95 Sadhana Jyothi Meditation/Study Circle on Sunday Jan 19th Center Program

95 Sadhana Jyothi Meditation/Study Circle on Sunday Jan 19th Center Program

Sairam Dear All,

Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!

This Sunday, January 19th 2019 we will start off with two service activities. The Monthly 3rd Sunday Bowery Food Service and the quarterly Ronald McDonald Kitchen Service activities will be the opportunities for devotees to participate. Please reach out to Manorama Aunty for more details related to these opportunities.
Our regular SSE Classes will start from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM and later from 2:00 PM we will have our Regular Bhajans followed by “Why Meditation” as the study circle topic. Please see below the details related to the study circle topic.

Jyoti (Light) Meditation

Flame that kindles and flames kindled are identical

During Festival of lights (Deepawali), we keep a row of candles and with one candle, we light all others. With one flame, we are able to kindle myriad others. The flame that kindles is called Para-brahma jyoti (The eternal, universal flame) and the flame that are kindled are called Jivan jyoti (individual, particular flame).  In the end, the flame that kindles and the flames kindled are identical. Ultimately, these two flames are recognized to be identical; it is said that the one who knows Brahman will ultimately become Brahman Himself (“Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati”). Therefore, the Jyoti Meditation (Meditation using the flame) is the highest type of meditation. [Sathya Sai Baba – Excerpts from discourse on: 05-25-1979]

This body goes on changing, but the flame does not undergo any changes. A small example to show this – You have a tub full of water. If one keeps taking a tumbler full of water from this tub, there will be a time when there will not be any water in the tub. At one place we have dumped a truck-load full of sand. If each person carries away a basket full of sand, eventually, there will not be any sand. But, out of one single flame, one can light a million flame and still the original flame will remain. So this supreme Jyoti (flame) does not go through dilution or destruction. There will not be “kshine punye martya-lokam visanti” (after one’s enjoyment due to pious activities is finished, one must return to this planet). So concentrating on such flame, if you have any form you like, any form you have taken to heart, you keep that form in the flame and meditate. It is the best form of meditation to think that, the form that I adore is in Jyoti (flame) and that flame is in all. [Sathya Sai Baba – Excerpts from discourse on: 05-25-1979]

“Since the light illumines all the senses every day so deeply and so systematically, a time will soon come when you can no more relish dark and evil sights, yearn for dark and sinister tales, crave for base, harmful, deadening toxic food and drink, handle dirty demeaning things, approach places of ill-fame and injury, or frame evil designs against anyone at any time. Stay on in that thrill of witnessing the light everywhere. If you are adoring God in any form now, try to visualize that form in the all-pervasive light. For Light is God; God is Light.

“Practice this meditation as I have advised regularly every day.” – Excerpts from [SSS 14.41: 21-11-1979]

Please join the study circle discussion.

95 Sadhana Program: For more details please go to www.ssbcflushing.org/nyc95
As part of the 95 Sadhana Program, the following is scheduled this Sunday as part of Center activity

1. We will start off with 21 AUMS before bhajans and conclude with 9 SAMASTHA LOKA after bhajans as part of Daily Prayers.

2. We will implement Jyothi Meditation this Sunday. Please join.

Note: Daily Prayers common conference call who wish to join daily at 8 PM . Dial-in number: (712) 775-7465 | Participant Code: 209737

Please see the monthly Calendar for January 2020

Sai Kishore.



——-Jai Sairam———




































———————-Jai Sai Ram————————————-






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