Sairam Dear All,
Hope all is well with Swami’s grace!
Instruments in Divine Mission – Study Circle SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH, 2021 @ 2:00 PM
This Sunday as usual we will have Bhajans from 2 PM followed by “Instruments in Divine Mission” Study Circle from 3:00 PM.
As per the regional guidelines, all SSE Guru’s are encouraged to join the study circle. On that note, Sis. Sushama Tangella will be facilitating the study circle this week. Please see below the study circle topic.
The great evil that undermines the units of this organisation is pride and jealousy that it engenders. When one person exudes the pride that he alone can sing bhajans well amongst the group, naturally others develop anger, jealousy, hate, malice, and other such deleterious traits. Spiritual pride is the most poisonous of all varieties of pride, it blinds and leads the person suffering from it into ruin. Beware of pride; be always aware that you are but instruments in My Divine Mission of Revival of Righteousness (Dharmasthapana). Try to be more and more efficient as such instruments. The Hand that wields the instrument knows how and when it has to be applied! Be righteous; avoid all prejudices against others on the basis of caste, creed, colour, mode of worship, status or degree of affluence. Love alone can root out the weed of pride from the heart. Love all, as so many forms of God, appearing in various roles.
– Divine Discourse, Jan 13, 1970.
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This Sunday, February, 7th, 2021 our regular SSE Classes will be held from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM. The online links for all the SSE Groups are below.
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