Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!
This Sunday, November 17th 2019 we start of with our monthly 3rd Sunday Bowery Narayana Seva . The seva begins at 11 AM. Please join in any capacity. Please note that there will be NO SSE Classes at Hindu Center. There will be final play rehearsals scheduled at PS-115. Details have been sent by Sis. Vidya. If you have not received the schedule details please reach her, Thank you.
Ladies Day Celebrations:
Swami says “This day of 19th November is celebrated as Ladies Day in order to delve into the sacred qualities of women and disseminate them. Women are the repositories of Truth and Culture. Though earth is one, the plants vary depending on the seeds sown. The womb of mother symbolises Mother Earth. As is the seed of thought sown in it, so is the fruit it yields. You cannot expect mangoes by sowing a neem seed. So, the mother should be filled with good thoughts, good words and good deeds. Only then can her children be virtuous.“
We will all meet for Ladies Day Celebrations at PS-115 Glen Oaks School from 2 PM to 4 PM.
Note: There will be no center meeting at Hindu Center. Thank you.
Our center Ladies are offering with love and gratitude bhajans and as well a musical program. I would request all the men to please join and celebrate the ladies day with equal enthusiasm and support. Thank you. Please see the flyer below.
Please see the monthly Calendar for the month of November 2019.
Sai Kishore
———–Jai Sairam———-