2013 |
Dec. 29, 2013 |
Dec. 22, 2013 |
Dec. 15, 2013 |
Dec. 08, 2013 |
Nov. 24, 2013 |
Nov. 17, 2013 |
Nov. 3, 2013 |
Oct. 27, 2013 |
Oct. 20, 2013 |
Oct. 13, 2013 |
Oct. 6, 2013 |
Sept 29, 2013 |
Sept 22, 2013 |
Sept 15, 2013 |
Summer Break |
June 23, 2013 |
June 16, 2013 |
June 9, 2013 |
June 2, 2013 |
May 18, 2013 |
May 12, 2013 |
May 5, 2013 |
Apr 28, 2013 |
Apr 21, 2013 |
Apr 14, 2013 |
Apr 7, 2013 |
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Mar 17, 2013 |
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Feb 24, 2013 |
Feb 17, 2013 |
Feb 10, 2013 |
Feb 3, 2013 |
Jan 27, 2013 |
Jan 20, 2013 |
Jan 13, 2013 |
Jan 6, 2013 |
Dec.29, 2013
Teacher:Mani Sundaram
Attendance: Akshata,Saaket, Abhishek, Krish, Prahlad, Maanav
Value: Love
Subvalue: Sharing
Lesson plan enclosed
Life Application
This week, practice sharing things, such as your toys, with your friends and sisters and Brothers
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Dec.22, 2013
Teachers: Renuka Rajani and Pushpa Reddy
Attendance: Saket, Ritika, Akshatha, Manav, Ishan, Sameer, Prahaatan, Om, Tarun, Tarasri, Karthik
Value: Love
Sub-value: Sharing.
Introduced the quote: “Help Ever Hurt Never”.
The Children discussed the quote and spoke about helping and not hurting others.
Read the book, “The Giving Tree” and had a discussion about the topic of giving and what it involves
Children told the teachers about some of the things that they, “give” to parents, siblings, friends, and others.
Children then engaged in an activity of making bead/bracelets that they could give away to someone they care about or during seva opportunities.
Children were given an life application of writing down what they shared for the week of Christmas.
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Dec 15, 2013
Teacher:Sujatha Anant and Supriya Maini Attendance: Ritika, Akshatha, Tarashree, Manav, Samir, Prahlathan, Saaketh
Value “Peace”.
We talked about Swami’s quotes on peace and had related discussion on keeping peace within oneself and in their homes.
We read a story on Nelson Mandela and shared a video on him and his work. Keeping in line with South Africa, the home country of Mandela, kids enjoyed singing a South African bhajan and doing an interesting crossword puzzle as an activity.
Lesson Plan Attached
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Dec 8, 2013
Teacher:Suhasini Jonnavithula
Attendance: Abhishek, Manav, Om Arikkat, Karthik , Tarasree, Divyasree, Akshatha, Rithika, Aarsha
Value: Love ; Sub-value: Compassion
Quote: “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and you must love your neighbor as yourself..”
Affirmation: “I love God with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind.”
Prayer:Heavenly Father, hear our prayer Keep us in Thy loving care Guard us through the long day In our work and in our play. Keep us pure and sweet and true In everything we say and do
Narrated the Story from the early years of Jesus life. Young Jesus when he was 12 yrs old got lost in a crowd and Mary and Joesph could not find him anywhere. They went to pray in a nearby temple and found the missing Jesus there intently listening to the discourse by the rabbi. When Jesus was questioned, he said he was listening to the words of God as shared by the rabbi and that he was in the hands of God and not to worry.
Jesus was always thinking, talking about God and as he grew older, he kept God as his closest friend and preached to people all the good values he learnt from God. One such teaching was to “Love thy neighbor as thyself”.
The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
This is a story that Jesus told when a man asked what he must do to have everlasting life. “What is written in the commandments?” Jesus asked.
The man answered: “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and you must love your neighbor as yourself..” Then the man wanted to know, “But who is my neighbor?”
Jesus then told about the man who was on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho and was robbed and beaten and left half dead by the roadside.
First a priest came by, and when he saw the wounded man, he passed by on the other side. Next a Levite came and he, too, looked at the hopeless man and passed by on the other side of the road. Then a Samaritan came along. He took care of the hurt man and then put him on his donkey and took him to an inn to stay. The Samaritan paid for everything.
When Jesus finished the parable, he asked, “Which of the three men was a neighbor?”
The man answered, “The man who took pity on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
Discussed how the Samaritan was a friend to the wounded man, how he showed compassion to him: He noticed him.
“His heart went out to him” (The Message Luke 10:33).
He stopped what he was doing to take care of the man.
He bandaged his wounds – attended to his immediate needs.
He took him to an inn where he could rest and be comfortable.
He paid for the man’s stay at the inn and gave the innkeeper the equivalent of at least two day’s wages. He told the innkeeper that if there were any more costs for the man’s care, he would pay for them when he returned.
When Jesus asks the lawyer, “Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?” (Luke 10:36), the answer was pretty clear: “He that showed mercy on him” (Luke 10:37). A neighbor is one who is kind, considerate, loving — a true friend.
Critical thinking Activity about the word Always : Children identified phrases with the word Always as true or false and reasoned why those phrases were false.
They colored the sheet which had a picture of Cross and the lettering under it saying ” LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF”.
They discussed what SWAMI said is the the significance of the Cross, which is the Symbol for Christianity– Cutting the I across and that our thoughts should ALWAYS be about helping others.
LIFE APPLICATION: Help someone this week while feeling Love and Compassion in your heart– tell us next week how you felt while doing so.
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Nov. 24, 2013
Teacher: Vijeya Mani Ayer
Attendance: Akshatha, Prahlathan
Value: Right Action
Sub Value: Environmental Cleanliness
Objective: To stimulate thinking about the Garbage and Recycling ideas on students.
Lesson Plan attached.
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Nov. 17, 2013
Teacher:Vijay Reddy and Bhaskar Anant
Attendance: Krish Bhalla, Eishaan Mohammad, Saaketh Manepalli, Sameer Mohan, Akshatha Nagatheepan, Rithika Bhattarai, Divyasree Pittala,Manav Maini, Tarun Dabburi, Sujay Sundar, Prahlathan Prathibhan, Tarashree Dorairaj, Karthik Dorairaj
Value: Right Action;
Sub value: Love and kindness to Mother Nature
Nature and environment is property of God, the Creator, any injury caused to it gives us punishment.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba
President Barack Obama has proclaimed the November 15th as “America Recycles Day” (i.e. on last Friday) and asks all Americans to do their part to help to conserve resources and reduce waste.
Lesson Plan attached on the Three R’s
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Nov. 3, 2013
Teacher:Renuka Rajani and Chie Fujishima
Attendance: Arsha, Sameer, Krish, Saaketh, Pralathan, Akshatha, Sujay, Eishan, Tarun, Divya
Lesson Plan Attached
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Oct.27, 2013
Teachers: Suhasini Jonnavithula and Jaya Sundar
Attendance: Sujay, Prahlathan, Aarsha, Tarasree, Karthik, Tarun, Manav, Divyasree, Rithika, Akshatha, Sameer, Saaketh, Om and Krish
Value: Right Action – Be good and do good
Deepavali Story : The evil demon Narakasura brought darkness to the world with his mis-deeds and heinous acts. Lord Krishna defeated and killed him in a battle and brought light and life back to the world. People rejoiced with this good news and lit lamps and celebrated this as the festival of Lights or Deepavali.
Prayer :Asato ma sadgamaya, Tamasoma jyotir gamaya, Mrityormaamritam gamaya, Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthihi
From Untruth, lead me to truth; From darkness, lead me to light; From death, lead me to immortality, Om peace, peace, peace
Significance of Deepavali: Swami’s message of lighting the lamp of happiness to dispel sorrow. Discussed about being like the flame which is upright and pointed upwards all the time. Remember to be kind, caring, sharing and helping others to bring light and happiness to the world.
Decorating the Lamp and lighting a candle and observing the flame.
Musical Krishna, Magical Krishna, flute-playing Krishna, come play for me
Charming Krishna, Who lifted a mountain, guarding the cowmaids come protect me
Radha’s Krishna, dancing Krishna, baby Krishna, come dance with me
Krishna Who appeared in Shirdi, now lives as Sai in Puttaparthi
Life Application: Say the Asa To Maa prayer everyday and understand the meaning of it. Light the lamp on Deepavali and remember to spread happiness like the light by sharing, caring and helping others. Coloring the Deepavali sheet and bring it in next week.
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Oct.20, 2013
Teacher:Supriya Maini and Renuka Rajani
Attendance: Ritika, Divya, Akshatha, Tarashree, Kartik, Krish, Manav, Sujay, Tarun, Samir, Aarsha, Pralathan, Eishaan, Saketh, Om
Value: Love
Sub value: Unselfishness
Started class with 3 Oms and 3 Gayatris. Reviewed the life application from last week.
Started this weeks lesson with asking children what unselfishness means and most of them answered positively and said it means being nice or kind. They were able to state some examples from their own lives.
Story was narrated of 2 friends stuck on a deserted island and how one of them prayed for the other. After some discussion of the story, the children came up with their own scenarios on the theme of unselfishness and then came up with their own scenario based on the same themes. The children were seen to be really collaborating and discussing their ideas. One of the groups had a debate and were able to resolve it on their own. They then acted out their scenarios and discussing the theme.
Affirmation: I am unselfish
Life application: write down at least 5 acts of unselfishness and bring it to class next week
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Oct.13, 2013
Teacher:Tanuja Sankar
Attendance: Sujay, Saketh, Manav, Atesh, Prahladan, Tarun, Om Arikkat, Sameer, Akshata, Divyasree, Tarashree, Aarsha
Value: Right Action
Lesson Plan Attached
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Oct.6, 2013
Teacher:Renuka Rajani
Attendance:Aarsha, Prahlathan, Sujay, Tarun, Abhishek, Divyasree, Rithika, Akshatha, Sameer, Saaketh, Eishaan
Value: Love
Sub value: Kindness in thought, word, and deed
Started the class with 3 Aum’s and 3 Gayatri mantra. Started the class by asking children about their last weeks life application. Only some children brought it back. Spoke to all children about the importance of the life application and its value in life.
Read to the children book titled, “How full is Your Bucket for kids. Discussed the book in detail with the kids and asked them to mention some of the nice deeds that they do to help their parents, classmates, and others.
Asked them to share a time when someone they had filled someone else’s bucket (by doing good deed through thoughts, words, and deeds) or dipped their own buckets ( by doing unpleasant deeds).
Children were very involved in the class and did well.
Activity: Filling Swami’s bucket. Children drew pictures and wrote Swami messages. (Pics attached).
Life application: write down 5 bucket filling activities.
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Sept 29, 2013
Teacher:Suhasini Jonnavithula
Attendance: Abhishek, Krish, Om, Sameer, Akshatha, Sujay, Manav, Prahlathan, Karthik, Tarun, Akshatha, Aarsha, Rithika, Tarashree
Value: Peace Subvalue: Patience
Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To understand that patience means to wait without complaints, and to have faith that things will happen at the right time in the right way
Review Life Application from previous lesson.
Activity: Peace Maze– complete it and discuss the various obstacles that are in the way of it and act as roadblocks.
“I am patient in thought, word, and deed.”
Story: “The Rice Puller of Chaohua”
A Chinese Tale from The Tiger’s Whisker by Harold Courlander.
Pre-Story Activity
Have the students practice saying “Lui! Don’t pull the rice!” as a group, starting softly and getting louder and louder.
The teacher will give a hand cue for the students to say this as the story is told.
The Rice Puller of Chaohua
Post-Story Questions
a. What made Lui begin to pull his rice out of the ground?
b. Did it work?
c. What would have happened if Lui had been more patient?
d. Can you think of a time when patience helped you?
e. What are some things you like to rush through and do quickly?
f. What can we do to become more patient?
Discuss about Patience, let Nature takes its course, have Faith that all things happen in their own time. It is Okay to wait and not rush into things.
We can see more clearly when we are patient and feel a sense of peace.
Peace peace peace, peace on earth, Peace for all the Universe.
Life Application
Show patience in your actions this week, such as waiting your turn at school, or when waiting for something from your parents.
Next week, tell about a time when you showed patience.
Closing: Repeat the affirmation “I am patient in thought, word, and deed.”
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Sept 22, 2013
Teacher:Jaya Sundar, Supriya Maini, Pushpa Reddy and Seetha Garikapati
Attendance:Om Arikkat, Manav, Sujay, Abhishek, Prahalathan, Ishaan, Akshatha, Divyasree, Ritika, Saket, Krish, Asha Joshi, Tarun Tabburi.
Value: Right Action
Subvalue: Courage
Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To have the courage to do the right thing
1. 3 Oms, 3 Gayatris
2. Silent Sitting/Prayer “Swami please think through me,
feel through me,
speak through me,
act through me,
love through me,
and breathe through me. Om, peace, peace, peace.”
3. Review Life Application from previous lesson.
4. Quote
“The Lion is the king of animals…become lions who will protect the people as leaders.” Sathya Sai Speaks Volume 25 Discourse 13 “Love the Motherland Serve the World”
5. Affirmation
“I have the courage to do the right thing at all times.”
6. Story: “The Lion King”
The Lion King
A young lion prince named Simba was born in Africa. King Mufasa, Simba’s father had a brother named Scar who wanted very badly to become the king. Scar became jealous of Simba because Simba would become king after Mufasa died. Scar plotted with the hyenas to kill the king and Simba. The king was killed by Scar, but Scar made Simba think he was responsible for his father’s death. So Simba ran away in shame. So Scar became the king. All the animals in the kingdom suffered under Scar who was unk ind to them. Simba found two new friends, Timon and Pumbaa. The new friends lived a carefree life with no work to do. They taught Simba the “Hakuna Matata” way of life, with no worries and no jobs. So Simba forgot for a while he had a job to do – to become king of the forest. Simba was living a carefree life with his friends Timon and Pumbaa. Back home, all the animals were very unhappy. The animals asked Nala, Simba’s friend to find Simba and bring him back. Nala found Simba and told him that Scar was his father’s killer. Nala said that Scar admitted this to someone and Nala overheard him. She made Simba understand that Hakuna Matata was making him forget that he was king and he had to come back and drive Scar away. Simba found the courage to go back and fight Scar. Scar ran away and all the animals were happy.
Pre-Story Activity
Go over the words of the popular song Hakuna Matata.
Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata!
Ain’t no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It is a problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata.
7. Pre-Story Questions
8. Post-Story Questions
9. Activity
a. Color the picture of the lion and the quote. On the rock the Lion is standing on.
b. Right actions are happy and wrong actions are sad. Asked students to let us know if certain actions are right action or wrong action :-
i. I talk back to my parents.
ii. I clean my room when asked.
iii. I watch lots of TV.
iv. I share my toys with my friends.
v. I fight with my brother/sister.
vi. I lie to my friends.
vii. I take things that don’t belong to me.
viii. I give my mother and father a hug just because I love them.
10. Life Application
Practice having courage to do the right thing each day. List 3 times when you showed courage. How did it feel?
11. Closing : Repeat the affirmation and close with the prayer.
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Sept 15, 2013
Teacher:Renuka Rajani and Jaya Sundar
Attendance: Abhishek, Divya, Aarsha, Ritika, Sujay, Manav, Krish, Saaketh, Tarun, Sameer, EIshaan
Class started with 3 Oms and 3 Gayatri Mantras.
Went around and introduced each other. The introduced the topic. Asked them to fill in the blank, “I Am——-“. Children took turn filling in the blanks. Asked them how they felt when talking about themselves in a positive manner compared to negatively. Children said that they did not like using negative words for themselves.
Read them the book, “I Am, Why two Little words Mean So Much” by Dr. Wayne Dyre.
Children were very attentive to the story and were able to answer questions based on it. After the discussion, children were asked to use creative means to demonstrate their “I Am” statements. Some children wrote and others drew a picture.
Life application was to use positive “I Am” statements through the week. They are to write down at least 5 and bring it to class next week.
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June 23, 2013
Teacher:Jaya Sundar
Attendance : Samir, Kruthik, Abhishek, Sujay, Manav, Krish, Tanisha, Meghana, Ritika, Akshaya, Akshatha.
Value: Love
Subvalue: Sharing
Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To realize that we can share goodness with those around us.
1. 3 Oms, 3 Gayatris
2. Silent Sitting/Prayer
“The light of God surrounds me.
The love of God enfolds me.
The power of God protects me.
The presence of God watches over me.
Wherever I am, God is.”
3. Review Life Application from previous lesson.
4. Quote
“Man should share the divinity in him with others.” – Sai Baba, Sanathana Sarathi,
5. Affirmation
“I share what I have with others.”
6. Story: “Little Sathya Feeds the Poor”
Pre-Story Question
What does it feel like when you’re hungry?
7. Activities
a. Placing events of the story in order. When did the following occur in the story (beginning, middle or end)?
1) Sometimes Mother Easwaramma would raise a finger in warning and scold Sathya. “Look here now,” she would say. “You may give out food, but mind You, if You do, You will go without dinner!”
2) Sathya would say that an “old man” had fed Him extravagantly by serving Him balls of milk-rice.
3) Sathya would seek out the lame, the blind and the decrepit and diseased, and lead them by the hand to the doorstep of his parents.
4) Whenever a beggar appeared at the door with an empty bowl, Sathya stopped playing and rushed in to coax His sisters to give the beggar some grain or other foods.
5) When Sathya refused food and would not eat for days, His movements and activity showed no signs of starvation or lack of energy.
6) His mother would smell ghee, milk, and curds on Sathya’s hands.
8. Post-Story Questions
a. How did Sathya’s family act and behave when He kept giving away food to beggars?
Did this make Sathya stop giving food?
b. What did His mother say she would do to Him if He didn’t stop?
c. When He stopped eating at home, how did he prove to His mother that he had eaten?
d. Who do you think was feeding Sathya?
e. What made His family more accepting by the end of the story?
9. Class Activity
Played the game highway to heaven (snake and ladder game).
10. Life Application
This week, practice sharing things, such as your toys, with your friends and sisters and brothers. Draw a picture of yourself sharing and tell us about your picture next week.
10. Closing: Repeat the affirmation and close with the prayer.
Little Sathya Feeds the Poor
At the young age of three or four, little Sathya had a heart that melted at human suffering. Whenever a beggar appeared at the door with an empty bowl, Sathya stopped playing and rushed in to coax His sisters to give the beggar some grain or other foods. The adults were annoyed by the endless number of beggars who turned up at their door in search of food. They quickly lost their tempers and occasionally shouted away the beggar before Sathya could convince them to give out food. This made young Sathya weep so long and loud that the only thing that could stop His wailing was for the adults to bring the beggar back.
Sometimes Mother Easwaramma would raise a finger in warning and scold Sathya. “Look here now,” she would say. “You may give out food, but mind You, if You do, You will go without dinner!”
That did not discourage the young Sathya in the least. He would run inside and bring out whatever food he could find to any hungry person at the door. Then He would stay away from dinner. Nobody could make Him come to His plate, which was left untouched! But, it was so mysterious. For, when Sathya refused food and would not eat for days, His movements and activity showed no signs of starvation or lack of energy. When asked if someone had fed Him, Sathya would tell Mother Easwaramma that He had indeed eaten. He would say that an “old man” had fed Him extravagantly by serving Him balls of milkrice. His full stomach was proof He had eaten. Besides, young Sathya volunteered to give more evidence of His having eaten. Sathya would hold out His right hand for His mother to smell. She was shocked to smell ghee, milk, and curds, of a type she had never before tasted. The mystery remained, however, as to who was this old man, the unseen visitor, the stranger who gave food to young Sathya?
When Sathya began running about in the village streets, He would seek out the lame, the blind and the decrepit and diseased, and lead them by the hand to the doorstep of his parents. His sisters had to find some tidbit of food from their panty and put it into the empty bowls, while young Sathya looked on happily.
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June 16, 2013
Teachers: Sindhura Kunaparaju and Sarada Kunaparaju
Attendance: Akshaya, Meghana, Akshatha, Rithika, Tanisha, Sameer, Manav, Krish, Prahlathan, Pravarna and Atesh
Value: Love
Subvalue: Wisdom
Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To teach the children that eating healthy food at home is important.
Lesson plan: Enclosed
Life Application: talk about how they will change their food habits.
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June 9, 2013
Teacher:Jaya Krishnan and Supriya Maini
Attendance: Agshara, Tanisha, Akshata, Ritika, Samir, Manav, Prahlathan, Sai Abhishek, Ateesh
Value: Nonviolence
Subvalue: Selfless Service
Lesson Plan Attached
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June 2, 2013
Teacher: Vijaya Mani Ayer
Attendance: Akshatha, Sujay, Pravarrna, Prahlathan, Athesh, Abishek
Value: Truth Sub Value:Truthfulness
We discussed why it is wrong to lie- That it makes you sad when we say things that are not true. When we realize that telling the truth is something Swami values, That’s something we will strive to reach.
Kids were very interactive and positive about speaking the truth.
Please see the Lesson plan.
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May 18, 2013
== No Class ==
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May 12, 2013
Teacher:Jaya Krishnan
Attendance: Ritika, Tarun, Akshata, Abhishek, Agshara, Meghna, Sujay ,Prahlathan, Pravarrna, Athesh, Tanisha, Divyasri, Kruthik, Manav
Value : Love
Subvalue : Sharing
Quotation : As love grows in you so beauty grows
Affirmation : Sharing is caring
Story : The Selfish Farmer
The children enjoyed playing near the little farm at the end of the lane. There was a pretty little stream which the farmer used to irrigate his fields. In the summer, butterflies flitted amongst the wild flowers. The children would gather buttercups and hold them up to each other’s chins to see if the bright yellow reflected on to their skins so they could laughingly declare, �Oh, yes, you like butter!’ For who didn’t?
At other times they would gather daisies and make little daisy chain necklaces to take home. In the early Autumn, they would sometimes gather blackberries and the older girls and boys would get their mothers to teach them how to make jam.
But one day, the farmer looked out and saw the children playing. He did not see their faces radiant with the joy of life. He was angry because he had recently had a row with his brother over what crops he should grow next year. “They’re playing too near the farm! I don’t trust them. They’ll be causing some mischief, I’ll be bound, given half the chance,” he grumbled to himself. And so he shouted at them. “Clear off !Find somewhere else to play! I’m not having you lot around here.”
The children pleaded with him and asked to be allowed to stay as there was no other place nearly as suitable for them to play, and they were not doing any harm. But the selfish farmer chased them away and very soon mended the fence, so as to prevent the children entering the little meadow by the stream where the butterflies danced in the sun. So the children played hop-scotch in front of their cottages, but they sadly missed the meadow by the stream. Then they noticed the beautiful butterflies flying around amongst the flowers in their little front gardens. “You don’t have to play here, little butterflies,” they sang out. “Go back to the meadow by the stream where you’ve more space and scented flowers. The farmer can’t stop you playing there.”
“We miss your singing and happy laughter”, the butterflies seemed to whisper back. “So do the other insects and birds on the farm.” The farmer’s fruit trees did not blossom that spring and come summer, he had no fruits, nor did anything on his farm thrive that year. The place looked sad and woebegone and the farmer was very angry and depressed. Soon he became ill and decided to go and spend some time with his sister, leaving his brother to keep an eye on things.
After some considerable time he returned home and was surprised to hear faint laughter and singing. He went to investigate and saw that the children had climbed the fence and were playing in their favourite haunt. He was just about to shout at them when he noticed little white blossoms floating around and looked up to see most of his fruit trees and other shrubs and bushes were laden with blossoms. He realised how much he had missed the farm during his illness and his heart softened a little. “Perhaps I was a bit hard on them,” he thought. “After all, they didn’t do any harm. The trees certainly seemed to be in mourning when they left. It was just like winter!”
He called out to the children. “All right, I don’t mind you playing there.” He realised he had been selfish in preventing the children from playing. Seeing him, the children ran over to say hello. He saw the love in their eyes as they smiled at him and asked if he wanted any errands doing.
The farmer smiled back at them. He suddenly felt very happy. “I’ll put a gate in the fence for you tomorrow. I’ve got quite a crop of strawberries too, in the kitchen garden. You can come and pick some if you like and take them home for tea.” The next day, one of the mothers came with food for the farmer and enquired after his health. He came to realise the benefits of sharing the joys of creation. And then he noticed a strange thing in his life …. the more he gave, the more he got. He soon became a healthy man again and his farm thrived better than ever before. The children were delighted to be able to play by the stream again without having to climb the fence and the farmer began to listen for their distant laughter and singing with pleasant anticipation.
Activity : Happy Hands
They traced out their hand on paper and passed it to every child. Each one wrote positive comment and passed it on. Finally each one got their Happy Hands back to take home with positive comments on it. It was fun and they enjoyed it very much.
Life Application : During the week try to practice the affirmation and make a note about it. Write how you felt when you shared something with others.
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May 5, 2013
Teacher: Jaya Sundar
Attendance: Manav, Divyasree, Sujay, Kruthik, Prahlathan, Pravarrna, Atesh, Akshaya, Tanisha and Meghana.
Value: Love ; SubValue : Respect
Discussed about Easwaramma Day and Mother’s Day.
Quote : From The story “More Fragant……
Affirmation :I will love and respect my mother.”
– Story About Easwaramma (Is Below)
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
– Story About Mother (Attached above)
Pre-Story Questions
a. What do Mother Mean To You?
b. How can you Help your mother?
c. Who is Easwaramm?
Post-Story Questions
Activity : Asked to write a loving letter to there Mom and paste it on a construction paper and decorate it.
Life Application
This week try to help your mom as much as you could and share your experience with the class next week.
Story About Easwaramma:
Mother Easwaramma was happy when Swami was before her eyes. She grew nervous whenever he proposed to leave Puttaparthi to visit distant villages and towns. She was afraid that he would stay away indefinitely or that something would happen to him. On one occasion that she learned that he was leaving, she hurried to dining area , climbed the steps where Swami was having lunch, Swami asked “Why this excitement? What happened? Swami already knew of his mom’s mission. Swami’s mom said that she heard news that he was going out of Puttaparthi and he was afraid that he will be harmed by those people. She pleaded with Swami not to go. Swami replied “I do not hate them, so they will not hurt me. I am not angry with them, so they will not be angry with me. She was crying and Swami rose and holding both her hands in his soft grasp, he wiped her tears and spoke so softly that she left the room greatly relieved. Swami had left and his mother prayed everyday until he arrived at home unharmed. Then she was happy again. It took her some time before her heart was set at rest.
Mother Easwarramma loved children very much and guided them on the right path.
She never asked Baba for anything for herself. One day, holding both his hands, the great mother pleaded with Swami to build a small hospital as she could not withstand the sufferings of sick children. It was built. After some time, mother approached swami to build a school in the village. It was built. She was delighted to visit it and shower her love and blessings to the children. Her next wish to provide drinking water to the village, which was also done. Swami honored his mother by celebrating Easwaramma Day.
Teacher: Maritza Hernandez
Attendance : Sameer, Tarun, Abhishek, Krish, Agsharna, Ritika, Akshatha.
Value: Love
Sub-value: respect
We discussed the meaning of Easwaramma day. Honor the Divine Mother Easwaramma. Discuss with children importance of obeying, loving and caring for your mom. Mom is God. ( pre-history question) What does mother mean to you? How can you help your mother? Who is Easwaramma?
Affirmation: I will love and respect my mother.
Story: Mother Easwaramma was happy when Swami was before her eyes. She grew nervous whenever he proposed to leave Puttaparthi to visit distant villages and towns. She was afraid that he would stay away indefinitely or that something would happen to him. On one occasion that she learned that he was leaving, she hurried to dining area , climbed the steps where Swami was having lunch, Swami asked “Why this excitement? What happened? Swami already knew of his mom’s mission. Swami’s mom said that she heard news that he was going out of Puttaparthi and he was afraid that he will be harmed by those people. She pleaded with Swami not to go. Swami replied “I do not hate them, so they will not hurt me. I am not angry with them, so they will not be angry with me. She was crying and Swami rose and holding both her hands in his soft grasp, he wiped her tears and spoke so softly that she left the room greatly relieved. Swami had left and his mother prayed everyday until he arrived at home unharmed. Then she was happy again. It took her some time before her heart was set at rest.
Mother Easwarramma loved children very much and guided them on the right path.
She never asked Baba for anything for herself. One day, holding both his hands, the great mother pleaded with Swami to build a small hospital as she could not withstand the sufferings of sick children. It was built. After some time, mother approached swami to build a school in the village. It was built. She was delighted to visit it and shower her love and blessings to the children. Her next wish to provide drinking water to the village, which was also done. Swami honored his mother by celebrating Easwaramma Day.
1st story Questions: Why was Mother Easwaramma worried? What did she do? What happened when Swami returned home?
2nd story Questions:What was mother Easwaramma’s 1st wish, 2nd wish, 3rd wish to Swami?
Activity: Butterfly mother’s day card. Children are to glue precut construction paper and write how special mom is to me.
Life Application: This week try to help your mom and discuss the next class.
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April 28, 2013
Teacher:Suhasini Jonnavithula
Attendance: Pravarna, Prahlathan, Atesh, Kruthik, Manav, Akshaya, Divayshree and Tanisha
Value: Right Conduct; Sub value : Service
Prayer: Matru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava, Acharya Devo Bhava , Athithi Devo bhava Explained the meaning of the prayer and that Mother, father, Teacher and Guest are equivalent to God.
A king used to ask three questions to all the people who came to him. The first question was, ‘Who is the best person?’ The second was: ‘What is the best time?’ and the third, ‘What is the best of all actions?’
The king was very anxious to know the answers to these questions. One day, he went to the forest and was moving about the hills and plains. He saw a ashram with a beautiful garden surrounding a house and wanted to take some rest there. By the time the king reached the house, a old man was watering some plants. The old man saw that the king was rather tired, stopped watering the plants, ran up to the king and gave him some fruits and cool water.
At that time, a boy was brought to the ashram by another man with wounds all over his body. As soon as the old man saw this, he went to the boy, cleaned his wounds and gave him some herbs which would cure the wounds. He was also speaking sweet words to console him.
The king then wanted to express his gratitude and take leave of him. The old man blessed the king, but the king was still troubled by his three questions and wished to see if the old man could enlighten him.
The old man stated that the answers to the three questions were contained in the actions which the king had witnessed in the ashram.
The old man said that when the king came to the ashram he was watering the plants and that was his duty.
On seeing the king the hermit had given up his duty and had come to the king, giving him fruit and water. This was in accordance with correct traditions, as the king was his guest. While relieving the king of his thirst and suffering, another injured individual had come to the ashram and therefore the hermit had given up the duty of serving the king and had gone to the other boy and had begun to serve him.
- Whoever comes seeking service from you is the best individual at that time.
- Whatever satisfaction you can give him by serving him will be the best work you can do.
- The present, when you can do something, is the most sacred of all times.
1. Who is the best person to serve?
2. When can you do your best work?
3. What is the best of all actions?
4. How has Swami performed selfless service to the sick and the poor?
5. What could you do to follow Swami’s example?
Children wanted to know about Swami’s Physical passing away, and we discussed about Maha Samadhi and Swami’s Omnipresence. Explained the concept of the body being mortal, but the soul is immortal and a spark of God and that we all carry the divine spark within us and God is present in each of us .
Life Application: Keep a journal the next week of your experience of meeting the best person, the best work you did and note the best action and time and share with the class next week.
Teacher: Vasanthi Ganesh
Attendance: Amritha, Gayatri, Akshatha and Sameer
Value: Love; Sub Value: Unity
Spriritual Principle (Purpose) : To understand the expression of Love through Unity
The Three Friends
Once upon time there lived three friends in a jungle. They were a deer, a tortoise and a mouse. They used to meet everyday and enjoy each other’s company. They also would help each other very much.
One day, the three friends were playing after having lunch. A hunter came to the jungle and saw the three of them. He was very happy to see the deer. He tried to catch the deer, but the deer and the mouse ran away. The tortoise being very slow at crawling, could not escape. The hunter immediately put his net on the tortoise. As its legs got struck in the net, it was unable for it to crawl anymore. The deer and the mouse were very sad to see the tortoise in trouble. They had to pull him out.
They acted quickly. The deer went and stood at a distance from the hunter. The hunter thought, “I have already laid my net on the tortoise. It cannot escape. Now, I can chase the deer and take two of them home.” He ran towards the deer. The deer ran slowly so that the hunter could chase him.
The mouse in the meantime nibbled the net in which the tortoise was trapped. The tortoise crawled and escaped into the river nearby. Seeing this the deer ran very fast and the hunter could not see it anymore. He became tired and came back to the place where he left the tortoise. He was shocked to see that his net has been nibbled and the tortoise was not seen anywhere. He went away disappointed.
The three friends became even more close after this.
Moral : love / unity
Affirmation : I serve others with Love.
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April 21, 2013
Teacher:Jaya Krishnan
Attendance : Krish, Abhishek, Tarun, Saaketh, Akshata, Ritika
Value: Peace
Sub Value: Patience
Purpose: There is a process for everything and takes time. We need to be patient.
Attached is the lesson plan for group I . It was very interactive class and we discussed about the five human values. Also spoke about the mother nature and how she helps us. Had brought a Potato and asked them how it is grown and how mother nature helps in growing it. What kind of foods are made with Potatoes?
Teacher: Jaya Sundar
Attendance: – Manav, Divyasree, Sujay, Kruthik, Prahlathan, Pravarrna, Atesh, Akshaya and Meghana.
Value: Nonviolence
Subvalue: Interrelatedness of all living things
Spiritual Principle (Purpose): When we have too many desires and we try to satisfy them, other people, creatures and the environment are hurt.
“Nonviolence means not causing harm to any living creature by thought, word and deed.” – Sai Baba
“I protect the environment.”
6. Story: “One Small Candy Bar”
Pre-Story Questions
a. Would you deliberately hurt an animal?
b. Do you think you’re actions hurt animals?
Post-Story Questions
a. Now do you think you’re actions are hurting animals?
b. We all know that April 22 is Earth day.
c. Asked the kids how do they contribute to Earth and kids came out with very interesting answers. Also talked about recycle, reuse and reduce.
When Gandhiji used only one tumbler of water to brush and clean his face. Someone commented why you use only one tumbler? We have more than enough water.
Gandhiji replied, doesn’t my face look clean? Then he added, money is ours but resources belong to society and we have no right to use more than enough – or misuse it. In the beginning Gandhiji used to wear turban. Later he stopped using turban and used Topi (cap) It is known as Gandhi Topi also, saying that from one turban one can make 20 Topis. If I wear one turban 19 others will go bare head.
8. Activity :
– Few words were given to unscramble realted to Tree.
9. Life Application
– – Draw Mother Earth and write inside how would you protect it?
– Asked the kids this week to practice ways to save energy in your house. This can be done by turning off lights, not keeping the water running, turning off the TV if nobody is watching it, etc. Come back next week and share there experiences.
10. Closing: Repeat the affirmation and close with the prayer.
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April 14, 2013
Teacher: Vijeya Ayer
Attendance: 1. Rithika, 2.Akshatha, 3.Samir, 4. Krish, 5.Saaketh, 6.Abhishek
Main Value: Love Sub Value: Sharing
We discussed about Sharing. Meaning of the word and how to share and what to share.
We also talked about how natural elements like Sun, Moon, Trees, Rain, Earth and Air share their goodness with us without expecting anything from us.
Kids were ever interactive and answered with full interest.
Please see attached lesson plan
Teachers: Pushpa Reddy
Attendance: Meghana, Tanisha, Pravarnna, Sujay, Prahalatan, Kruthik, Athesh, Divyasri, Manav, Akshaya.
Quote: “Service to man is service to God”
Analysis of the quote:
Value: Love
Sub-value: Service
Discussion about the (Sub-Value) service
Summary of the story: Service to Man is Service to God
The story was about how Abe Lincoln helped a man in need even when others walked away. Lincoln and his friends went on a walk and saw a horse with a saddle without a rider. He realized that the rider must have fallen off, and his friends told him not to worry about finding the rider as he was a drunkard and should “learn his lesson.” Lincoln went alone in the night to find the rider and help him. With great difficulty, he took the man to his house. Lincoln’s family was angry with him for bringing a drunkard home, but Lincoln said “he may be drunk, but he is a human being like ourselves.” and took care of the man until he was able to return to his own house. Lincoln believed that service done with love to man is service to God.
Made Greeting Cards for Goldwater Seva.
Life Application: Practice today’s lesson. Help your friends, teachers and family at school and at home.
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April 7, 2013
Teacher:Renuka Rajani and Supriya Maini
Attendance: Divya, Ritika, Tanisha, Akshata, Akshaya, Pranava, Athesh, Prahlada, Sujay, Manav, Abhishek, Kritik, Sameer
Topic: Religions of the World lesson Plan #7
Value: Nonviolence
Sub-value: Unity
Purpose: To make children appreciate that all religions lead to God
Affirmation: “I believe that all religions lead to God”
Life application: This week, talk to somebody who has a religion different from yours, and find out one thing they believe is important in their religion. Write down how this is similiar in your religion and bring to class next week.
We chose unity of faith in conjuction with the theme of the play. We wanted the children to have some background about the unity of faith and decided to go with this topic. The class was started with Om and the Gayatri mantra. All the children were sitting straight and had their eyes closed and were chanting the mantra beautifully.
We introduced the topic and had them write the value, sub-value, and the affirmation to help reinforce the theme. Supriya Aunty read the story and had the children’s attention. They then answered the questions and we briefly reviewed the religions. We gave them an example of all religions leading to the same God with a comparision. We asked them all how they got to the center and their responses were different. We told them they though they took different routes they all came to the same place so in the same manner all different religions lead to the same God. Some of the students really had an ” A- Ha” moment!
We concluded the lesson by having them draw their own Sarva Dharma symbols and gave them the life application for the week. I gave them an example of how they can speak to their friends at school.
We concluded the lesson with one Om and three Santhi’s.
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March 30, 2013
Teacher: Tanuja Sankar
Attendance: Divyasree
WATCH your Words, Actions, Thoughts, Character & Heart
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has instructed us to WATCH our Words, Actions, Thoughts,
Character and Heart. Today He is not with us in His physical form but His words will remain with us forever. Once when Swami was blessing a group of devotees a lady called out to Him loudly and said, “I Love You Swami”. Baba turned to her and responded and said, “Love My Words”! Swami’s words are not to be taken lightly.
March 31, 2013
Teacher:Pushpa Reddy/ Shloka Reddy
Attendance: Meghana, Akshadha, Ritika, Tanisha, Samir, Pravarnna, Sujay, Prahladhan, Abhishek, Krish, Kruthik, Saaketh, Athesh, Gayathri, Amrita, Divyasri, Manav
Quote: “Meditation is nothing else but rising above desires.”
Analysis of the quote:
Value: Peace
Sub-value: Concentration
Discussion about the (Sub-Value) Concentration
Affirmation: I will focus to reach my goal.
Summary of the story:
The Value of Concentration
The story talked about two separate incidences in which Swami Vivekananda demonstrated the power of concentration. The first scenario narrated a time from Swami Vivekananda’s childhood, in which him and his friends were playing a game to see who could meditate the longest. The other boys saw a cobra, and ran away, trying to get Swami Vivekananda to leave as well. However, Swami Vivekananda was unaffected by the cobra’s presence, and he continued to meditate. The cobra bowed to him, and left him unharmed. The second incident took place when he was in Chicago. He had been watching a few boys try to shoot eggshells in the river. No matter how much they tried, they kept missing the target. When Swami Vivekananda tried, he didn’t miss a single shot. Both events showed how Swami Vivekananda demonstrated the power of concentration.
Word search: You must concentrate and find the hidden words, without getting distracted by the surrounding letters
Life Application: Everyday write down one experience of having full concentration and its good results such as doing your homework and getting full points.
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March 24, 2013
Teacher:Jaya Sundar
Attendance: Meghana, Akshadha, Akshaya, Ritika, Tanisha, Samir, Pravarnna, Sujay, Prahladhan, Abhishek, Krish, Kruthik, Saaketa, Athesh
Value: Peace
Subvalue: Purity
Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To introduce the religion of Zoroastrianism and learn about the life of its leader Zarasthustra.
LESSON PLAN DOCUMENT- attached Activity
a. The symbol for Zoroastrianism is the fire. It is kept continuously burning in temples. Color the picture of the symbol of Zoroastrianism (attached) and discuss its meaning, “Fire burns away all bad thoughts.”
Discuss the meaning of the fire: It represents purity as it burns away bad thoughts, words, and actions.
b. When the students are finished coloring, have them all look at the flame on the altar. Tell them to offer any thought that isn’t nice, to the fire so it can be burned away. This is what people of the Zoroastrian faith do. Ask them to share what thoughts they offered to the fire.
Life Application
Each night, look at the picture of the fire that you colored. Offer any unkind thoughts you have to the fire before you go to sleep.
Closing : Repeat the affirmation and close with the prayer.
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March 17, 2013
Teacher:Satya Challapalli, Harisankar
Attendance: Abhishek, Prahlathan, Atish, Krithik, Manav, Pravarna, Sameer, Sujay, Akshatha, Akshaya, Meghana, and Tanisha.
Value: TRUTH Sub Value: Honesty
Lesson Plan Document attached
Life Application (Homework) :
Write about how you learned to tell the truth by your experiences during this next week.
Learn the bhajan Satyam Gnanam Anantham Brahma and write it down in your homework book.
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March 10, 2013
Teacher:Supriya Maini and Renuka Rajni
Attendance: Abhishek, Sujay, Manav, Kritik & Meghna
In our lesson plan value was PEACE and sub-value was PATIENCE
As a test of patience, during our class, we kept baby organic carrots and some chocolate cookies to tempt our children.
We taught children meaning of patience: to wait without complaints and to have faith that things will happen at the right time and in the right way. This was illustrated in the form of a short story of ” The rice puller of chaohua”. In chaohua village there lived a farmer named Lui. He was very impatient and was always in hurry. He wanted everyone in family should complete their work very fast. He always wanted to first in everything he did. One day he heard his group of farmers talking about their rice fields, that their rice is growing really fast. So after listening to this he became very impatient and he pulled all the stalks gently to make them taller. As a result all the stalks of rice were dead
Later on children were given ‘cookies and carrots’ to eat and they wrote the word “PATIENCE” and colored it too.
Life Application: In school: wait for your turn to answer questions; in park: wait for your turn patiently to get a chance at the swing. Children were told to be patient in thought, word and deed.
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March 3, 2013
Teacher: Suhasini Jonnavithula
Attendance: Pravarna, Prahlathan, Atesh, Abhishek, Sujay, Samir, Kruthik, Rithika, Tanisha, Akshaya, Akshatha, Meghana
Value: Truth Subvalue: Discrimination
DISCRIMINATION. It means knowing right from wrong. It means first going to your heart, listening to what it says, and then doing what it says. This is Head, Heart, Hands.
“Whatever you do, discriminate between right and wrong, and do only the right.” – Sai Baba, Sanathana Sarathi, March 1985, back page
Affirmation : “My heart tells me what is right.”
Story of the Monkey and Crocodile.
a. Red light/Green light game: Have the children stand in a horizontal line. When the teacher says “Green light,” the children can take steps towards her. But suddenly when she says “Red light,” they have to stop. The object of the game is to learn that the beginning of discrimination comes with learning to stop and look again to determine right from wrong.
b. Swami Says game: The teacher tells the students to follow a command but only when Swami Says to do it.
For example, the teacher says, “Swami Says jump up off the ground one time.”
The children do this because Swami Says to do it.
Next the teacher says, “Hop on one foot.”
Because Swami didn’t say to do this, the children should not do it. If a child jumps or hops when there is no Swami Says, they simply try again the next time.
The purpose of this game is to think carefully about when or when not to do something.
c. We discussed various scenarios where children were given different situations like turning off their favorite show on TV to go for dinner, having a single piece of cake and a friend comes over, practicing their instrument when they want to go out and play, cleaning up their toys after playing , etc– Children were able to think carefully for each situation and brought out values like sharing, responsibility, time management, importance of cleanliness, etc.
Life Application: If you don’t know the right thing to do, ask your heart for the answer – Remember your heart helps you to discriminate and know the right from the wrong. Share your experience next week in class.
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February 24, 2013
Teacher: Tanuja Sankar Rasputra
Attendance: Akshatha, Amrita, Gayathri, Divyasree, Rithika, Sujay, Abhisekh, Krithik and Manav
Value: Right Conduct Sub value: Good manners
Lesson Plan: Document attached
Give each of the children a flash card with the following phrases. Ask Line 1 to face Line 2 and find the partner with the answer to his card.
Kids made this good manners human tree and think bubbles and colored and wrote sentences about how to use the polite words.
Affirmation: “I can practice good manners by speaking politely and not upsetting myself, or other people, by being rude.”
Life Application: Asked the kids to speak politely with parents, family members and friends at the school. Come back and share the experiences with the class next week about how they felt and how other people responded to that.
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February 17, 2013
Teacher:Jaya Sundar
Attendance: Saaketh, Sujay, Abhishek, Prahlathan, Atesh, Akshatha, Gayatri, Amrita, Pravarna, Divyasree
Value: Love
Sub Value: Devotion
Purpose: To learn the importance of treating all life with love and devotion.
“He who prays the best, loves the best all things great and small.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
I am kind to animals and people.
The Story of Theodore Roosevelt
Little Theodore was not a strong boy but he made up his mind that he would do what he could to make himself as healthy as other boys. His father gave him a long pole to climb for exercise and this made Theodore stronger. This is not an easy exercise and he slipped many times before learning to do it. But he didn’t give up. He kept trying until he could do it. His father also gave him a punching bag that was hung on the front porch and he made his arms stronger by punching the bag many times every day.
At his family’s vacation home in Oyster Bay, he learned to swim, ride horses, and row a boat. He learned to love the wild flowers and birds and to be eager to know their secrets. Theodore, who was nicknamed “Teddy,” did more than just look at the mud-lined nest. He would watch how the father and mother birds would feed their babies with such love and devotion, many times each day. Then Theodore would go and read books that told all about robins. Do you know how many feet of worms a father robin carries to his babies each day? Fourteen feet!! That is a lot of worms. After reading this, Teddy would watch the robins with even more interest. He could see how kind the father and mother robins were to their babies. Theodore decided that was the kind of father he would be some day.
Teddy liked stones and rocks too, and would stuff them in his pants and trunk when traveling to other places such as Europe. One time there were more stones in his trunk than clothes! When his mother saw this, she threw the stones out of the trunk believing he would be better off with warm underwear and clothes. What do you think Theodore did? He stuffed his pockets with the stones. He was determined to have those stones.
When he got older, he built a log house in the wilderness and from morning until night, worked in his garden growing vegetables, cutting firewood and even digging coal from his ranch to burn in the winter for heat. Teddy loved animals and had hundreds of cows. He was kind to them, not keeping them in fences and letting them roam around wherever they pleased. Teddy and his cowboys sometimes rode 50 miles on horseback to find them. He had branded all his cows with a cross and knew which ones belonged to him.
Later, he became Head Policeman in New York City and continued doing good things for the people, helping them to have better lives. He married a wonderful lady named Eleanor and they had five children. He was a good and kind father, teaching his children to box, swim, row, and ride. He gave them animals and pets of many kinds. Before the boys grew up, they had had a live bear, a lion, a hyena, a wild cat, a coyote, two parrots, an eagle, a barn owl, several snakes, a lizard, a zebra, a kangaroo, flying squirrels, rabbits, guinea pigs, and many dogs.
Many people heard about the good work he did for others and later when he was grown-up, they elected him to be President of the United States. Because he knew how to love and care for others, he did the same for the people of the United States as their President. To this day, he is remembered as a man who loved and cared for both animals and people.
Asked students what are other words for love. Gave them the printout of heart and asked them to write the other words for love in it and color the heart. (Attached)
Life Application : Review the “About Me” form and try to improve on those areas where “No” is marked. (Attached)
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February 10, 2013
Teacher:Pushpa Reddy and Supriya Maini
Attendance: Krithik, Sujay, Akshaya, Ritika, Manav, Divya, Akshatha
VALUE: Love SUBVALUE: Kindness
QUOTE: “Love all; revere all; help all to the best of your ability”
STORYTELLING/ LESSON (Relate the story to the subvalue)
Story: “The Little New Year”
One cold morning Maurice awoke from his dreams and sat up in bed and listened. He thought he heard a knock at his window; but though the moon was shining brightly, it was so cold that Maurice could not see through the thickly painted panes. So he crept sleepily out of bed, and opened the window, and whispered: “Who is there?”
“I am,” replied a tinkling voice. “I am the little New Year, ho! ho! And I’ve promised to bring a blessing to everyone. But I am such a little fellow I need somebody to help me distribute them. Won’t you please come out and help?”
“Oh, it’s so cold!” said Maurice; “I’d rather go back to my warm bed; ” and he shivered as Jack Frost, who was passing, tickled him under the chin with one of the frosty paint brushes.
“Never mind the cold,” urged the New Year; “please help me.”
So Maurice hurried into his clothes, and was soon out in the yard. There he found a rosy-cheeked boy a little smaller than himself, pulling a large cart which seemed to be loaded with good things. On one side of this cart was painted the word “Love,” and on the other “Kindness.” As soon as the New Year saw Maurice he said, “Now please take hold and help me pull;” and down the driveway and up the hill they traveled until they came to an old shanty.
“Here is where I make my first call,” said the New Year. Maurice looked wonderingly at him. “Nobody lives here but an old man; and he hasn’t any children!” “He needs my help,” said the New Year; “for grown people like to be thought of just as much as children do. You shovel out a path to his door, while I unload some of my blessings; and the little hands went busily at work, piling up warm clothing, wood, and a new year’s dinner, the New Year singing as he worked:-
“Oh, I am the little New Year; ho! ho!
Here I come tripping it over the snow,
Shaking my bells with a merry din;
So open your door and let me in.”
Old Joe, hearing some noise outside, came to the door, and when he saw all the nice gifts the tears ran down his cheeks for gladness; and as he carried them into the house, he whispered: “The dear Lord has been here to-night.”
“Where am we going now?” asked Maurice, as they ran down the hill. “To take some flowers to a poor sick girl,” answered the New Year.
Soon they came to a small white house, where the New Year stopped. “Bessie lives here,” said Maurice. “I didn’t know she was sick.” “See,” said the New Year, “this window is open a little; let us throw this bunch of flowers into the room. They will please her when she wakes, and will make her happy for several days.”
Then they hurried to other places, leaving some blessing behind them.
“What a wonderful cart you have,” said Maurice; “though you have taken so much out, it never seems to get empty.” “You are right, Maurice, there is never any end to love and kindness. As long as I find people to love and be kind to, my cart is full of blessings for them; and it will never grow empty until I can no longer find people to help. If you will go with me every day and help me scatter my blessings, you will see how happy you will be all the long year.”
“A happy New Year!” called someone; and Maurice found himself in bed, and his sister standing in the doorway smiling at him. “Have you had a pleasant dream, dear?” she asked.
“Why, where is the little New Year?” said Maurice; “he was just here with me.”
“Come into Mamma’s room and see what he has brought you,” answered his sister. There in a snowy white cradle he found a tiny baby brother, the gift of the New Year. How happy Maurice was then! But he did not forget his dream. Old Joe and Bessie had their gifts, too, and Maurice tried so hard to be helpful that he made all his friends glad because the happy New Year had come.
ACTIVITY : – Word search
LIFE APPLICATION: Write down all the ways you helped out your parents, teachers, and friends this week. Do at least one act of kindness each day.
Ex: Loaning a friend a pencil in school
CLOSING: Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi
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February 3, 2013
Teacher: Sujatha Ananth & Renuka Rajani
Attendance: Sujay, Saaketh, Abhishek, Manav, Amrita, Gayatri, Ritika, Akshaya, Taneesha, Samir, Akshita, Krithik
Value: Love
Subvalue: Devotion
Lesson plan– document enclosed.
Life Application
Like Sathya Geeta, pray and exercise every day of this week
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January 27, 2013
Teacher: Sundar Venugopalan
Attendance: Saketh, Manav, Sujay, Abhishek, Akshaya, Ritika, Divyasri, Gayatri, Amritha, Akshatha
ISLAM – This lesson was taken up as we celebrated Id last week.
Value: Love
Subvalue: Compassion
Spiritual Principle (Purpose): To introduce Islam; to relate the young life of Muhammad to the children.
1. 3 Oms, 3 Gayatris
2. Silent Sitting/Prayer
“Swami please think through me,
feel through me,
speak through me,
act through me,
love through me,
and breathe through me.
Om, peace, peace, peace.”
3. Review Life Application from previous lesson.
4. Quote
“But they who set their face Godward, and do what is right, their reward is with their Lord.” The Koran
5. Affirmation
“I show love by having good thoughts about others.”
6. Islamic Prayer
Allah O Akbar (God is great)
7. Story: “The Birth and Childhood of Muhammad”
Pre-Story Questions
Today we are going to be talking about the religion of Islam. It is the newest of all the religions.
a. Do you know who the leader of Islam is? (Muhammad)
b. Do you know what the symbol is? (the star and crescent)
Post-Story Questions
a. What does the name Muhammad mean?
b. What are some hardships that Muhammad went through as a boy?
c. What did Halima notice after she started taking care of Muhammed?
d. Do you believe in angels?
e. Who was Bahira and what did he say about Muhammad?
f. What kind of person was Muhammad that others liked being around him?
g. What is a quality of Muhammad that you also practice in your life?
9. Activity
Practiced silent sitting and played a memory game with names of values and people in the story. We spoke of the importance of silent sitting to develop good memory and retentive power. This would also lead to cultivating good thoughts about all.
10. Life Application
Practice silent sitting every day morning and evening for 5 minutes and make a note of the days you do and bring to class next Sunday.
11. Closing: Repeat the affirmation and close with the prayer.
The Birth and Childhood of Muhammad
Once upon a time, a long, long, time ago, there lived a man named Abdullah and a woman named Aamina who got married. One day an angel appeared before Aamina and said, “You will have a son and will name him Muhammad.”
His father died before he was born. When Muhammad was born, angels came and covered him with their wings and blessed him and God said, “Muhammad, I bless you with wisdom, courage, kindness, beauty, and love.” His mother took him to the Kaaba holy shrine, and offered thanks to God. They named him Muhammad which means “the praised” or “Praiseworthy.”
Several years later, his mother died suddenly and at the age of eight, Muhammad was taken to his uncle Abu Talib who took care of him. As a boy, a nurse named Halima took care of Muhammad. Halima and her husband were very poor, but gradually Halima noticed that ever since she started taking care of Muhammad, their goats were getting fatter, even though they were eating the same amount of food as before and they were producing more milk!
Halima said, “Muhammad is bringing us good luck!”
Halima had three sons who played with Muhammad. One day, while tending their sheep, two snow-white figures with wings came and cradled Muhammad in their wings.
Halima’s sons were there and saw this happening.
They asked, “Who are these people?” They had never seen angels before. They ran home and told their mother about this strange experience.
Halima said, “Muhammad, who were those people my sons were talking about? Did they hurt you?” “Oh no, no,” said Muhammad. “They were angels who came to fill my heart with light.”
As a boy, Muhammad was quiet and thoughtful. Sometimes he would go out to help graze the sheep and as he sat under the open sky, he would think about God. Even though he couldn’t always see the angels, he knew they were sent by God to protect him. His uncle was often away on business trips in far-away places. One time, Muhammad went with his uncle on a business trip. On the way they met a Christian monk named Bahira who said, “Muhammad will become the greatest prophet of Allah.” Because Muhammad was so kind, loving, and honest, other people liked to be around him and gradually as he grew older, some became his followers. Bahira said, “I saw the trees and everything else bowing down before Muhammad and his followers as they climbed the mountain.” God was taking care of Muhammad even as a boy, just as he is still taking care of all children to this day.
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January 20, 2013
Teacher:Jaya Sundar and Supriya Maini
Attendance: Gayatri, Amrita, Akshaya, Ritika, Akshata, Manav, Pravarna, Athesh, Prahlatan, Krutik, Sujay, Saaketh, Abhishek, Ishaan.
Attachments: Lesson Plan Time sheet
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January 13, 2013
Teacher:Sailaja Challapalli
Attendance: Prahlathan, Manav, Eishan, Abhishek, Atesh, Sujay, Akshaya, Gayatri, Akshatha, Divyashree, Umayala, Krithik
Value: Love
Sub Value: Forgiveness
Quote: Forget the harm that anyone has done to you, and forget the good that you have done to others.
Affirmation: I will always forgive and forget others mistakes.
Story/Discussion/Lesson: (relate the story to the sub value)
On the way to the bus stop one day, a little boy splashed his feet in the puddle of water and got Dorian’s pants all wet.
The boy said, “I’am sorry. I didn’t see you walking there.”
At first, Dorian got mad at the boy.
But then he remembered what his Mom always told him:
“If you forgive people, then you too will be forgiven and you will be happy”
As soon as he thought of that, he said, “It’s okay. I know it was an accident.”
Then he just got ready to get onto the bus feeling very good.
Later on that day, Dorian was at school and a boy ran by and knocked his books out of his hands.
Again, Dorian remembered what his Mom always told him:
“If you forgive people, then you too will be forgiven and you will be happy”
As soon as he thought of that, he just picked up his books and continued on to class with a smile on his face.
At the end of the school day, Dorian’s friend told him that he accidentally ripped Dorian’s comic book that he borrowed.
Dorian was about to yell at his friend.
But then he remembered what his Mom always told him:
“If you forgive people, then you too will be forgiven and you will be happy.”
As soon as he thought of that, he told his friend , “It’s okay. It’s only a comic book.”
Then, miraculously, Dorian felt much better.
That evening, Dorian’s Mom asked him, “How was your day at school?”
Dorian replied, “My day was fine, Mom. I forgave a lot of people today because I remembered what you taught me.”
Dorain’s Mom said, “That’s really good, Dorian. By the way, where’s your lunch box? I need to make your lunch.”
Dorian exclaimed, “Oh no, Mom! I forgot my lunch box at school! Now what am I going to do?”
Dorian’s Mom said, “Don’t worry, Dorian. I’ll pack your lunch in a bag. Sometimes people forget things. It’s okay. You are forgiven. Please just remember to bring your lunch box home tomorrow.”
“Okay, Mom, ” said Dorian happily.
Then Dorian went to his room to do his homework with a big smile on his face.
He had learned the meaning of forgiveness.
Life Application:
Children were given to pratice this week how to forgive and forget.
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January 6, 2013
Teacher:Suhasini Jonnavithula
Attendance: Prahlathan, Eishan, Abhishek, Atesh, Sujay, Akshaya, Gayatri, Amrita, Akshatha, Divyashree, Krisna Perez, Krithik
Value: Peace ; Subvalue: Purity
Spiritual Principle (Purpose): Praying before you eat purifies the food.
How people’s thoughts have an effect on the food we eat and how we can help minimize the effects. To remember to always pray to God before eating and ask Him to purify and bless the food.
Reviewed Life Application from last class.
Served the children packets of Parle Biscuits and observed their behavior. They all took a packet each and said they would share it with their siblings, family and friends. Encouraged them to say the food prayer before eating the biscuits. Narrated the Story of The Priest and the Little Girl- The little girl was so disciplined about saying the food prayer before taking the bread from the basket offered by the Priest.
What is Food prayer?
We learned the following food prayers:
Brahmaarpanam, brahma havir, Brahmaagnau brahmanaa hutam, Brahmaiva tena gantavyam, Brahma karma samaadhinaha.
Aham vaishvaanaro bhutvaa, Praaninaam dehamaashritaha, Praanaapaana samaa yuktaha, Pachaamy annam chatur vidham.
i.)Oh Lord, Thou art the food
Thou art the enjoyer of the food
Thou art the giver of the food
Therefore I offer all that I consume at Thy Lotus Feet
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
ii.) We thank our parents who gave us life
We thank our teachers who give us knowledge
And nature who gives us food
We will eat this food to be useful
And do our duty
Which is to serve others
With love and humility.
“The quality and quantity of food that we take determine our thoughts and feelings.” – Sai Baba, Summer Showers in Brindavan 1979 Discourse 17 “Sathwic Food”
“I always pray before I eat.”
Story: “You are What You Eat”
Narrated a story of Joseph a good man who gets bad dreams after eating at a party. It turns out that the cook’s mother is suffering in the Hospital and he does not have money to pay for her treatment and is very unhappy while cooking the food for the party. Those sad feelings got transmitted to the food and Joesph who consumed at the party was affected by it and got bad dreams that night.
We learned that the company in which food is consumed, the place, the vessels in which it is cooked, the emotions that agitate the mind of the person who cooks it and serves it – all these have subtle influences on the nature and emotions of the persons who take the final product in!
Reciting the food prayer before eating purifies the food and converts it to Prasadam.
O Lord, purify me and make my heart worth stealing
A precious possession that is full of loving feeling
Take every good thought and take every action
Soaked in the sweetness of love and compassion
[Same tune as ‘Bada Chitta Chora Brindavana Sanchara’]
Group Activity:
Discussion about Healthy foods and foods we should avoid or take in moderation.
Children were given Snakes and ladders sheets and asked to draw healthy foods in the boxes which can help them climb up the ladders and not so healthy foods which can bring them down the snakes.
Life Application:
Children were given Food prayer sheet and asked to learn the prayer.
They were given a copy of the Pray before Eating chart . On this food chart, mark a check if you remembered to pray before each meal including snacks. Asked them to ask their parents to help if needed.
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