This Sunday, we will start off with Bhajans starting at 10:00 AM , following with Study circle topic as “Sai’s resolve”. See the topic below..
Sai’s resolve and the message of God’s love
Sai has willed that this country, India (Bharath), has this spiritual discipline (sadhana). For too long a time the theistic dharma of this land has stopped moving. For too long a time its characteristic has been static. Now, it has to be made dynamic. It must vitalize the daily life of every human being. It must enter and fructify the palatial king’s dwelling and the lowly huts of the poorest in the land.
The theistic dharma is the treasure of everyone; everyone has the right to inherit it and benefit by it; having been born as a human, one has a valid claim to share it. For this reason, Indians have to take it before every door and welcome everyone in every home to share it. Just as the air that we breathe in God’s creation is available to all, the dharma of the awareness of God and His power and mercy has to be available to all. Indians must hold on to this wide outlook and the universality and unity of this message. The conflicts between disparate faiths and beliefs will disappear of themselves and peace and love will be restored on earth.
Imagine a house full of darkness for centuries. You may enter the house and pray to the darkness to leave the premises, or shower abuse on it for days, or frighten it by threatening force. The darkness will stay; it cannot be diminished at all. It will not yield to your tactics. It cannot be scared out. But light a lamp, and it will flee that instant. The lamp of wisdom can save a person from age-long darkness. One must recognize this truth and, once it is recognized, shape life accordingly.
People have an immensity in them; this is the core of Indian (Bharathiya) thought. It is really a mystery how anyone came to regard themself as condemned to fall! A person might strike us as demonic or divine; in both, the Atma is the reality to the same extent. You can’t say the Atma is less in one and more in the other.
Please join this session.
09:30 AM – 09:45 AM: Join the meeting 09:45 AM – 10:00 AM: Meditattion
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Bhajans 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Study Circle
1. Ensure you have laptop / phone / ipad and login by 10:00 AM. 2. For any issues while joining, please reach out to us.
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