Fwd: GREENING YOUR LIFE THE SAI WAY –  A 97-day Challenge!

Fwd: GREENING YOUR LIFE THE SAI WAY – A 97-day Challenge!

Sairam Dear All,
Hope all is well with Swami's grace!
Please see below details for a beautiful green team initiative for 97th birthday sadhana.
Please participate as per your convenience.
Sai k
 Fwd: GREENING YOUR LIFE THE SAI WAY –  A 97-day Challenge! 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Pradosh Dessai <president.region2@sssgc-usa.org>
Date: Aug 17, 2022 at 3:55 PM
To: Pradosh Dessai <president.region2@sssgc-usa.org>
Cc: mc.region2 <mc.region2@sssgc-usa.org>, Alpa Uchil <education.region2@sssgc-usa.org>, Krishna Prayaga <devotion.region2@sssgc-usa.org>, Sumana Madhav <advisor.yaf.region2@sssgc-usa.org>, Suresh Viswanathan <advisor.yam.region2@sssgc-usa.org>, “Dr. Ved Viswanathan” <md.region2.sssgc.usa@gmail.com>, Venkat Kodumudi <vp.region2@sssgc-usa.org>, Balu Karanam <president@sssgc-usa.org>, “Raghavendran Srinivasan” <mc.region2.sssgc.usa@gmail.com>, Lalit Mohanty <service.region2@sssgc-usa.org>
Subject: Fwd: GREENING YOUR LIFE THE SAI WAY – A 97-day Challenge!

Sairam Dear Regional Presidents/ Center Presidents/ Group Leaders,


Please see the mail from our Zonal Green Team.


Please share with all the members.

With Love for all,
Pradosh Dessai

President, SSSGC-USA Region 2

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Balu Karanam <president@sssgc-usa.org>
Date: Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 11:08 AM
Subject: Fwd: GREENING YOUR LIFE THE SAI WAY – A 97-day Challenge!
To: Sri Jeevaprakash <vp@sssgc-usa.org>, Dhurjati Mudigonda <devotion@sssgc-usa.org>, Sumana Murali <education@sssgc-usa.org>, <service@sssgc-usa.org>, Ketan Kharod <advisor.yam@sssgc-usa.org>, Geeta Reid <advisor.yaf@sssgc-usa.org>, Jaysai Ghayal <rep.yam@sssgc-usa.org>, <rep.yaf@sssgc-usa.org>, Axay Kalathia <chair@sssgc-zone1.org>, Sai Sravan Cherukuri <admin@sssgc-usa.org>


Sairam Dear Regional Presidents/ Center Presidents/ Group Leaders,


Please see the mail from Axay regarding wonderful collaborative service initiative for our Mother Earth from our Zonal Green Team.


Please share with all the members.

In Sai's Service,

Balu Karanam

President, SSSGC-USA


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Axay Kalathia <chair@sssgc-zone1.org>
Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 7:02 PM
Subject: GREENING YOUR LIFE THE SAI WAY – A 97-day Challenge!
To: Aruna Suvendran <president@sssgc-canada.org>, Balu Karanam <president@sssgc-usa.org>, Krishna Ramoutar <president.trinidad@sssgc-wi.org>, Sri Jeevaprakash <vp@sssgc-usa.org>, Malla Singh <vp.trinidad@sssgc-wi.org>, Kumuthini Coomarasamy <vp@sssgc-canada.org>


Sai Ram Dear National Presidents,

Please forward this wonderful collaborative service initiative for our Mother Earth from our Zonal Green Team.


(Aug 19th 2022-Nov 23rd 2022)

God is to be worshipped by Man, to be realized by Man through Nature – Sathya Sai Speaks, 1967

What better way can we worship our dear Swami, than by pledging to take care of the gift that he has bestowed upon us, Mother Earth!  On the glorious occasion of Swami’s 97th Birthday, the GREEN TEAM presents a 97-day Greening Your Life Challenge the SAI way ( using Simple, Affordable/Accessible Initiatives in your daily life).

Why 97 Days?

·       It is our pledge to Swami to Green our Life in the 97 days leading up to His 97th Birthday, our little tribute to Him.

Do I have to do 97 Daily Challenges?

·       No, you can do one challenge for 97 days or as many challenges on multiple days – you choose how you want to Green your Life.

How do I enroll?

·       Log on to https://www.sssgc-zone1.org/offering/

·       Register with Facebook or Gmail or Yahoo account or make a new registration

·       Choose one or more categories and choose the day, the week or month that you want to do a challenge and add to your calendar. Do this EVERY DAY. Make this your pledge with every rising day!

·       Share your pictures, images, ideas in the box provided.

·       Prizes await, the more the challenges you take up, the better for you-let us see how many badges you will earn for your Center as you receive the Gift of Greening your life.


Let us be Green

We cannot be Mean

Let’s pledge to Green our Life

Let’s celebrate Swami’s Life!



The Green Team





Balu Karanam 

President, SSSGC-USA



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