antagonism between Parvathi’s lion and Ganapathi’s elephant-head. Likewise there is natural enmity between the serpent around Easwara’s neck and Ganapathi’s vehicle, the mouse. There is also enmity between Shiva’s serpent and Subrahmanya’s peacock. In spite of the natural enmity of these different vehicles of Easwara’s family, there is no discord at all among them. Perfect harmony prevails among the members of the family and their different vehicles.
Harmony in the Divine family shows that where there is Divinity there is peace and amity. Hatred and jealousy arise when the Omnipresence of the Divine is forgotten or ignored. This harmony and unity is an example to the world.
Using this example of harmony in Shiva’s family, we discussed about Patron’s day, day of Remembrance and Service- Sept 11th incident by the terrorists organization who proclaimed their heinous act as Jihad as war against enemies of Islam Explained the significance of Jihad which is war against one’s inner enemies Anger, pride, desire, jealousy, greed, and attachment.
Discussion about Sacrifice and service and how one finds happiness by serving others as it is equivalent to serving God.
Life Application- Give up something that you like this week, be it money, time, entertainment ( pocket money , TV show, reading a story book, watching a movie, play time with friends) for the benefit of family and friends and experience the happiness Share it with others in the next class.
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Sep 18 2011
Teachers: Mangala/ Supriya
Student attended: Swetha
Attachments: Document
We started the class with 3 oms and 3 Gayatris.
We reviewed the life application from last week. Swetha mentioned that she helped an aunt in footplus to locate slippers. She also mentioned that she got satisfaction and joy from the act of helping a stranger.
Story of Paramahamsa Yogananda was discussed and taught from the SSE manual. We taught her real life examples of having faith in God and surrendering to His divine will and the results derived out of it. We also taught her Meera and Draupadi’s faith in God.
Also discussed the questions and taught the importance of faith and surrender in God. Swetha enthusiastically participated in the class and answered all post story questions correctly. Overall, we felt this was a great class with amazing interaction with the student. We thank Swami for giving this wonderful opportunity.
Next week life application:
1. Asked Swetha to write down three “pearls of wisdom” she learnt during this lesson. discuss one of these with the next teacher.
2. During this week, become aware of an instance where you find yourself “Leaving it up to God” meaning surrendering to His Divine Will. What led up to that instance? Write it in your journal and share with the class next week.
End the class with 3 Oms.
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Sep 25 2011
SSE teachers- Sailaja Challapalli and Seetha Garikapati
Students –
1. Swetha
4. Nekarika
Attachments: Document
Lesson plan was based on “Excellence lies not in helping those who help you but in helping those who hurt you. ”
Life Application:–Children were asked to practice helping others in school, home without expecting to get anything in return
Attached are the details of the lesson Plan document
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October 2 2011
SSE teacher Mani Sundaram
Attendance- Kavya Tangella.
The Lesson plan was about – Mind Dynamics & Meditation.
Life Application _ meditation for 20 min once a week in the beginning.
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October 9 2011
SSE Teacher– Mani Sundaram
Here is the attendance details of group 3
1. Manasa
2. Nikarika
Lesson Plan: Mind Dynamics and Meditation.
Life application: Meditate for 15 to 20 minutes every week.
Since students were different from last week the lesson plan was repeated for their benefit.
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October 16 2011
Attendance: Nikarika and Swetha
Teacher: Subu Garikapati Date: Oct 15th 2011
Overview plan.
1. Inviting swami to class
a. 3 Oms Led by Group
b. Sai Gayathri Led by Group
c. Gayathri Led by Group
Thought of the Day
a) Reading a Thought by each child.
b) Writing it down by each child.
c) Group Reading by children
We tried to understand 2 Thoughts of SAI in detail.
Living in SAI consciousness at all Times — Could not compelte
a) Each child gives her/his own understanding of this Thought
b) How to be in this state? Discussion
c) How to attain a Good Night Sleep.?
Understanding the meaning of and How it helps every one of us by just reciting it? — Could not complete
Samstha Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu
2. Reciting the 3 OM’s, Shanthi’s.
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October 23 2011
Teacher: Meera Saikumari
Attendance: Swetha, Nikarika, Kavia,Manasa
Lesson Plan: Dharma Discrimination
Life Application: I have asked them to keep a journal and spend 5 min every day to reflect on their day and write how they applied what they learned in class; what they did right and what they did not during the day. They are supposed to email you that by the end of the week.
Attachment: Dharma Discrimination
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October 30 2011
Teacher: Krishnan Iyer, Chandrasekhar. S
Attendance: Swetha, Nikarika
VALUE: Right Action
OPENING: Three OM’S, Gayathri (3 times)
As is the action, so is the reaction.
As is the object, so is the reflection.
As is the sound, so is the resound.
We started the discussion by watching a video of Swami talking about Reaction, Reflection & Resound. Swami indicates clearly that it is our imagination and as we think so we become. We are bound to experience the reflection, reaction, and resound of your feelings, be they good or bad. If we see bad in others, it is only a reflection of our evil feelings. It is a mistake to blame others while ignoring our own faults. We need to purify your feelings in the first instance. Love even those whom you consider as wicked. In fact, nobody is wicked in this world. It is because of delusion that we consider some as good and some wicked.
We also used examples from the scientific world (mirror neurons) and pictures (old/young lady) to drive home the point. We also paused to hear a few situations narrated by Shwetha and Nikarika.
“Story of the barking dog’
A dog once entered a hall of mirrors. Seeing so many dogs all around, it felt that it must assert its supremacy. As it growled in authority, hundreds of dogs growled back at it. Now it attacked one of the dogs. The mirror collapsed and broke into pieces. Now there were a thousand dogs growling back at the dog! That is how dogs behave. But when a human enters the same hall, he is only filled with love and admiration, for he knows the truth that it is only him being reflected everywhere. If at all he notices any defect, he immediately corrects himself and instantly everything becomes perfect
We chose this affirmation as “Reaction, Reflection & Resound’ is influenced by our thought, word and deed.
“I have Unity of Thought, Word & Deed’
We requested the class to list out 3 – 5 scenarios/situations related to any experience which changed their view on a particular subject ( to reinforce how unity of thought, word & deed influences the way we see the world )
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November 6 2011
Teacher: Satya Challapalli
Attendance: Nikarika, Manasa, Kavya and Swetha Hariharan
Topic: Discussion about Swami’s advice to students – Guidelines to become a Good Student.
1) We discussed about “Active Listening” vs “Listening” and gave a summarized view of “Active Listening”. We also discussed about understanding a topic and how to clarify doubts during a class/presentation.
2) The questions – who is a student, when does student life start, when will it end, and what are the qualities of a good student were answered.
3) We concluded the students should put into practice what they have learned (Either from Parents, at School, or at SSE).
Attachments: Lesson Plan: Guidelines to become a good student
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November 27, 2011
Teachers: Krishnan Iyer, Vijay Reddy
Attendance: Swetha, Nikarika, Kavya
Lesson Plan : Ceiling On Desires – Lesson Plan #5 – Ananadamaya Kosa – Bliss Sheath
OPENING: Three OM’S, Gayathri (3 times)
“Bliss is one’s rightful nature; it does not come and go. Bliss is not something that comes to one; it is one’s real nature, and it is permanent.’ – Sai Baba, Conversations with Sathya Sai Baba, XVIII, p. 49-50
Brief review and discussion on definition of Kosas and an overview of all Kosas.
Detail discussions on Anandamaya Kosa – the definition
Detail discussions on the concept of Vasanas or Habits
I experience bliss at all times.
During this week, try hard to eliminate at least one vasana or bad habit that dissipates your peace of mind, time, and energy, realized in your Self Evaluation. Be prepared to share progress made with the class next week.
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December 4, 2011
Teacher: Meera Saikumari and Suhasini Jonnavithula
Attendance: Swetha hariharan and Kavya Tangella
Spiritual Principle (purpose of lesson): Have faith in God, because whatever God does is best for you.
Topic: Faith
Swami’s quote: The messiahs, prophets, saints, and God-men have always suffered from troubles and ordeals of various kinds. You should not feel bothered about the ordeals you pass through. Have faith in God. When you live up to the truths you believe in, you will be indifferent to what others think.
– BABA SS 1/94, 2; Christmas 1993
Affirmation: From now on we should have firm faith in our Swami, and believe that He is in charge and in control of our lives and that He will do whatever is best for us. And all we have to do is follow His teachings.
Story telling:
Story I: Story of the King and his Minister
Whatever God does is for the best!
So Faith in God is very important. Faith in God is the best guarantee of your wellbeing. As Swami says “God is the only Insurance.’
Story II: The great bhakt Prahlad
Prahlad, the son of the king Hiranyakashyap, and the coming of the manifestation of Lord Vishnu in the form of Narasingha avatar to save His beloved devotee, Prahlad.
“Sri Hari’ –that is what Prahlad used to say all the time. Hari is another name of Lord Vishnu.
Story III: Story of Markandeya
How Markanda was able to defeat even the lord of death, Yama, by faithfully holding on to the Shiva Lingham.
Act out the story of the king and his minister.
Discussion questions
Was the minister right in saying “Whatever God does is for the best?’ Can you give an example when you felt that was the case?
If you have full faith in God and surrender to God, will God take care of every problem in your life?
Song: When Dark Clouds Fill Your Skies
When dark clouds fill your skies, hiding sunshine from your eyes
Say his name, see his form, hold on.
Hold on, Sai Ram, say his name, see his form, hold on.
When things are getting rough and you feel enough’s enough
Say his name, see his form, hold on.
Hold on, Sai Ram, say his name, see his form, hold on.
When life seems so unfair and no one seems to care
Say his name, see his form, hold on.
Hold on, Sai Ram, say his name, see his form, hold on.
Keep a smile and say “I can” love and serve your fellow man
Say his name, see his form, hold on.
Hold on, Sai Ram, say his name, see his form, hold on.
Hold on, Sai Ram, say his name, see his form, hold on
Life application:
Have faith that Swami is everywhere, in every particle, in every moment of time, and He is always watching over you.
Keep a journal of incidents which do not go the way you wanted them to happen; but, by keeping faith in God, narrate to us [teachers/friends] if the end results were equally good or superior to your expectations.
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Dec.11, 2011
Teachers: Sujatha Ananthabhotla, Renuka
Attendance: Kavya, Manasa, Nikarika and Swetha
We had a good discusson on Giving/Charity – kids had a good time not only participating in discussions but also doing an activity at the end of the class. Attached are some photos taken at the completion of this activity. Girls decorated wooden photo frames with pompoms and they will be donating these to charity.
Attachments: Document
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December 18, 2011
Teacher: Rami Gange
Attendance: Swetha Hariharan
Value: Right Action
Subvalue: Self Confidence
1) What is self-confidence?
2) Is it something we are born with or do we have to develop it?
3) Is it easy to have self confidence all the time?
Activity – About Me:
Please answer the following questions:
1) Name
2) Age
3) Favorite Food
4) Name 3 strengths that you possess
5) Favorite Swami quote/teaching. Why?
– How was this activity? What did you learn about yourself?
– Was it hard to come up with your strengths? Why or why not?
– Is it easier to come up with weaknesses or with strengths? Why?
– Why does Swami emphasize self-confidence? What is the difference between self-confidence and pride?
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
– Marianne Williamson
1) What do you think about this quote? Did it surprise you?
2) How does it make you feel?
3) What is the light that she talks about?
Swami’s Quote:
“Your journey starts with self-confidence and ends with the realization of the Self. That Self is you; it is God. This is who you really are. Self-confidence is unwavering love for the divinity within. What will help you to develop this confidence? Be equal-minded. Be satisfied with what you have. Don’t hanker for anything outside. That is a great truth. Always have complete faith in God, Who takes care of everything. True greatness can only come from faith.”
1) What are the similarities between Swami’s quote and the previous quote?
2) What does Swami say will help develop confidence?
Imagine that you are asked to make a commercial. You are the director, screenplay writer, producer etc. The product you are trying to sell is self-confidence. Write down how this commercial will look when it airs.
Affirmation: I am born to make manifest the glory of God that is within me.
Light Meditation (This was done at the end to emphasize that self confidence can be found when you search within and find peace with yourself)
Life Application: Reflection
Think of a time in the past where you did not apply self confidence but you feel that you should have. Reflect on how that situation could have been different. You can use these questions as a guide:
1) Identify the barrier that prevented you from displaying the self confidence
2) How can you get rid of that barrier in the future?
3) What is one quality that you can improve in yourself that can help you develop self-confidence?
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